The wanted D (11)

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Around two-thirty I was headed home, my eyes were getting harder and harder to keep open. I was exhausted, I felt dirty from the man that had pressed himself to me. I felt like I need to have an hour long shower just to get the scent of him off my skin, I had forgotten the feeling of having someone unwanted up against you. I had forgotten how dirty you feel afterwards.

I was thankful when my apartment block came into view, after parking, I stumbled up the stairs to my apartment, opening the door slowly hoping I wouldn't wake up Calie. Expecting to be met with silence, I was greatly surprised when I was met with moans and grunts. I froze at the doorway as the sounds of sex filled my ears. I wasn't sure how long I stood in the doorway to scared to move or make a noise.

I was snapped out of my trace when I heard a car pull up down in the carpark, I spun and was stocked into position again, as Noah's car pulled to a stop and he got out. I was caught between a rock and hard place. He wondered up the stairs and I couldn't get a word out to tell him I was here. He lifted his head, and stopped slightly as his eyes landed on me frozen in my spot.

"Princess?" I shook my head at him, and moved quickly to put my hand over his mouth to shut him up. His eyes widened as he looked down at me. I pulled him towards the doorway, and took my hand away from his mouth before tapping on my ear.

Calie's yelps and gasps filled the space between us, "She hasn't heard that I'm home yet," Noah's lips turned up into a smirk, as a guy's grunt reached our ears. "I plan on keeping it that way." I had lost count of the amounts of times I had come home to find Calie having very loud sex in the apartment. Most of the time, I'd slam the door and ruin the mood, like I had with her and Adam.

"How much sex does she have?" Noah asked laughing a little, "Maybe I should see if she'll have a round with me." My nose scrunched up at the thought of Noah and Calie going at it. As long as i was around, it was never going to happen. 

"Don't even think about it." I snapped, "What are you doing here?" I whisper shouted. Noah looked down at me, his eyes dropping down to my lips before he looked out at the street.

"I'm not too sure, I guess I just wanted to make sure you got home, because you seemed pretty tired at the bar." Once again I found myself wondering why he would care? I wasn't even sure he had noticed me that much at the bar, he kind of had his hand's full. Noah was giving me whiplash, one second he was a complete ass and the next he was being all caring. I had never met someone so confusing, Vince had been a pretty straight forward guy. Noah however, was not.

"I'm fine, so you can take off now." I said, I stepped inside the apartment just as Calie cried out in pressure. Noah followed me into the apartment without even asking.

"I think I might stay." I narrowed my eyes at him, my heart kicked into gear as he brushed his body passed mine and wondered down the hall. My stomach dropped as he went to grab Calie's door handle. I closed the front door, and ran after him, grabbing his hand to pull him away from the door.

I pulled him into my room, and closed the door, dropping his hand faster than lightening. I flicked on my light, and was thankful that I had cleaned my room, and put all my police stuff away just in case something like this went down. Not that I was expecting it.

I watched Noah glance around my room, taking in the pictures that were scattered around. I started to panic a little as I noticed a photo of Bailey, Mia and I sitting on my dresser behind another photo, Mia's hair peeking out a little. He looked straight passed it though, before his eyes landed back on me.

"Noah, what do you want?" I asked, shifting on my feet as I looked into his brown eyes. My heart pounded faster as he took a step closer to me. I hated when my eyes fell to his lips, and my body started to heat up.

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