The Break (27)

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Chapter 27

Two hours later I was standing on the kitchen table in the Rivera house with Piper as the music thumped into my body, making my heart rattle in my chest. The clatter of people and drinks, as well as the music filled the air. The smell of cheap alcohol, smoke and sweat drifted to my nose as I moved my hips in time with the music. This party was bigger than the one I had attended after the first race I went to and I felt as thought i was all for me, despite Piper assuring me that they did this after ever race. 

I noticed a guy pulled out money and I grabbed it from his hand, "Throw that at Piper or I and I'll shove it so far up your ass that it comes out of your mouth." I shoved the note in my knee-high boot as the guy backed up before grabbing Piper's hand to twirl her. "I need a drink." I yelled and she nodded.

Jumping off the table proved to be difficult because when I landed on the ground my world tilted to the side. I hadn't had that much to drink, I was sure of it but the blurry vision told me differently.

I gripped Piper's arm as I righted myself and let her pulled me along to the kitchen where all the drinks were. People moved out of our way as we moved through which I was thankful for because I wasn't sure I could deal with someone being close to me right now because I felt like the air was getting thinner and thinner in here.

I stopped short when we reached the kitchen, my eyes landing on a board back and a head of dark hair. I knew who it was without when seeing his face. The movements were so Noah that I knew right away that it was him. A prang of jealously bubbled up in my stomach as I watched him put his hand down beside the leg of a girl he was talking to, as she sat perched on the counter-top. 

I wasn't even aware that my feet were moving until I swung the door of the fridge open and let it swing back into Noah's back, "What the fuck?" He snapped and I couldn't help the smile that came on my face I reached into the fridge finding a berry flavored drink.

I closed the door and acted shocked, "Oh my god Noah," His eyes landed on me and danced over my face before dropping down my body. "Sorry, the door just got away from me." I felt the world tilt to the side again so I grabbed onto the counter just beside where he was stood and the girl he was talking to was sat.

"You did that on purpose." I was a little offended that he had seen through my actions so easily. My vision cut in and out as I swayed, "Are you drunk?"

I lent into him, "I don't think so." I smiled at him before looking up at the girl who looked to be growing very impatient with me, "I'm Liana." I stuck my hand out as she and Noah stared at it until I dropped it.

"I know who you are." The girl snapped as she brushed her dark hair to one side.

I smiled and popped the lid on the bottle in my hand.

"You really think you need that drink, Liana?" Noah asked, eyeing me and the drink. I defiantly did not need this drink, what I needed was a glass of water and a seat in the fresh air and to be as far away from Noah as I could get before I did something totally stupid.

I locked eyes with him as I brought the drink up to my lips and sculled, people around the room started cheering my name but my stomach was flipping with the anger i spotted in Noah's eyes. Low in my stomach throbbed with want as I dropped the drink from my mouth.

"I needed it." I mused and smiled up at the girl who was still sitting on the counter looking between Noah and I. Something flashed in her eyes before they narrowed at Noah, almost like she figured something out. "I'll let you two let back to what you's were doing," I moved away but the heat between my legs didn't go away.

The need to have sex with Noah was growing stronger and stronger every second that i was near him and I wasn't about to do that while I was drunk. 

I got all the way to the hallway before Noah caught up with me and I desperately look to the front door, "Hey," He slipped his hand over my shoulder and turned me around. 

"I need air, Noah." It was all I needed to say for him to lead me out of the house. Once outside I sat on the pouch and looked up at Noah, who was watching me with a frown. "What?" 

He sat down opposite me, "Why did you break it off today?" I sucked in a breath, not expecting him to ask that. 

I bumped his leg with mine, "Are you taking advantage of me being drunk?" He cocked a brow, "Trying to find out all my secrets, Noah Rivera?" I smiled, feeling my head twirl. Anxiety bubbled up in me as I worried that I'd accidentally spill the wrong secret.  

He gave me a small smile, "Just this one, I promise." His smile dropped and I felt my heart sink, there was something about seeing him confused and sad that I hated, i hated seeing him not sure of himself and curious around me. 

I sighed, "I said why this afternoon, I'm won't be one of those girls that you use, Noah." I didn't want to be one of them it was true, but I also didn't want to get my heart broken when he turned out to be the one doing the hijackings like everyone thought he was. But it didn't really matter if he was or not, I'd get my heart broken either way because there was no way he'd ever forgive me when he found out I was a cop. 

He shook his head, "That's not it, there's more to it." 

"I just - " I paused and decided to take a different rout, one more true to the reason, "I don't want to get my heart broken, Noah, you don't do relationships which is fine but where does that leave me? If we keep doing - whatever it was is that we're doing I'm going to fall for you," If I haven't already, "and you'll just walk away." I admitted, "I've had too many people walk away from me for me to let you in when I know you will." 

The panic rose in me again as he stared at me, his brown eyes flicking over my face almost like he was trying to see if I had lied to him. "I wouldn't walk away from you." 

My spinning in my head was slowly settling down as I gave him a sad smile before I nodded, "Yes, you will." He would, just like everyone else and even if he didn't, I was well on my way to making sure he did. He'd walk away in handcuffs...

"So, what do you want?" He said.

You. I want you. I had to stop myself from saying that I wanted him because I couldn't, I couldn't want him because of what I really wanted from him. "Noah, I want - I want space." 

He stood, "Fine, okay but don't come around anymore, Liana. I mean it, if you want space than you need to not be around because god knows I won't be able to keep away from you." My thoughts scrambled at what he meant by that but I nodded anyway and watched him walk back inside and whatever was left still together of my heart was broken and stepped on repeatedly. 


i hope you guys enjoy this chapter, sorry its short, i'm trying to get back into the swing of writing after not for ages! 

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