The Best Friend (4)

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I pulled into my apartment building parking lot, I was generally surprised with myself. I couldn't believe that I had made it through the day without crying, or totally giving away my plan. Tonight would be a different level though and I wasn't sure how I would handle it, all I knew was that I would do whatever it took to bring Noah down. It wasn't even the fact of him bringing up my father, because he obviously had no clue how deep that struck but it was the fact that he underestimated me and had already got an idea of what kind of person I was in his head.

I got out of the Camaro, and smiled at the new rims. Clinton had fixed the gear box problem, and let me go, promising to see me tonight. I wondered away from my new car, and up the stairs to my apartment, when I got behind my door and lent against it and let out a big sigh.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" My roommate Calie gasped, and tucked at the leather jacket making me jump and curse quietly. "Bitch, where's the cardi?" She laughed and widened her massive blue eyes. "Why are you dressing young and hip and not like you just popped a hip?" I rolled my eyes at her, I did not dress like an old person. I dressed sensible.

"I kind of got a makeover at work." Calie's eyebrows raised almost as if to say 'I can see that'. "And I do not dress like I've popped a hip." I hit her arm and pushed passed her and wondered down the hall to the kitchen.

"Ah yeah you do, I've never seen you leave this apartment not in a cardigan and slacks or a long skirt." She shuttered, "I'm telling you, in the two and a half years we've been living together, not one day has gone passed where you have worn something that remotely resembles this." She gestured to my new outfit. I pulled open the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of water.

"That's not true, what about when we go clubbing? I wear good stuff then." Speaking of which I needed to find something from that pile of clothes to wear tonight. That pile of clothes was in the deepest darkest part of my closest, and only went to it when Calie really desperately wanted me to go out, or one of her other wing women's couldn't make it.

Calie barked a laugh, "And how many times in the past five months have you gone out? Like twice?" I made a face at her, as she pulled herself up on the counter.

"No, I've been out more than that. I'm telling you, It's been like five times, and I live it up on those nights." I said, causing Calie to choke on her spit.

"Oh Ana, living it up isn't sitting in a corner and death staring any guy that tries to flirt with you. You need to learn how to actually live, right now everything you do is to get your full detective badge, and you're going to regret not living it up while you're young, fit and attractive. Ever since Vince broke it off with you, you've just shoved your nose into your work, that's no way to live." I shuttered at the mention of Vince. I watched Calie realize her mistake and smile softly at me. I knew that after Vince broke it off, I had to do something that got my mind off him. I was living with Calie when he dumped me, and her energy had helped me out a heap. Calie was one of those people who lives life completely to the fullest, she didn't have care in the world. Well, apart from when it came to bugging me about mine.

"I know that, and I will, I am." I sighed, not knowing if I was allowed to tell Calie about my undercover job, but it's not like I could really keep it from her. "So, I got an offer today at work."

"What was it?" She lent forward seeming more interested.

"I got offered to go undercover and take down the Rivera crew." Calie's eyes widened, she had been writing columns for the local newspaper on the Rivera crew for the past six months, ever since the illegal activity had started up.

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