The Fall (36)

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I was lucky that I kept makeup in my car because I used it, layers of it to cover up the redness of my cheeks and to make my eyes not look like I had been crying. I combed my fingers through my hair before tying it up and out of my face, trying to make myself look semi professional and like i hadn't had just my heart broken into a million pieces. 

I took a deep breath before I got out of my car, keeping my chin high as I walked into the station, 

Mackles shot up form his desk when I walked by, "Martinez." 

I looked his way, "Mackles. Where's my father?" I wanted to get this over and done with so that I could go home and cry for hours. I wanted to fall apart but i was going to try and keep it together until I got home. 

"He's in being questioned." Mackles answered and I was already walking away form him and towards the interrogation rooms. I check two before I came across the one where my father was sitting with a man i didn't know and Matthews across from him. 

My father smiled up at me, "Ah, Liana. I was wondering when you were going to joins." His voice grated on my nerves but before I could say anything back to him, Matthews was grabbing my arm and pulling me back out of the room. 

"If you are going to go in there, I need to know that you are going to be professional and not let your emotions get in the way." Matthews asked and I forced myself to look up at him. 

"I'm fine." I lied. "What has he told you so far?" 

"Not much. I think he's been waiting for you too show up, which is slightly worrying." Matthews eyes filled with worry as he looked down at me, the emotion sending something up my spine, confusion? "I don't want you to get overwhelmed." 

I frowned, "Weren't you trying to kick me off this case this morning?" 

"No, I knew you'd come around." He pointed a thumb in the direction of my father, "I knew you'd want him off the streets, even if it meant taking Noah down with him." 

"You seem to know a lot about me, Matthews." 

"I read your file. Multiple times." He admitted and I froze. I knew what was in my file and what it said about my father in there. I knew that all my tests were in there and despite them being so high, they were also revealing and said a lot about why I wanted to join the police force. 

That reason was now sitting in the interrogation room. 

"Let's get this over with." I said. Matthews nodded and allowed me to lead us back into the room. My fathers face lighting up when his eyes landed on me. 

He smiled again, "You sticking around this time?" 

I ignored him and started up the questioning, "What do you know about the stolen trucks?" 

"Only what you've told me." He said. 

"Why did you try to frame Noah Rivera with the hijackings?" I asked. 

He laughed, "Is that how your going to play it?" He looked into my eyes and when I didn't answer, he spoke again, "I framed Noah for one of the hijackings because i wanted him away form my daughter because he was doing all of the past hijackings. I have done nothing but protect my daughter from a criminal who needs to be locked up." 

I wanted to roll my eyes but reframed, "We have reason to believe that along with the hijackings you are also running an underground fighting ring." 

My father's eyes widened, "I don't know anything about that." 

"We have photo's putting you at the scene of the fights. We also have photo's of you hijacking a truck. We have a a recording of you threatening a officer of a law. We have witnesses stating that you kidnapped Calie lot." I felt my lips tilt up as Matthew laid the photo's on the desk, "That puts you at the place of two crimes and we have proof of a two more crimes."

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