The Call (33)

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I woke up around five in the morning to a phone ringing, I was completely wrapped in Noah's arms - actually and his legs. I remembered last night as I looked at his sleeping face and my whole body tingled. Noah's arms tightened around me as I struggled to get free of them. 

I smiled down at him when I finally broke free and stood snatching up Noah's dress shirt that I had thrown aside last night and my lacy underwear that Noah had thrown aside slipping them on before I wondered out of the room following the sound of the phone and doing up the buttons. The sound took me to Piper's room, I opened the door and looked around the room. 

I froze when I realized that the ringing was coming from my bag, "Shit." I swore, I quickly ran over grabbing my phone, looking at the I.D and not recognizing it. "Martinez." I said into the phone trying to keep my voice down. 

"Ah good," Mackles voice said on the other end of the phone. "I have news on the car." I wanted to tell Mackles that I wanted out then and there but my curiosity got the better of me. "It's stolen," A shiver slid up my spine. "It's one of the missing cars from off the trucks."

My heart sank, "Look, Mackles I can't do this anymore." I stated, "I want out of the case." 

I heard Mackles suck in a deep breath, "You've fallen for him." 

"I - what - no, it's just I don't think he's guilty."  It was true, I didn't know who was doing the hijacking but I was so sure it wasn't Noah. 

"Liana, I'm letting you know that he has a stolen car in his storage unit and you still think he's innocent? You fallen for him. The FBI want's to move in on him and bring him in, they are going to want you here." My whole body stopped, they were going to arrest him without proof that he had stolen the car, for all they knew he could know nothing about the car. "We move in as soon as he leaves his house." I shook my head. 

"No, I'm begging you don't do this, It's his birthday." I pleaded. 

"It's not up to me and - " There was a bang before quiet met my ear. 

"Martinez," Matthews. "You're off this case, you're too personally involved." I let out a bark of a laughed, that was rich coming from the man who told me to do anything to get the information. "As soon as he leaves that house, we're moving in on him." 

I hung up on him, panic seeping into me as I wondered back to Noah's room. I wanted off this case but I hated the feeling of getting kicked off it. I hated Matthews for being the cock he was. I looked at Noah who was still sound asleep, I lent on the door way. I wanted so badly for him to be innocent but everything I feared was happening. 

I needed to keep him inside, he had said yesterday that he planned on staying in bed all day and I wondered if that was still true. I needed time to think of something to do. I needed time to prove that Noah wasn't who they were after. 

I slid back into Piper's room, grabbing my stuff and going for a shower. I let the water soak off the feeling of Noah's hands on mine, I soaked off the panic I felt for him, I soaked off the anger at Matthews. 

My the time I got out of the shower, I felt refreshed and ready. I put on my underwear - including a bra this time - and put Noah's shirt back on. I tied my hair up into a loose bun that would probably end up falling out. 

I checked if Noah was awake yet but he wasn't so I went downstairs and started cooking breakfast as I tried coming up with a plan. Keeping Noah inside today would've been easy enough but he and I had to leave at some put. The police would swam him as soon as he went somewhere. 

I lent forward on the counter the exhaustion of the past two months finally caught up to me. Deep down I knew it was Noah. I knew he had been doing them from when I picked up that his car was the same as those doing the hijackings. 

I had told myself that it wasn't him so much that I had started to believe it. 

Despite everything, I had fallen for him. Despite everything inside me telling me to run the other way, I had stayed. I had kept on the case, giving the police weak information. I needed to know what this had been between us and after last night, my feelings hadn't changed. I thought maybe they would stop after I had sex with him but if anything they had grown.

Twenty minutes later I wondered back into Noah's room. Noah was awake this time when I walked in. I smiled at him, my heart fluttering. "Morning birthday boy." 

He rubbed his eyes, "Morning," His eyes dropped down the front of me, his lips tilting up. "Is that my shirt." I nodded blushing slightly, "Wait, is that food?" 

"Yeah, I made some breakfast." I walked over to the bed, crossing my legs as I placed the eggs and bacon onto his lap. He beamed looking the more happy than I had ever seen him. 

"I think I might be in love with you." I froze at his words but he just dug into his food not realizing what he had said. I sighed obviously he wasn't going to bring it up so I lent back on the head board and look at ceiling. "Hey," his leg nudged mine. "I've been meaning to ask you this for a while but you didn't happen to pick up a key by accident while you were in my office did you?" 

Shit. shit. shit. He had noticed it was missing. 

I pulled a face, "Nope, I don't think so but I can check my car or something, just in case." He nodded, going back to his food. "You know how you said yesterday that you were going to stay in bed all day today?" He hummed showing me he was listening, "Was that a plan you made when you thought you were going to be taking home the special girl?" I winced. 

Noah's lips tilted up in a ghost of a smile before he said, "Well, honestly I was hoping that it would be someone else next to me right now but you're alright I guess." 

I sat up higher looking at the amusement in his eyes as he put his empty plate on the bedside table. He rested his arms behind his head with a cocky smile on his face. "I'm alright?" I asked, slowly putting my legs over his waist, straddling him as his eyes lit up. I ground my hips into his and heard him suck in a breath. "Were you hoping it would've been someone different when we were having sex last night?" I dropped my head, kissing along his collar bone. "Because you know, if I'm only alright I can always be better." I bit his ear and I felt his cock twitch under the sheet - under me. 

"Fucking hell, you have a wicked mouth." Noah muttered before he pushed down the sheet - and my underwear and pushed into me. Taking my breath away. 


Noah and I stayed in bed for most of the day, cuddling and having sex. We couldn't seem to keep your hands off each other. It was about four in the afternoon when Piper came home, shouting throughout the house, "Noah?" She yelled but Noah didn't say anything back he just kept me pressed to him. "Why the fuck is Liana's car still here?" I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. 

Noah chuckled too, "How long do you think it'll take her to figure it out?' I asked. Noah's hand brushed over my hip and sent shivers up my spine. 

"She won't figure it out until she sees you." He muttered against my hair. 

"Noah, I know you're here." Piper said coming closer to Noah's room, "Your fucking car... is here..." She lost her words as she turned to look into Noah's room, her eyes widening. "Holy shoot." 

"Piper, you know Liana." Piper rolled her eyes at her brother and rushed into the room, sitting down on the bed. Noah let out a deep breath while he lifted the blanket a little higher on my back. 

"I knew there had to be a good reason why you didn't say goodbye to Clint and I last night." She smiled then her gaze dropped to my bare back and Noah's bare chest and she shot up off the bed. "Oh god, you could've have told me you were naked before I sat down." She huffed and walked out of the room, flashing a smiling over her shoulder. 

"She's so dramatic." Noah muttered rubbing his hands down his face. 

I hummed, closing my eyes, the lack of sleep we had gotten last night and the early wake up finally taking over as I drifted off into the darkness. 



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