The Strip (8)

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"Okay, rules. If one fails to answer a truth or do a dare they have to strip off one item of clothing. You can ask anyone around the circle truth or dare, it doesn't have to be the person beside you." Clinton said looking around the circle, everyone nodded in agreement. "It's play; Noah you start us off." My heart fell into my stomach as Noah's eyes locked with mine.

"Liana, Truth or dare?" I weighed my options. On one hand, truth; Noah could ask me anything, anything about my life, what I did for a living and I wouldn't be able to come up with a good lie on the spot and I could ruin everything. But on the other hand, dare; Noah could make me do something absolutely terrible.


"Are you a virgin?" Noah's lips twitched up in a smirk for what felt like the hundredth time today, as he stared at me, obviously happy with his question.

"No." I smirked back at him, did he really think I'd still be a virgin after being in a relationship for a year and a half? I took a sip of my drink, and turned towards Clinton, "Clinton, Truth or dare?"

I could see him thinking about it before he said, "Dare."

My eyes landed on Piper for a moment as hers widened, she knew what I was about to do. She shook her head slightly making a prang of guilt flow through me. I had known since I had met Piper that I wanted to help her out with Clinton, even if I was trying to take her brother to jail. But sitting here when I have the perfect opportunity to get them to kiss or something, didn't feel right.

"I dare you to skull the rest of your drink." I watched Piper take a deep breath out, smiling softly at me. Clinton chuckled and skulled the rest of his drink with ease, he even got another when that one was emptied completely.

The game continued on, I had somehow ended up without shoes, socks or a top on. Noah was down to his boxer briefs, Piper just had undies and a bra on. I smiled widely at Justin as he took off his shirt after failing to juggle three bottles of vodka. My eyes drifted down to his bare chest and I had to be honest, I wasn't expecting much but I was impressed with what I saw. Justin was defiantly on the lanky side of the scale, but he wasn't as skinny as what I thought he would be. He had muscle, which make me raise my eyebrows at him.

"Want to take a picture? I hear it lasts longer." Justin's voice popped up in my ear, and I found myself blushing at his flirty words. I loved that the more alcohol he drank the most comfortable he became around me.

"Liana, truth or dare." My eyes snapped away from Justin towards Piper, I smiled at her.

"Dare." Since it was Piper doing the dare it couldn't have been too bad, I mean one of her other dares for Justin was that he had to do the Macarena.

How I was wrong though, "I dare you to kiss Justin." My eyes widened before darting towards Justin, his face showed an expression which I'm sure matched mine. I was a little hurt about the fact that she knew I was going to dare her to kiss Clinton not thirty minutes ago and I didn't.

For some reason my eyes fell onto Noah's, his smile was wicked as he made kissy faces towards me. Anger surged in me, as he pressed a kiss to the neck of the chick on his lap, I almost winced as I notice her rake her hands up and down his thighs.

I turned to Justin grabbing his head in my hand and pulled him closer. My eyes fluttered shut, as I pressed my lips to his. Something about Justin was so gentle, his lips were soft and he pressed them to mine ever so lightly, I found myself holding back from pressing my lips fully on him.

"I didn't think she'd do it," Clinton's voice reached my ears, and I almost smiled but instead I pressed my lips fully to Justin's. As his lips parted, so did mine, and I found myself wanting more. It had been so long since I'd kissed anyone. I didn't feel that spark that I had felt with Vince, but it felt good to have his lips move against mine.

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