The Unwanted D (10)

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"Hey babe, can I have your number?" A guy slurred on the other side of the bar, I ignored him. I had been serving drinks for what felt like hours, Bailey and I had gotten over our little disagreement and were now dancing and singing together again. People around the bar were getting drunker and drunker as the time almost reached midnight. I had been trying to ignore what was going on over in the corner of the bar where the Rivera crew were sitting, but I always found my eyes drifting over to Noah and the way he was kissing that girl.

Piper appeared in front of my eyes closely followed by Justin, who I hadn't spoken to since I ran out on him at the party. He smiled softly at me once again hiding behind a wall of shyness.

"Hey guys." I smiled, pouring a shot for both of them. "Couldn't stand being around Noah and his chick any longer?" I asked, not realizing that the words would come out of my mouth so bitter.

"Something like that," Piper laughed, "What time you finishing?"

I glanced at the clock, "Close, so around two." Just two more hours to go, I had forgotten how draining this job was, I was just about ready to fall asleep here on the bar. Mia brushed past me, her face was turned down in a scold. I frowned and looked at where she came from, some guy had puked over the bar. Mia came back with a younger girl in tow, the girl started mopping up the puke. I remembered when that was me, it was a disgusting job but the pay was good.

"Get him out of here." Mia snapped to one of the bouncers. I turned back to Piper and Justin were watching the scene before them. They both looked kind of grim, before they turned back to look at me.

"Perks of the job," I said sarcastically, before turning away from them. The guy who had asked for my number kept trying to flirt with me, I just ignored him. His breath was enough alone for me to not want to talk to him, not only that but his lack of manners was appalling. Piper and Justin watched with worried looks as he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me close to him. There was something about him that made me want to get as far away from him as I could. I pulled my arm free and went around the other side of the bar. I wanted him out, I couldn't stand him trying to talk to me any longer.

But as I tried to get past him to grab a bouncer, he stood from the bar and grabbed my waist pulling me to him. He pressed his front into my back, pressing his boner into my lower back. "You're getting me all excited, baby." He whispered in my ear, I was more disgusted by him then what I had been by the vomit. I tried to push him off me, but he just started grinding his boner into me, over and over again.

I twisted out of his hands, throwing a look at Piper and Justin as they stood up to help. I put my hand out to stop them, I could do this on my own. This wasn't my first rodeo with an unwanted dick.

I took a step back away from the guy, putting some space between us. "Look, you can either do this the easy way and leave the bar on your own, or you can do it the hard way and honestly, I don't think you want that way." The man chuckled, as he reached out for me again.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." I groaned, "I'll have you moaning later, baby." With those words I almost threw up, when I used to work here and a man or woman ever tried to force themselves on me, it had always been a shock to me that there were people out there who didn't take no for an answer.

I had the urge to throw the cop card, and arrested him right here and now, but I couldn't do that without blowing my cover. I just couldn't do that, I'd walk away from him to get the bouncer, but I didn't want to turn my back on him and have him press himself against me again. I noticed Piper glance over at Noah, almost like she was hoping he was watching, but I knew he wouldn't be, and plus I didn't want his help.

The man noticed my distraction and grabbed my hips pulling me forward against his body, "Let go." He just ignored me, and started moving his face towards mine. The wicked smile on his face and the fact that Piper was going to grab Noah made me go into full cop mode.

My eyes hardened, and the man must have noticed because he froze a little. Behind him, I could see Noah start to move away from the girl he was with as he watched, his eyes were dark and I noticed a flicker of worry flash through his eyes. My hands went down in between our bodies, as my hand come down hard on the man's nuts. I squeezed, and he winced his hands dropping off my hips. I remember the first time a guy had forced himself up against me, and Mia had come and done exactly what I was doing now. I was always too scared to do this any time before, I would always call out to Mia or Bailey to get the guys away from me, but now I felt like I was strong enough to do it to handle my own problems.

I squeezed his nuts again, making him cry in pain as he tried to pull my hand away from his balls. I pulled him closer, "I told you, you didn't want the hard way." My eyes connected with Noah's over his shoulder, Noah had an eyebrow cocked as he watched in amusement, Piper was at his side with her eyes wide.

"Let go, please let go." The man begged, making me smile. I squeezed one last time, before I pulled my hand away, he cried out in relief. But then as I went to move away he reached out for me again, obviously not learning from his mistakes. Before his hand could touch me, I grabbed it and bent his fingers back, before twisting his arm up around his back and slamming him head first against a wall with great force. I kicked the back of his knees making him buckle under me. I knew it was a cop move, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything different. It was just an instinct.

"If you come back in here again, I will do more than just squeeze your balls." I snapped in a hushed whisper, once again I was shocked with how strong my voice came out. "You get me? If you come back I'll snap your fucking dick off." He nodded quickly, his breathing had sped up and I could feel his heart pounding in fear. "Barney!" I called out to one of the bouncers, "Get him out of here." Barney came along, grabbing the guy in the same hold I had him in, and started leading him outside.

I spun to see a lot of the people around the bar had stopped to look at me, a wave of happiness washed over me as I moved back to behind the bar. Bailey pulled me into a side hug, "Police training comes in handy, I see." He whispered into my ear before planting a kiss on my temple.

"Don't tell anyone though." I winked at him, and pulled away just as Piper grabbed me and started pulling me sideways.

"Where did you learn to do that?" She asked, as my eyes landed on Noah, who was watching me as the chick from before pressed her lips to his neck. There was a level of amusement that i had noticed that Noah only seemed to have when it come to me.  

I shook my head away from his eyes, "I used to get in fights when I was younger," The fact of the matter was that I had never been in a fight, no way in hell. I would've never been able to hurt anyone, I apologized when I accidentally hurt someone in police training. I wasn't even sure what had come over me, I just wanted to handle something for myself for once. I wanted to know that I could protect myself, and show that I was strong.

And didn't it feel good.

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