The Great Reveal (34)

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I wasn't sure how long I was asleep for, my dreams keeping me under their spell. When I finally broke out of my slumber, Noah wasn't next to me and his voice was drifting in from the hall way. I could tell from the hushed tone of Noah's voice that he was angry and when Piper's voice sounded, I knew she was pissed. Maybe more so than Noah. 

"Don't fucking do this, Noah." Piper snapped and my curiosity got the better of me as I pulled on my underwear and moved to the door, remembering my training. "It doesn't feel right." I heard Noah's feet move away from the door, "Noah, listen to me. You have Liana in there," She huffed out a breath, "This job is not going to be as good as what it will be to lay in there with her." 

Holy shit, he was going to be a job. It's him. 

He was going to leave and get caught right in the middle of a job. 

Noah swore, "Piper, you know it's not that easy. I'm doing this for Liana and for you, Sam called me and said that if I didn't do this, he'd kill her and you. All the other hijacking had been for the shop, for the money." Every part of me froze and I was the one who felt betrayed. I had been holding out hope that he wasn't guilty, I had let myself get caught up in my feelings. I had been fooled. 

Anger moved throughout my body, I was angry at myself for letting myself get caught up in feelings for a suspect, angry at Noah for being stupid enough to hijack trucks for the cars they moved but than I realized what he had said, my father was blackmailing him. 

"It isn't that easy, we can keep Liana safe, no one is going to hurt her or me. I'm begging you Noah, don't do this." Piper's voice cracked. 

"Tell Liana I'll be back soon." I listened to his feet move down the hall before the front door slammed. My back hit the wall and I sank down, this couldn't be happening. 

I didn't know what do to, did I call the police and let them know that Noah is on the move or do I run to Noah and stop him. 

But before I could do anything, my phone ran making me jump. I quickly picked it up, "Hello?" 

"Liana, darling." My father's voice, "Can you let your boyfriend know that his package is waiting for him and so am I." Everything in me stopped. My father and Noah were both doing the hijackings and now they were both going after the same one. 

"Dad don't," I breathed. 

"You never came to that dinner with me so now I'm going to have to do my own dirty work." Horror drew on me, dad was going to get me to kill Noah and had I gone to dinner with him I would've had no choice. "He's just not good enough for you, I'll tell Noah you said goodbye." 

"Dad -" I was met with the hang up tone. 

I rushed from the room, "Piper," I rushed into her room not bothering to cover my underwear. 

Piper quickly wiped her eyes free of any tears and forced a smile, "Oh your up, Noah just ducked out to buy some stuff."

I shook my head, grabbing my dark jeans from my bag and pulling them up, "Don't lie to me, where'd he really go?" My voice was hard, I didn't have time for any shit. 

"He just ducked -" 

"Piper, I know he's gone to do a job for Sam." I snapped, frustration bubbling up in me. She pulled a face as if she didn't know what I was talking about, "Where's he going? Where's the job?" 

"I have no clue what you are talking about." She stood from her bed and tried to walk past me but I grabbed her arm pulling her back. 

"Piper, I'm a cop." Her eyes went wide. She needed to know, if I was going to get to Noah before my father, she needed to know the truth. "Piper, I've been undercover from the first time I walked into the shop." 

Her mouth fell open, "Did you sleep with my brother for information?" Her eyes hardened and I knew I had lost all of her trust, just like that and i felt a piece of my heart break.

I shook my head, "No and I was kicked off the case for being to personally involved." I pulled on a shirt and looked her square in the eye, "What happened - what ever is happening between your brother and I was never meant to happen but I fell for him, Piper." 

"You were using us all." She stated. 

I didn't have time for this, I needed to get to Noah. I needed to save him. 

"Look, be as mad as you want. I used you. I used you to lock up Noah but the more I got to know him and you and the crew, the more I knew I couldn't do it. Fuck, I thought he was innocent until I found that car in his storage unit." Piper's eyes widened and I knew I said the wrong thing, "Piper listen to me, the job is a trap, Sam wants the cars and Noah dead." 

"Have you told Noah?" 

"No, I only just found out-" 

She shook her head, "I meant about you being a cop?" 

I groaned, "Piper, we don't have time for this. We need to go. My father is going to kill Noah." I needed to tell someone that Sam was my dad and why not Piper? I was coming clean about everything else. 

She laughed, "Sam's your dad? Anything else you want to tell me?" 

I stared at her for a moment, She wasn't believing me about Noah being in danger. I pulled out my phone, calling Noah first but not getting through, next I called Mackles but it too went straight to message bank. "Fuck," I clicked on Matthews number. 

He picked up on the second ring, "Agent Matthews," 

"Its Deputy Martinez." I stated, Piper's eyes drifted to mine. 

"Ah Martinez, did you know you're boyfriend is on the move?" His voice was light as he chuckled slightly. 

"I want back on the case, I have information that will stop you from putting the wrong man in jail." Piper scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I won't tell you unless you put me back on this case and yes, I'm aware that is blackmail but this is too serious that I'm willing to go to that extent." 

He must have picked up on something in my voice because he sighed, "Fine, I never really took you off. I did tell you to do whatever you had to do, you know? Now, Tell me what you have." 

I explained Noah taking off and my father calling, "I believe that it's my father who has been doing all the hijackings, Noah told Piper that this was something that he had been forced to do." There was no way I was going to let Noah go away for something he's being forced to do. 

"We've got him on the radar, he's going along the 101." As soon as he said that I was dragging Piper out of the room and down the stairs. "I'll keep you updated." 

I wouldn't let anything get in the way of getting to the highway before my father did something un-reversible. I couldn't help but feel like this was all my fault, If i hadn't taken this case I would've never put Noah in this position and I would've never found my dad. 

I should've known he would pull something like this. I should've been smarter and I shouldn't have turned him down for dinner but once again I had let my feelings get in the way. 

My feelings had put this whole case in jeopardy. My feelings had blinded me from seeing that Noah was doing some of the hijackings and my feeling for him were now going to get him killed.



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