The Realization (13)

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I wasn't sure how long it had been since the crash, one day one week? I couldn't be sure, all I knew was that each and every time I opened my eyes my head killed and I would fall straight back to sleep. I couldn't even be sure what injures I had, all I knew was that I hurt. My whole body ached. 

"Why won't she stay awake?" A female voice rang through my ears waking me from my slumber. I groaned as I peeled my eyes open slowly, letting the light from the window seep through my eyelids. My head ached as I finally got my eyes right open. My sight landed on Calie as she stood talking to the nurse, her words hushed and angry.

"Calie?" My voice croaked and I could hardly even recognize it. My throat felt like sandpaper as I tried to swallow what little saliva there was in my mouth. Calie whirled before gasping and coming to my side giving me a hug. The action made a sharp pain shoot down my front, causing me to suck in a sharp breath.

"Are you alright? You scared the hell out of me!" Her voice made the throbbing in my head that much worse.

"I'm fine, I could use some water though." I stated, Calie squeaked and grabbed a water bottle which was half empty. Figures. I took a big sip, thankful of the soothing coolness of the water. The more water I drank the clearer my mind became, leaving the memories of the crash to flow into me like a wave. The challengers. The truck. Vince. "We have to go to the police station, I know who's doing the hijacking." I attempted to move from the bed, but Calie held me in place. "Vince, I seen him."

"Ana, what do you mean? Vince lives in Chicago?" Calie's voice was laced with skepticism, her eyes were wide almost as if she was looking at me like I had grown an extra head.

"I swear, Calie I have to go to the sheriff's station and tell him that it's not Noah doing the hijacking. It's Vince." I threw the blanket off me wincing in pain, and stumbled off the bed. I was determined to tell the Mackles that it was Vince, partly because I wanted him brought in so that I could slap him for leaving me, and another part of me wanted him brought in so that Noah wouldn't be.

"Ana, you aren't making any sense." Calie shook her head and rushed forward to grab my arm when I wavered a little by standing.

"Vince, I seen Vince." I repeated the words over and over again, my eyes locked with Calie's and I noticed them soften. "Calie, I'm telling you. I saw him." My voice cracked a little as the words became softer. I needed answers from him, I needed to find out why he was hijacking cars. The real reason he left me. "Vince... he left me." The words were almost a whisper now, they were the exact words that I had said to Calie the morning Vince packed up his things and left me broken hearted.

Calie pulled me into a hug as I felt a tear fall down my face. "C'mon get back into bed, and I'll get the doctor to check you over and see if you can go home."

After a thorough inspection by the doctor, I was free to go. I only had major bruising, a cut on my forehead and chin that I had to come back to get the stitches out of in a week, and a swollen ankle. The doctor claimed that I was lucky that I only had minor injuries for the level of the crash. Calie had said that her car was totally ruined, she didn't blame me for it though but she still didn't believe me about Vince.

"I called the hospital where your mums staying, and the police station," Calie said, taking her eyes off the road for a moment. I could there was something else she wanted to say, but she hesitated. "And Noah." My eyes snapped to her, I wasn't sure why she would call him. It's not like he would care.

Our apartment block can into view, and I almost told Calie to drive me back to the hospital and leave me there. There sitting in the car park was a black Challenger. Noah's black Challenger. I noticed Noah leaning back on his car looking bored out of his mind, as Piper sat on the steps of our apartment. Both of their heads popping up as we pulled up.

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