Chapter 17

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Vic's POV: When the first Harry Potter movie was over Josh was asleep on Vance's lap, which he crawled onto towards the end of the movie. "Well losers this was fun, sadly I have to bounce my parents want to see me" "you sure you can't stay for dinner Sky?" asked Vance, Skylar laughed "You must be tired with having a new baby around, I said my parents want to see me if I don't show up my mother will go crazy again, or did you forget the last time that happened." Both Vance and I shivered at that remembering the last time Sky's Mum got mad at her for not showing up. " I see you both still remember, anyway I'm off, see ya losers" Sky walked towards me and hugged me, she then walked over to Vance and Josh, hugged Vance, and placed a gentle kiss on the top of Josh's head. "Stop by anytime Sky" "Will do"
Once she was gone I sat next to my handsome husband and my cute sleeping baby boy. Placing my hand on Josh's back and rubbed it to gently wake him up. "No Daddies sleepy" he mumbled "Wake up baby it's almost time for supper" at the mention of food Josh shoot up at the mention of food, accidentally hitting Vance's chin with his head. " oops sorry Daddy" Josh apologized with a hug "What are we having for din-din Papa?" " I was thinking something nice and easy, how about mac and cheese with hot dogs cut up with a side of carrot sticks" Josh squealed with joy while Vance grumbled under his breath about it not being a very healthy supper. "Now why don't you and daddy watch something on TV while I make dinner" "can I help please Papa" I ruffed his hair " You can help me by keeping Daddy entertained while I make the food, think you can do that very big boy task Joshie?" Josh nodded his head. I headed out to make the food.

Josh's POV: Once Papa was out of the room I turned to Daddy, "Why doesn't Papa don't want you to help him?" " because I burn water" Dad deadpanned, I wiggled a little bit on his lap hoping he doesn't notice my full nappy, I realized I had used it when I woke up, but it is so embarrassing to tell them I used it like the baby they want me to be, I don't even know if I want to 'regrow' up and become a vampire, living for over a thousand years before I die (A/N yes vampires do die eventually in my story they just live for a long time and age slowly) but then again I could have the childhood that was suddenly taken away from me when my parents died and Uncle got a hold of me, but on the other hand do I want to risk losing my memories of my birth parents, how Mum would hold me when the other kids at school bullied me. How my Dad went to my football (soccer) games and practices to cheer me on, even tho I was the slowest and clumpiest player on the team, or how about when both my parents read me a bedtime story and rubbed my back before I went to sleep. And a week before the car crash Mum and Dad told me I was getting a little brother or sister in nine months.
I was pulled out of my musing by Daddy picking me up " I think a certain little boy needs his nappy changed" My face turned fire truck red when Daddy found out I peed myself. I know they told me that they wanted me to use my ... I mean the nappies but I thought I could hold it for long periods, I mean I used to be able to, something has changed since I've been here, heck a lot has changed since I been here. My life did a complete 360, I went from loving my life and being loved and pampered by two loving and caring parents, to losing my parents, and being abused and hated by an unloving, uncaring, mean Uncle and hating every second of my life, to now having once again two loving and caring parents, that are spoiling me rotten, but I'm confused about rather or not I hate my new life (albeit to as much as before) or loving it. I think I need to talk to the two men I started to call Daddy and Papa out loud and inside my head.

Vance's POV: I laid Joshie down on his changing mat (we almost have one for every room in the house, this one has a little wolf cub on it) I quickly changed him into a cloth nappy, Vic and I talked late last night about only using the disposable ones when we leave the house so we don't carry around a used stinky nappy (A/N: My friends do this with their kids) and use a cloth one when we are at home, and it will help Josh too if or should I say when he gets a rash down there. When I was done replacing his bottom half, I picked him up and sat on the couch having him facing me. "Joshie" I stated while gently stroking his little face with my fingers. "yes Daddy"  "What are you thinking about buddy?" "Can I tell you and Papa after dinner, during cuddle time?" I hugged him "Of course baby, Now why didn't you tell me about your dirty nappy?" "It's embarrassing" "Josh we have been through this the last 3 days, Don't be embarrassed to use it, you are a baby, and that's what babies do, next time you will go into timeout if you have used it, known you have used it and didn't tell us, If you didn't know, we won't punish you for it, this is your very last warning, got it, baby boy?" Josh nodded yes and hugged me, I stood up with him and we walked to the bathroom to wash our hands, before entering the kitchen for a supper of mac and cheese with cut-up hotdogs and carrots on the side.

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