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~Josh's Nursery~

Josh's POV- When Vic I mean Papa got in beside me, and the car started to move. I looked down and saw that I am in a car seat. I looked over at Papa with tears and asked "why?" "Vic we should tell him" Vance I mean Daddy stated from the front seat. Papa sighed then looked at me. "Josh, I know you will get mad at us but listen to me before asking questions or interrupting" I nodded. "Words Baby Boy" "yy...yes...Papa" Papa let out a huge grin. "Okay, Well you see me and Daddy adopted you, you are our baby boy, and yes I do mean baby, I know your 15 years old, but every 25 human years is 1 vampire year, therefore you are not yet 1. You will sit in highchairs, car seats, sleep in cribs, wear and use nappies and wear whatever outfit we put you in. and you will have bottles. Any questions?" "Why me?" Daddy spoke up this time "We wanted you when we first saw you, our vampires Luke and domnik sensed that something was wrong with your home life, then seeing you like you are, confirmed that you need us" "But why not have your own?" Daddy spoke again "Nether Papa or I are what is called in the vampire world 'breeders' we cannot have our own biological children. Nor did we want a surrgent due to the fact they could change their minds, besides if you did that we wouldn't have been looking for you" Papa spoke up "What do you say Josh, would you want to be our baby, be loved and care for, always have cuddles and food, shelter and warmth?" I thought about it, they do care, they took me out of my abusive uncle's care, they are taking me to get checked out, they sound like they really want this, but do I? sighing I whispered "I'll try" Both Daddy and Papa gave me big grins. "Great we will explain the rules later" I nodded again and felt my eyes starting to drop. "You can go to sleep baby, we'll wake you when we get there." with that I fell asleep.

Vic's POV- We pulled up to the hospital 15 minutes after Josh fell asleep. Vance ran inside to check us in while I grabbed Josh and gently placed him in the carrier. After walking in I saw Vance looking over paperwork "Babe do you know Josh's middle name?" I quickly shook my head and looked down at Josh, who was starting to wake up. "Josh, baby, What is your full name?" Josh looked at me and sighed "It used to be Joshua Jamerson Jones, but when my uncle took me in he didn't want me to have my last name or his last name, Muller. So it is now just Joshua Jamerson." I nodded my head. Josh let out a little cry of pain. "Whats wrong?" "My back is starting to hurt." I quickly unstrap him from the carrier and put him chest to chest on my lap. "Josh Black?" a nurse called out. I gently stood up with Josh. "Follow me please, Mr. and Mr. Black" We followed the nurse into a room that had animal prints on the wall. "Please take off his onesie and sit him on the table. The doctor will be with you momentary." with that she left.

I took of Josh's onesie but didn't sit him on the table. instead, I held him and walked around the room singing softly, until the door opened and a young looking doctor came in. "Hello Mr. and Mr. Black, and little Josh, my name is Dr. Wolf, what can I do for you" Vance explained everything that happened to Josh, while I kept a hold on Josh, He was playing with my chain in his own little world. "Okay I see, Can you please lay Josh on his stomach on the table." I layed Josh down gently and walked to where his head was and held his hands. Josh was extremely quiet. The doctor then snapped on some gloves and proceded to examine his back. "Looks like he needs stitches" He then pulled off Josh's nappy "I need to do a rectal exam" He then asked me to flip Josh onto his back. I did very gently, with Josh giving out a wine and wiggling before I leaned down and kiss his forehead. Dr. Wolf then felt his stomach, he then pulled out a portable x-ray machine, Vance and I stepped out of the room. When the doctor was done he called us back in. "Okay looks like Josh needs a lot of work done, he needs: stitches to the wounds on his back, I need to do a rectal exam because I think something got ripped by the looks of it, and I also need to re-break a few of his bones to get them to set in the right direction, it also looks like he needs a few teeth pulled, so I will recommend a dentist for him, and he is over due for his shoots, we can do it all now" I looked at Vance who looked at me. "Vance, Josh needs it" Vance looked down and nodded his head. "We'll do it, do you need us to do anything?" "Sit with him while I do the rectal exam, I need him to feel the pain so I know what is ripped, then for everything else I need both of you to inject a little bit of your venom in him so he can't feel anything."

Vance and I sat with Josh while the doctor did his exam, Josh cried out a few times. "I'll give you meds to help Josh go potty while he is healing on the inside." I nodded "I need both of you to paralyze him now" Vance and I both leaned over. I kissed Josh's forehead, then elongated my fangs once again and bit into his neck. Josh didn't scream out this time, probably due to all the crying he had done to the rectal exam. The doctor quickly did what he needed to do. Vance left the room while the bones were being broken. "Okay, just a few more things then Josh will be set to go" with that Dr. Wolf picked Josh up and laid him down on a baby scale. He then measured his height. "Okay Mr. Blacks can I get one of you to lay Josh over your knees, I need to take his temperature and give him his shoots" I picked Josh up and layed him over my knees. "Can you spread his butt cheeks" I spread his bum so the doctor could insert the thermometer. "Now I recommend the rectal thermometer, due to it being more accurate, then the ones that go in the mouth, ear, or on the forehead." He then pulled out the thermometer and wrote down the temperature. He then pulled out the 8 shots Josh needs and injects them into Josh's bum. Josh let out a barely audible whimper at each shot. "Okay Mr. and Mr. Black here is Josh's situation, Josh is extremely underweight, I recommend his diet to be manly of formula and milk with some solid food at the evening meal." "we both want to breastfeed" Vance stated. "Very well I can give both of you pills to take, but he still needs formula as well. Josh also needs to have meds to help him go, One of them can be mixed in the formula the other needs to go in the other end. He also needs injections in his stomach to kill the worms he seems to have, once a day. The wraps on him can be taken off with a little bit of cold water and reused when he is dried. He also can't walk, until he's healed, I will also send you guys home with pain meds, give him a tablespoon every 12 hours. That is all, I'll have a nurse ready with the meds for you to take home when you have him all ready to leave" with that Dr. Wolf left.

We got Josh redressed and into his carrier after we gave him lots of cuddles. Vance carried Josh to the car, while I picked up the meds.

Josh's POV- Daddy put me back in my car seat and slid in beside me. "Papa is just getting your meds, then we will go home and explain the rules to you, then give you a bottle, your meds, then bed." I couldn't nod or say yes so I just fell asleep.

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