Chapter 22

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Josh's POV: Papa drove us to a cute little ice cream shop, it had a sign in the shape of a polar bear, it said 'Polar Paws Ice cream shop' Daddy lifted me out of my car seat. "This shop is a special place for your Papa and me" "Really how?" He just kissed my head, "I'll tell you when we have our ice cream" Daddy set me down and I looked at the flavours, "They have a lot of flavours" Papa kneeled next to me "What sounds good to you baby boy" "I dunno Papa they have a lot of choices" after that statement I heard Daddy laughing "They only have ten flavours that they make right here at the shop, and if one flavour isn't selling that great when it runs out they make another flavour or bring back one customers enjoyed, but they stopped making to make room for new flavours." I decided on banana chocolate flavour. A short stubby woman went behind the counter from the backroom. "What can I get yous...." She looked at my Daddies and squealed "Vance and Vic, long time no see" She ran around the counter and hugged them both. "Mandy nice to see you again, You look just as lovely as ever, How's Fred". Asked Papa. "He's in the back hold on. FRED COME SEE WHO CAME" "Cheeses Mandy you didn't need to yell" Daddy scolded. A tall man walked towards us from the backroom. "Vic Vance long time no see, what brings you to my neck of the woods, on another date night?" "Hey Freddie, we just came from a dentist appointment for this little guy" Papa explained while picking me up and placing me on his hips. "You guys got a little? He's so cute" Mandy squealed. "This is Joshie, he's our little baby boy, who is being a very good boy" "I guess you guys want some ice cream then? let me guess Rum Raisin for Vic and choco cherry for Vance, and what does the little prince want?" I'm beginning to like her, I "nana choco" I whispered, I may be starting to like her but she is still a stranger. "Excellent choice one Banana chocolate coming up." She gave Papa his ice cream in a waffle cone and mine and Daddy's in a bowl. Papa led us to a table. Daddy sat with me on his lap. A stupid bib was placed on me.

Vic's POV: Josh started to whine when Vance placed a plain blue bib around Josh's neck, but stopped when Vance gave him a spoonful of his yummy ice cream. "Daddy, how is this a special place for you and Papa?" "we
, Joshie I used to work here when I was in university, when one day I smelt the most wonderful scent of rainfall and fresh cut grass, next thing I know my Prince Charming walked through those doors with Sky, I at first thought Sky was my mate but when she stepped out to take a phone call, I knew it was your Papa." I laughed at the memory of our first meeting. " I almost jumped on your daddy right here but I controlled myself but a cute little vampire didn't, I didn't even say hi when he jumped the counter and pulled me into a deep passion-filled kiss. At that moment I knew I was going to marry that man" I supplied, knowing that all of our kisses have since been more full of passion since. " Yea, but that stunt got me fired from this place." "THAT'S BECAUSE YOU CAN'T JUST KISS RANDOM CUSTOMERS JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE YOUR MATE" Fred yelled from the back. Josh giggled at that "Oi you thank that's funny you little monkey" Vance said tickling Josh who laughed loudly "Papa save me from the tickle monster" I grabbed Josh from Vance and cleaned his face and hands and tried to clean his hair, how did he get ice cream almost everywhere when Vance fed him, I will never know. I stood up with Josh on my hips and walked towards the bathroom to change his nappy. "Papa?"
"Yes, baby?" "Why is your pocket vibrating" I sat him on the changing table not worried about any germs because Fred and Mandy keep all the bathrooms clean and sanitized, I pulled my phone out of my pocket saw who was calling and hit declined, before sticking it back into my pocket, I don't feel like talking to my uncle the vampire king right now. But I made a mental note to call him back soon, I can't keep ignoring him forever. I quickly changed Josh's nappy, washed my hands and picked him up and went back to Vance, who was yapping to Fred and Mandy. "Can you hold Josh while I return a call?" "Of course, come here baby" I passed Josh to him and stepped outside.
I pulled out my phone and hit redial.
K=Vic's Uncle
K-Victor I thought you were ignoring me V- Sorry Uncle Rome, I was in the middle of changing my baby's nappy when you called
K- Ah yes I heard you and Vance finally found your little one, that's what I was calling you about
V- Yes Uncle
K- I know you don't go by your title but you are still a prince, and you still need to let your little one meet me, no need to rush it, Just whenever you guys are free
V- I think all of us are free tomorrow
K- That's great you can come for dinner
V- Umm are you sure, we haven't changed Josh into one of us yet, so he's still human
K- do you think you would someday change him into one of us?
V- Yes he's the perfect baby
K- Then come for dinner around 5 and wear your robes and put Josh in something nice but still comfy for him
V- Yes sir
K- Great see you tomorrow, and tell your other half I said hi
I clicked the end and placed my phone in my pocket, before walking back into the shop where Josh was pale and shaking worse than a leaf. "What happened?" Josh looked at me and ran into my arms.
"We turned on the tv before we could change the channel, there was a new reporter in the morgue talking about how the human death rate was down since we came out into the open, and he was standing next to a body, the camera moved to the face of the body and Josh started shaking when we saw that I turned the tv back off" explained Mandy. I looked at Vance, with my eyes wide hoping Josh didn't just see who I think he saw. "Vic it was his Uncle," Vance said confirming my fear about who it was.

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