Chapter 14

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Josh's bathroom in media

Josh's POV- Papa carrying me followed Daddy into the kitchen, where he tried to me into the dreaded highchair. I say tried because I held onto him and refused to let go. "Joshie, please let go, you need to sit in your high chair." I slowly let go and Papa sat me and strapped me in, he then ruffled my hair and sat in the chair next to the stupid chair that I am currently strapped into.

Daddy walked over with a plate and a small bowl. He placed the bowl in front of me. "Its only plain pasta Joshie, Because you had some fruit for an afternoon snack, and we don't want you to have an upset stomach tonight." Papa spoke up, "Don't worry baby before you go to sleep, you will still get a bottle to fill up your stomach. You can feed yourself tonight" I smiled and looked for a fork when I didn't see one I looked at Papa and Daddy. "Papa, Daddy, I don't have a fork" Both of them laughed before Daddy spoke up. "Joshie you don't need a fork, because yours won't be messy, just use your hands" I squealed and clapped my hands. Wait a minute where did that come from. Shrugging it off I pulled the bowl closer to me and started digging in.

When the pasta hit my taste buds, I went crazy, I just started shoveling more and more pasta in my mouth. "JOSHUA STOP!" Daddy yelled while taken the bowl away. Having zero idea of what came over me I started to scream. "NO, MINE, NO, MINE GIVE IT BAAAAAAAACK" I pounded my fists onto the tray of the chair, before I started crying. I felt someone unbuckle and lift me out of my chair, pulling me close to their chest. "Shhh Joshie it's okay, everything is okay," Papa spoke while rubbing my back, which was calming me down along with hearing his heartbeat.

When I calmed down, I pulled my head away from his chest, I took a deep breath before looking up at My Dads. "Daddy, Papa, what's wrong with me, why am I acting like such a toddler?" Both of them looked at each other and shared a smile. Before both of them kissed my head. Papa shifted me in his arms, before he sat back down, holding me like a baby. "Sounds like you have experienced some toddler headspace, and I know it seems scary, but trust me it's a good thing to experience, please don't ever fight it," Papa stated while rubbing my back. "But you and Daddy want a baby, not a toddler" I whispered afraid if I go into a toddler headspace instead of an infant one they will send me back to my Uncle. "Oh, Joshie, Daddy and I don't care if you can't get into an infant headspace, or stay as a toddler." "Oh and Joshie" Daddy stated I looked up at him. "Papa and I will never send you back to your Uncle, besides it would be kind of impossible" Daddy and Papa both smirked at the last statement. I felt like my teenage self again and crossed my arms over my chest and glared at them both. "What did you two do" I growled out. Papa glared at me for a few minutes before he growled out "Joshua Jamerson Vantor Black, You do not speak to Daddy or Me with that attitude again, or you will find your naughty behind sitting in the time out chair for a long time." I bowed my head losing my teenage attitude quickly. "I'm sorry" "apology accepted, now let's continue eating before bedtime sneaks upon us." "Can I stay here?" Papa kissed my head again "Of Course Baby." He replied motioning to Daddy to place my bowl in front of us. I started eating again.

After Dinner was done Daddy took me from Papa. "I'll get Josh ready for his bath if you want to clean up in here" "So you get our baby while I get clean up duty" Daddy laughed "Well I did cook supper so it is only fair" Papa chuckled and kissed Daddy on the lips "eww" I stated.

Vic's POV- When Vance and I kissed we heard an "eww" coming Joshie, I chuckled, "Okay go get Joshie ready for his bath, I'll join you when I'm done cleaning up." With a quick playful swat to Vance's perfectly rounded bum, and started cleaning up.

Within 10 minutes the Kitchen was clean and the dishes are in the dishwasher. I turned on the dishwasher and made my way upstairs into Josh's on-suite bathroom. Walking into the frog-themed bathroom, my heart swelled up seeing Joshie playing in the tub with Vance kneeling beside the tub playing with him. "Well isn't this a perfect picture" Josh looked up and smiled "Papa, come play wif Daddy and Me" I smiled, even more, when I heard he mispronounced with. "How about you play while Daddy and I clean you." "Okay," Joshie stated before playing with his rubber duckie. I kneeled next to Vance and poured water over Josh's head "Daddy what does a duckie say" "I don't know baby, what does a duck say" Joshie gave Vance an evil smile and said "Ducks say quaaaack" Josh squished his duck until it blows out water at Vance. "JOSH" Vance bellowed while wiping off his face with a hand towel. "Sorry Daddy," Josh said not sounding the least bit sorry at all. Vance glared at me because I was laughing at him. "Okay Baby I'm going to wash your hair now" While washing Josh's hair, Josh leaned towards my hands. I'm pretty sure if he could he would be purring. "Does that feel that nice Joshie?" "Uhuh". After washing his hair Vance took a washcloth and pulled out a couple of the body washes. "Okay Joshie what scent do you want, we have strawberry-banana, cherry, or melon." "Monkey one" Josh stated pointing to the strawberry-banana one, "Okay my little monkey" Vance chuckled. He handed me the body wash and put the others away. I soaped up the washcloth and started washing Josh's back, gently rubbing his tense muscles. Josh jumped when I moved the cloth down, "Sorry baby I know it hurts a bit, but we need to keep your bum stitches clean, so it doesn't get infected" I looked at Vance who quickly held Josh down, who was trying to move away from the cloth. I quickly finished and Vance grabbed a clean cloth, added soap and started washing Josh's chest. When we finished cleaning Josh, we allowed him to continue playing until the water turned cold.

After drying off Josh, we gave him his meds and bottle. I rocked him in the rocking chair, while Vance read Love You Forever by Robert Munch. (A/N my favourite book as a kid, still is my favourite Children's book today, if you have never read it, I recommend you do) Before we Know it Josh was sleeping peacefully, I carefully laid Josh down in his crib and pulled a blanket over him. Vance and I chuckled when Josh pulled Kookie close to his chest. Josh started to pull his thumb towards his mouth, I quickly popped a binky in his mouth. Vance turned on the baby monitor before we left the nursery and headed toward our room to make love before bed.

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