Chapter 16

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~T.V. Room in media~

Vance's POV: After breakfast, I went back to the living room and picked up a dozing Josh. "Daddy?" "Yes, Joshie?" "I peed" "Okay baby boy let's clean you up" I placed him on his feet and grabbed the changing mat that has keys with wings on it, and supplies (i.e.: diapers, wipes, powder, rash cream) we keep downstairs, its much more convent then having to carry Josh upstairs, change him and then having to carry him back downstairs. "Okay, Josh come lay on the mat. "But Daddy anyone can see my bits" "Joshie it's just Papa and me, we have already seen your naked butt." Josh shifted on his feet, before coming towards the mat. Seeing how nervous Josh was I picked him up and hugged him. "Joshie do you want Kookie while you get changed" Josh who was laying his head on my chest nodded. "Use your words baby" "Please Daddy" "Vic can you grab Kookie for Josh" I yelled for the benefit of Josh, I could have just talked a bit louder and not yelled and Vic could still have heard me.

I managed to get Josh to lay on the mat while we waited for Vic to return. I pulled his jeans down, Josh starts to wiggle around, not liking the cold air hitting his thighs. "Here ya go Baby boy." Vic handed Josh Kookie scaring me a little. "What do you say, baby?" I gently asked him. Josh looked at Vic and moved the toy away from his face "Thank you Papa" He stated before stuffing Kookie back on his face. Vic chuckled and walked out of the room. Assuming Josh is ready I untapped his nappy, "Cold Daddy" Josh stated while wiggling even more, "I know baby, but if you stay still I can change you quickly and you won't be cold anymore" Josh stopped moving and just laid limply. I quickly finished changing Josh and cleaned up the mat and supplies. "What do you say we go see what Papa's up to" I picked Josh up who bounced and clapped his hands " Yes Daddy where's Papa?" "I don't know, but let's try the T.V. room"

Vic's POV: I was in the T.V. room watching animal planet, just relaxing when I heard Josh's giggles. "Papa" Josh squealed when he saw me, wiggling in Vance's arms. Vance placed Josh onto his feet, who ran towards me, raising his arms up. I leaned down picked him up and placed him on my lap. "what are you watching?" Josh asked laying back towards me I kissed the top of his head, "we can watch anything you want baby." His face lit up staring at me and Vance. "Can we have a Harry Potter marathon?" I looked at Vance " we should allow it, he'll be in headspace soon, and won't be able to watch them" I told him through our bond. "I'll grab the snacks" Vance walked towards our little snack stand we have in the room. "Yeah!" Josh started bouncing on my lap. "Okay Jumping bean calm down, or else you won't get a snack" Josh looked shocked at me before smirking "You won't dare, I'll cry, then Daddy will get mad at you, and make you sleep on the couch" I ended chuckling and kissing his head. "True" Vance walked toward us with his hands full "Okay M&MS for Vic," he passed me a bowl "Thanks honey" "Some fruit for Joshie" He passed a small bowl of fruit to Joshie. "Thanks, Daddy" "If you eat it all and still feel like you want something else Papa and I will share our treats with you" "Kay" We all cuddled in before I found the Harry Potter Movies and hit played, knowing sometime soon Skylar will make her grand entrance into Josh's life. Vance and I want to make her Josh's godmother.

Halfway through the movie, I paused it. "Papa, why did you pause it?" "Joshie, soon someone who is close to your Daddy and I will be coming over to meet you, She is like a little..." "Annoying" Vance coughed, I glared at him "Sister to us, we are hoping she will be like an aunt to you" "What's her name? What's she like? Is she a vampire too?" " One question at a time silly boy, first her name is Skylar Anne White-Moon, She has a very blubbery personality, and hates seeing anyone sad, She will make them laugh. Sky is also a hybrid, her Mother is a vampire and her Father is a werewolf, both of whom will love you like a grandson if she accepts our offer of making her your godmother." Just as I finished explaining that to Josh, the doorbell rang before we heard Sky yelling "I'M HERE LOSERS, WHERE ARE YOU" Josh giggled, "I think I like her already" "Very funny baby boy, IN THE T.V. ROOM" a couple of minutes later Sky came walking into the room, her brown-blonde hair was in soft curls framing her face, and she was wearing jeans and hoodie with running shoes, her brown and blue eyes scanned the room. She saw Josh gasped and grabbed him to cuddle. "You found your baby?" "Josh meet Skylar, Sky meet Joshua Jamerson Vantor Black, or Joshie or Josh" "He is just so cute, I can't wait to spoil him" We chuckled knowing that she will spoil him and properly won't punish him if he acted up. "Sky Vance and I want you to become Josh's godmother" "Of course I will, We should go out to celebrate, I heard of this nice little restaurant that just opened up, it even has a play place in it for children." "Sounds good but.." "but Papa we were watching Harry Potter" "You guys were watching Harry Potter without me" Sky pouted "Do you want to stay and watch with us" "Okay" She placed Josh back on my lap and grabbed a kit-kat bar from the snacks, she then settled down and I played the movie.

A/N Skylar's hair is naturally brown with naturally blonde streaks throughout, and one eye is brown while the other eye is blue. I choice to have her have two different eyes and hair colour to show she is a hybrid.

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