Chapter 21

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Josh's POV: I felt someone rubbing my back and heard them telling me it was time to wake up, I pried my eyes open and stretched almost falling backwards out of Daddy's arms. "Daddy" I squealed wrapping my arms around his neck. "Did our little love bug wake up happier?" "Papa" I smiled wide until I saw a weird-looking chair and weird equipment around us, then I saw strange-looking yellow things painted on the walls. I got scared and started whimpering. Daddy started to bounce me in his arms, and the movement calmed me down, I know Daddy and Papa won't take me anywhere that would cause me serious bodily harm, but they would take me somewhere that could hurt me, but for my own good, Like getting a shot at the doctors.
There was a knock on the door before a man that looked to be around Daddy and Papa's age, with blue hair (Dyed of course) and brown eyes, he was wearing a set of navy blue scrubs that had a bunch of spotted doggies on it (101 dalmatian patteren scrubs), but what I really couldn't stop staring at was that he had black doggy ears sticking out of his head, and a black tail, he looked almost like Kookie. I was so amazed about that, that I leaned away from Daddy to look closer, I reached my hands out to touch the ears. I heard him chuckling. He bent down to my level "Do you like my ears and tail?" I nodded "Your Papa was telling me how smart you are, can you guess what species I am?" I thought for a few minutes before excitedly saying "Doggy, like Kookie" I pointed to my prized prossion. "Almost, You know how your dads are vampires?" I nodded snuggling more into Daddy "Well I'm a werewolf" My mouth dropped open "A wolfie like Kookie" "Now my name is Dr. Andrew Wolf, and I'm a dentist specializing in children" Wolfie said standing up and shaking my dads' hands. "Did you just say Wolf, are you related to a Dr. Wolf a medical doctor?" Asked Daddy. " Ahh, you must've met Daniel, he's one of my quadruplets" "What there are four of yous?" Papa asked. "Yep, I'm the Oldest then you got Benjamin, then Charles, then Daniel. No, we are not identical, nor are we all the same species, Charlie and I got our Mother's trait of being a werewolf and Dan got our Father's trait of being a vampire, but strangely Ben got both traits, which our parents have never heard of before, anyways it looks like little man is finally relaxed so." He looked at Daddy "Do you want to sit in the chair with Josh on your lap, he would feel more comfortable that way"

Daddy sat with me on the weird chair. Dr. Wolf sat on a stool that was near us, snapping on some gloves "Okay Josh I need to count your teeth, can you open really big for me" He pulled a mask on his face. I opened my mouth really wide.

Vic's POV: Josh was being very well-behaved with the check-up and cleaning, I wasn't paying too much attention to him tho. He was in his Daddy's arms I was thinking about what Dr. Wolf said about one of his brothers being a half vampire and half werewolf, is it possible Ben could be Sky's mate? I was thrown out of my thoughts when Josh crawled onto my lap. Vance gave Josh his phone to play and placed headphones on his ears. Dr. Wolf pulled off his gloves and mask, and washed his hands, before sitting on a stool near us. "Okay well I have good news and bad news, the good news is Josh still has most of his baby teeth, the bad news is most of them are rotten so bad that his adult teeth underneath are also damaged. Do you plan on turning him?" "Yes, we hope to turn him" Vance answered. "Well then, two weeks before you turn him, bring him in and we'll put him under and pull out his teeth, and when you turn him his teeth will regrow better and stronger, but be warned he will go through teething again If you don't turn him bring him in and we'll try to save the teeth that can be saved and pull the teeth that can't be saved, mind you that maybe most of his teeth." "Is there anything that can be done to avoid pulling his teeth?" I asked not wanting Josh to go through the pain of having teeth pulled. "The only other option is a root canal on all those teeth, but that is very painful, and if you turn him all his human teeth will fall out anyways to make room for his vampire's teeth." Vance and I looked at each other. "Talk over these options at home, with Josh, This is his teeth we are talking about, and call me at this number when you reach a decision, you can call three weeks before you turn him. I do recommend before the procedure to take him back to see my brother just to make sure he's healthy enough to go through it." We just nodded as he handed Vance a slip of paper. We thanked him and walked out of the room to reception. "Dr. Wolf doesn't charge for kids under ten years old in Vampire years," a Male receptionist said.
We walked out to our car,

"Okay baby boy do you want some ice cream for being a well-behaved and brave boy at the dentist?" Josh started clapping and dancing around in his car seat. I took it as a yes, I drove to Vance's and my favourite ice cream spot. It's normally out of the way and we rarely go, but it was close to this dentist. Plus my former college roommate and his wife own it and would love to see Joshie.

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