Christmas Chapter

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A/N: This is a stand alone chapter-it doesn't follow the current story.

Dec 1st- Flipping the Calendar Vance let out a happy glee, it was finally December first. Walking towards the kitchen he waited for his husband and son to enter, by whipping up some blueberry pancakes, pouring out two glasses of cow's blood, and setting the table. By the time Vance was done he could hear Josh's happy giggles. "Daddy, Papa told me it's December what does that mean?" Vance took Josh out of Vic's arms, kissed his husband and placed Josh in his highchair. "It means we can start getting ready for Christmas baby" "how Daddy?" "First we bake, then we make ornaments, next we get our tree and set it up, finally on Christmas Eve we decorate the tree." "Do we do all that today Daddy?" Vance chuckled and kissed Josh's forehead. "No baby we do a little bit each day, now eat up". Josh looked at his pooh bear plate a squealed, before grabbing a handful of pancakes and shoving it in his mouth, getting maple syrup all over his face. "Thanks for placing him in just a diaper and bib, babe, it would hard to clean the syrup out of his clothes." Vic chuckled and turned back to Josh who was done eating and was scratching his head with his syrup covered hands. "Okay, Joshie time for a bath" Vic stated picking up and holding at arm's length his very sticky and messy baby and carrying him up to his bathroom.

Dec 7- Vic stood in the kitchen wearing a bright pink apron that said: "Kiss the Baker" covered head to toe in flour, Vance stood next to him wearing a black apron also covered head to toe in butter-flour mixed, Josh was sitting in his highchair laughing his little head off at his Daddies. They were trying to make chocolate chip cookies but Vic and Vance started teasing each other and that led to them throwing flour at each other, then Josh threw some butter at his Daddy. "Well, at least we got the Carrot Pudding made." Vance chuckled (A/N: Carrot Pudding is a traditional Christmas dessert in my family, it's a lot yummier than it sounds) "You can shower in the guest bathroom bud" Vic growled out while grabbing a cloth to wipe down Josh's hands.

Dec 14- The little family is standing in the playroom with all of them and the table and floor covered in glitter. "Okay we are done making ornaments for now" "But Papa I wanna keep making them shiny" "No Joshie, It was naughty for Daddy to give you the glitter, then get sidetrack." Vic glared at his husband. Vance gulp knowing he will have to sleep in the guest room again tonight. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up, while Daddy cleans the room until it's free from glitter." Vance groaned glitter is hell to clean up. Dec 21st- The family was in the sitting room Vic was holding a bottle while Josh was sipping the bottle of hot cocoa, watching his Daddy putting up a white Christmas tree. Josh has never seen a white tree before. Finally, Vance was done putting up the tree and smiled down at Josh "Okay baby boy, open that tote," He pointed to a tote that had the lid already partway off to make it easier for their baby to open. Josh clapped with delight when he saw the tree ornaments, never having seen so many before. "Joshie you can start decoding now," Vic said kissing Josh's hair. "Papa and Daddy help" "Of course baby" with all three of them decorating the tree it only took them two hours, Josh's homemade ornaments front and centre.

Dec 24th- "Daddy careful don't drop the cookies for Santa" Josh ordered from the couch, he sat down on after helping his Papa set up Santa's table that already has a glass of milk and carrots on a plate for the reindeer of course. Vance placed the cookies in the middle, before reaching under the tree, which already had a small number of presents under it, he grabbed three presents, handing on to Vic, another to Josh and keeping one for himself. Josh happy to get a present (Even if it was only Christmas Eve) ripped open the wrapping paper. only to see it was a pair of footed Christmas themed pyjamas. "It's our tradition to receive new Christmas Pj's on Christmas Eve and wear them." Papa explained, "Daddy we change now?" "Yes, baby let's change." Once the family was in their new Pj's they made their way to the movie room to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, before reading The Night Before Christmas. before bed.

Dec 25- Josh awoke with excitement it was Christmas. "Daddy, Papa Wake Up It's Christmas" He yelled. a few minutes later he saw Daddy enter the nursery. After a quick nappy change, Josh was carried down to the kitchen, strapped to his highchair, and had chocolate chip waffles placed in front of him. When breakfast was done and Josh was cleaned up, he was allowed to run into the sitting room, with the order not to touch any of the presents until his Daddies give them to him, or else he won't get any. when Vic and Vance entered the sitting room Vic started handing out presents, Most of which were for Josh. Josh ended up getting lots of toys and books, but his favourite present was a pure black kitten, that he promptly named Seeker (A/N I got a pure black kitten earlier this year and named her Seeker after she kept seeking out bugs and killing them) after the kitten kept seeking out wrapping paper to play with. (No the cat wasn't wrapped up she was in the Daddies room until Vic went and got her) After all the presents were open, Josh was allowed to play with the kitten and his new toys while the Daddies cleaned up the mess.

Merry Christmas and a Happier 2021.

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Kwanzaa

Happy Holiday

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