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~Victor in the media~

Josh's POV- When I was about 20 minutes away from school I stopped walking and pulled out my phone. I quickly turned the camera to selfie mode and looked at my face. I had a big bruise over my left eye and small bruises starting to form on my cheeks and chin. Sighing I pulled out my concealer from my backpack and quickly applied it. I put it away and saw the time. Shit, I only had 10 minutes to get to school. I took off running. ignoring the pain my foot, ribs, heck most of my body gave off.

I ran into the school and limped to my locker. I pulled out my PE uniform for my first period (PE). I then made my way to the washroom to change, I never change in the change room, due to the fact I'm so skinny and all the bruises on my body, my Uncle may be harsh on his discipline, but I deserve it, and my Uncle is the only family member I have left. If something happens to him or if someone thinks he abuses me I will be sent to an orphanage.

I walked into the bathroom, locked the door and checked to make sure I was alone. When I was 100% sure I was alone I pulled out my PE uniform, ankle braces, and my concealer. I pulled off my jeans and pulled on my Black shorts. I did the same to my top (Blue). I then pulled off my socks and pulled on my braces. winching when it pulled on my sore ankle. I then applied the concealer to all my scars and bruises that the uniform showed. I threw my clothes and the concealer into the bag, then unlocked the door and walked back to my locker. I threw my bag into my locker and slowly made my way to the gym, as the bell ring singling the end to homeroom. (I never attend and the homeroom teachers hardly take attendance anyway)

Entering the gym I made my way to the stretch area. "And what is your name?" I looked up not to see Mr. Kicks, but a different guy. He was 7'9" and had brown hair and light brown eyes. He was wearing black track pants and a white T-shirt that showed his bulging arm muscles. He had bigger muscles then my Uncle, and my Uncle was 200lbs of pure muscles. I gulped before speaking.

Victor's POV- I see a boy entering the gym and heading towards the gym's warm-up area. Figuring he's in this gym class I went up to him with the attendance sheet in my hand "And what is your name?" I asked him. He jumped and turned slowly towards me. I saw it was the boy Vance and I saw earlier. "Josh Jamerson, Sir" He replied politely. "Nice to meet you, Josh, I'm your supply PE teacher, Mr. Vic." I smiled at him. I then knelt down to his level "Josh, today we are playing volleyball, do you have any injuries to stop you from playing?" I asked him, knowing he was limping on his way to school, and that he had bruises so I knew he did have some injuries. "No, Sir" Josh replied. His heartbeat went faster indicating that he was lying, but I didn't want to scare him by mentioning it. Sighing I stood up and got everything ready for gym. Making sure to keep an eye on him, as he was stretching, not really hiding his pain too well. I wanted to talk to him but knew I couldn't yet.

The bell rung and the rest of the class came piling in from the change rooms. "Good Morning, class, my name is Mr. Vic, your regular teacher Mr. Kicks called in today. So instead of doing your monthly fitness test, we will be playing volleyball. So team up." I saw everyone team up instantly, except Josh, he hung back until there was a team with uneven players, then he jointed. I blew the whistle and everyone started playing.

"Okay class good job playing, You can go get changed and go to your next class," I told the class. everyone got up and headed to the change room, except Josh. He left the gym straight away. I wondered where he went, but couldn't think of it too much because I had to set up for the next class.

Josh's POV- After gym I immediately left to go to my locker, grabbing my bag and made my way to the washroom to change, and clean up a bit.

After changing back into my jeans and sweater. I grabbed my stuff for my next class and took off. Knowing that lunch was after this class.

(After Class)

I made my way to the Cafeteria and grabbed my free school provided lunch. (Mine is free due to my uncle having a low income). I was about to leave when I heard crying. I turned towards the crying and saw one of my classmates trying to muffle his cries. "Jamie, why are you crying?" I asked my classmate. "Because Crabb stole my lunch." Crabb is also in my year, but he should be in grade 11, not 9, He is known as being the 9th year bully. Sighing I gave him my lunch, I'm used to not eating anyways. I was just going to ignore the fact that I will not be able to eat without being punished again until lunch Monday and made my way to the library to finish my homework for my afternoon classes and start the homework from the morning classes, knowing I wouldn't have time after school or all weekend. I pushed open the library doors and waved at the librarian. He is used to me coming every day at lunch to finish my homework. I sat in the far left corner and pulled out my homework. When I heard Mr. Boocks speak. "Do you have food, Josh?" I looked up "I'm not hungry sir" I replied. He gave me a looked that said he didn't believe me. "Josh, what happened to your lunch?" "Crabb took Jamie's lunch, so I gave Jamie mine since I'm not hungry" He gave me a small smile, I'm one of few students he smiles at. "Well if you have any questions about your work or want a granola bar, come see me" "I will sir, thank you" He ruffled my hair as he stood up. I turned back to my work and started it.

I finished an hour later when lunch ended and headed towards the Chem Lab.

I walked in and sat in my seat. "What's your name?" Looking up I saw yet another supply teacher. This one is 7'5" he had on a lab coat over his red top, and blue jeans, He had black hair and black eyes. "Josh Jamerson, Sir" I replied. "Nice to meet you, Josh I'm Mr. Vance." He stood up and began teaching, once the final bell rung.

After the last class of the day, I ran out of the school and to the grocery store.

Vance's POV- When the last bell of the day rung I left the class and walked towards the gym. Entering the gym I ran into Vic's arms. "Hey babe," he said while hugging me. "Hey, I meet that boy from earlier today" "So did I" I smiled at him. "Luke wants him" I stated (Luke is Vance's vampire) "So does Domnik" he stated as well. (Domnik is Victor's vampire) I looked up at him and gave him a quick peek. "Shall we follow him?" I asked. Vic looked down at me he smiled "How about we get his school records and look at them first" I nodded and followed him to his brother's office to look at Josh's records.

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