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The Kitchen in media

Josh's POV- I whimpered and opened my eyes when I felt someone picking me up. "Shh, baby we need to get one of your medicine in before Papa goes to work." Daddy told me. I took a quick glance at the clock and saw it was 0600. I yawned and laid my head on Daddy's shoulder.

Daddy walked into my room and laid me down on the changing table. I whined at the lost of contact. "Shh, baby it will be over soon." Daddy then gently pulled my legs so they were laying flat. He then pulled a strap over them and Velcro it down. He then pulled another strap across my chest, and upper legs. He then grabbed my hands and kissed each hand, he softly pulled my arm above my head and strapped them down. "Daddy why?"  I cried out while pulling against the straps.

"Vic, Josh is ready for his medicine" Daddy shouted before he turned towards me. "Joshie, one of your medicine is a shot that goes in your tummy, it hurts, that why I had to strap you down, If I didn't the pain will cause you to move and we could accidentally hurt you." Daddy explained. "Why not just bite me again?" I cried  "Because too much vampire venom in your system in a 24 hour period is bad for you" Papa stated while walking into the nursery. "Vance, put the pillow under Josh's head, so he is more comfortable." Daddy walked to the closet and pulled out a black pillow with a golden snitch on it. He then lifted my head and placed the pillow underneath before I was allowed to lay my head back down again. Daddy the walked to the top of the changing table and held my hands in his one hand and his other hand he started stroking my cheek.

Papa leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Remember Josh Daddy and I are only doing this because we love you, and we want you healthy." Papa then stood up straight and turned his body away from my line of vision so I couldn't see what he was doing.

Vic's POV- When Vance got Josh as comfortable as he could be I bent down and kissed his forehead. After reminding him that Vance and I love him and want him to be healthy. I turned my body to grab the needle. When I turned back around I see Josh shaking with Vance trying to comfort him. I bent back over and started blowing raspberries on his tummy. "Pa...Papa... St.....Stop.....It...Tic....Tickles." He laughed out. I smiled I loved hearing his laughter.

I sighed, remembering why we strapped him down. I pulled the cap off the needle and gently rubbed his belly. "Small pinch, Baby." I quickly injected the needle into the small lump on his stomach where the worms are. Josh started screaming at the top of his lungs. I quickly pulled out the needle and threw it in the sharp box the doctor gave us.

I then quickly unstrapped Josh and held him close to my chest. Rubbing his back and whispering sweet things in his ear. After a few minutes, Josh calmed down. Looking down at him I saw he fell asleep. I gingerly laid him down in his crib and pulled his Harry Potter blanket over him. Vance then popped his red dummy that had an HP in his mouth. We walked out of the nursery, but not before turning on the baby monitor.

"What time do I need to bring Josh in for his adoption?" My handsome Husband asked as we walked towards the door. "I'll text you when I get time." I gave Vance a kiss on the lips. "Love you, Vance." "Love you too, Vic.

Vance's POV-" Love you too, Vic" I replied kissing him again. That's what I love about our relationship, even after being together for 500 years, we always kiss and say we love each other before we go different ways and go to sleep and when we wake up in the mornings.

Vic then left for the office. I made my way to the kitchen, to have some blood, and make a bottle of formula with a little bit of cocoa in it for Josh. I also started cleaning up a bit. After I was done cleaning up I looked at the time and saw it was 0900, I groaned and walked upstairs to the nursery.

Opening the door I saw Josh on his stomach with his knees tucked under him, his butt in the air. I pulled out my phone to send a quick picture to Vic.

To Vic: This is how our son ends up sleeping

From Vic: How cute, how did we get so lucky? anyway, can you be here for 1100?

To Vic: I know we are so lucky, to find a baby boy who is a cute a Joshie, and Yea Josh and I will be there for 1100

I put my phone back into my pocket and made my way to Josh. I gently started to rub his back. "Wake up Josh time for breakfast, baby." Josh slowly opened his eyes. "Daddy" he squeals while making grabby hands. "How did you sleep?" I asked while picking him up, and laying him on the changing table. "Good Daddy." I untapped his nappy. Josh put his hands on top of them. "Joshie, what are you doing?" "embarrassed" "Oh baby boy, you have nothing to be embarrassed about Papa and I have seen it all before." "Not that Daddy." "Are you embarrassed about using the nappy?" Josh blushed and nodded his head. "Joshie nothing to be embarrassed about, all little boys and girls wear and use nappies." "Teenagers don't, this is so fucking wrong, you guys need to get your Fucking heads checked, and let me be a teen," Josh shouted. "Joshua Jamerson Black, this is your only warning do not yell at me or Papa and do not swear unless you want a red bum" I seethed. "I'm sorry, Daddy" Josh whimpered. "Your forgiven Josh, now can I change your nappy now?" "Didn't use it" "Doesn't matter Papa or I will change your nappy when you wake up rather or not it is used." Josh didn't say anything, he just moved his hands to his face, like he was hiding. I undid the tabs and pulled the nappy down, I lifted his legs and pulled the nappy out from under him, and slid the new one under. I placed his legs back down and powdered him up and pulled the nappy up before fastening it. I dressed Josh in black jeans and a baby blue long-sleeved top that says "My Daddy and Papa are vampsome" I also put little black shoes on his feet after I put on black socks. "Come on Joshie, let's get some formula in you," I told him while picking him up and heading downstairs.

A/N- In this book Vampires are like humans in almost every way:

They sleep at night

Don't burn or sparkle in the sunlight (They are vampires, not Fairies)

Yes Vampires do drink blood, but they also eat human food

Vampires are taller then regular humans

Vampires have soulmates- but there have been cases of vampires being soulmates but their "Human" self couldn't stand each other.

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