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~Josh's Stroller and Carrier~

Josh's POV- I was awoken when Papa lifted me out of the seat. "Sorry baby but we need to tell you the rules, and feed you, give you your nighttime meds then let you sleep, Okay?" I felt like I could move my mouth again so I replied "Okay, Papa" Papa placed me on his hip and walked into the living room, he then sat down with me on his lap. "Okay Josh here are your rules"

Josh's Rules and punishments:

1. You must call Vic Papa and Vance Daddy/Dad/Dada

2. You must wear and use your nappy

3. No getting out of anything we put you in without permission -Punishment: 5min Timeout

4. No taking off or changing your nappy only Papa and Daddy or an adult can-Punishment: 5min Timeout

5. No lying, Daddy, and Papa can hear your heartbeat, we can tell when your lying-Punishment: 10min Timeout

6. No swearing-Punishment: mouth washed out with cod liver oil

7. No biting-Punishment 10 spanks

8. No hitting or pushing or using any kind of violence-Punishment 10 spanks

9. If something is wrong you must tell Papa or Daddy, so we can make it better

10. Trust that Papa and Daddy have your best interest in mind.

"we can always add more rules if the need arrives, Do you understand them and the punishments?" Daddy asked "Yes Daddy and Papa" Papa kissed the top of my head "Good boy, Now let's get meds in you and nice warm bottle yea" "Yea" Papa then laid me down on his lap, my bum in the air, I started freaking out. "Please Papa, no spanks I promise to be good" I started sobbing. Papa pulled me into his chest "Shh Joshie, calm down, shhh, you are a very good boy, shh" He rocked me, running a hand through my hair and cooed for 5 minutes before I calmed down. "Better baby?" I nodded. "Josh one of your meds needs to go in your bum, that's why I had you on my lap, You aren't in trouble, Daddy and I will give you a warning before we have to punish you okay?" "Okay, Papa, Sorry" "No need to be sorry, baby boy, you didn't know and are afraid, but Daddy and I will protect you from now on. Can I give you your meds now then cuddle with a bottle?" I nodded my head. Papa laid me back down on his lap and took off my onesie, and pulled down my diaper. I thought it was going to be shot, like back at the doctors, but then I felt Papa's hand spreading my bum cheeks apart and something big going inside my bum hole. Papa then pulled my diaper back and my onesie back on. "Papa I don't like it" I whimpered as Papa was pulling me up onto his chest. "I know baby, but it will help you feel better, look what Daddy has for you" I looked near the kitchen entrance and saw Daddy standing there with a baby bottle that had what looked like milk in it, in one hand and a medicine bottle and a spoon in the other.

Daddy walked over to Papa and I and sat the bottle on the coffee table. "Just one more med before you can have your bottle" Daddy cooed. I instantly covered my bum, making both dads laugh. "No Baby this med you take normally" "Oh" Daddy measured out the medicine onto the spoon and brought the spoon to my mouth. "Open up, baby" I opened my mouth and he poured the medicine in. It tasted like grapes but had a bad aftertaste.

Vic's POV- I laughed at the face Josh made after he swallowed his medicine. "Let's give you the bottle now" I quickly picked up the bottle. Reposition Josh so his head was in the crock of my arm and brought the teat to his mouth. "You need to suck, to get the milk out," I told him once I saw his confusion. He begins to slowly suckle. "You do first feed, you get to do first change," Vance stated laughing. "Laugh it up now I have work to do in the morning so guess who gets baby duty" I sassed. That shut Vance up. I looked down at Josh when I felt his head move, "Whats wrong?" "Full" Josh responded. I looked down at the bottle and saw he drunk little more than half. "How about you take your bottle to bed with you, in case you want more later" Josh nodded. Truth is we would have just put his bottle back in the fridge for later, but it has meds in it to help him lose control of his bladder. I stood up with Josh and the bottle in my arms and made my way upstairs with Vance following me.

"Ready to see your room?" "Yeah Papa" I opened the door to the nursery and Josh looked around. "Do you love it?" "Yes, but how did you get the J if you just meet me today?" "Remember when Daddy stepped out while I was changing you after your shower?" "yes" "Well, he was putting the J up, we had all the letters of the alphabet, just in case we got an Andrew or a Zach," I replied. I lowered down into the crib. "Okay Josh, no climbing out of the crib, not that you can with both your legs in the wraps, call or cry if you need us" I leaned down and kiss his forehead, Vance kissed the top of his head. "Goodnight Joshie we love you" "Night Daddies" I turned on the owl nightlight. Vance turned on the baby monitor, we walked out and close the door behind us. "Time for some Daddy time" Vance stated. I grabbed his hand before running to our bedroom to enjoy 'Daddy time'

a/n you guys can guess what Daddy time is cause I ain't telling

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