Chapter 20

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Josh's POV: I felt someone rubbing my back, it felt too nice to open my eyes I almost fell back asleep, when someone lifted me away from my nice comfy bed, how rude! "Come on baby, we have a very busy day ahead of us today." I knew now it was Papa who had me trapped in his arms. "Nooo sweep now" I whined, kicking my legs a little while trying to snuggle in the warm chest in front of me. I said trying because he kept moving me, knowing that if he let me stay in one spot I would most likely fall asleep like I'm trying to.
He finally laid me down and I instantly fell asleep only to be woken back up by a sharp pinch on my stomach. Me being tired and not getting my way, I began to cry, loudly too, knowing my Dads have very sensitive hearing. "Oh Joshie calms down, I know it hurt, shh please calm down before you get sick, or cause me to lose my hearing" Papa mumbled the last part. I just ignored him and continued screaming, until I felt a paci being placed in my mouth. I quickly spat it out, Papa sighed and rubbed his temples. "I guess someone has woken up fussy today?" I of course didn't reply or stop screaming. "Okay, I'm going to assume your hungry, so me or Daddy?" I didn't need to think too hard about that. While Daddy's milk tasted the yogurt, Papa's was thicker like a milkshake. "Paaaaaaaapaa" I whined getting more tired, this tantrum wouldn't have been happening if he just let me sleep.
I felt a hand touch my diaper, pulling it back before it was placed back in place. "Come on baby, let's feed you" Papa swaddled me in my blanket and carried me to the rocking chair. Where he sat and placed me in my feeding position. I finally stopped crying as I latched on and started to drink. Eventually, my eyes start to feel heavy and I closed them.

Vic's POV: Josh finally stopped screaming his head off, I love my baby boy, but he has a set of lungs that could make a human deaf, let alone a supernatural being. I noticed he was now in a milk coma, eyes fluttering and milk coming out of his opened mouth. I grabbed a wet wipe and cleaned his face, before grabbing a burping cloth and placing it over my shoulder. I lifted Josh to my shoulder and started to rub and pat his back. Josh started to whine a little bit. "Come on baby I know you have a burp in there somewhere" I cooed, Josh fused a little bit more before he let out a massive belch, with some spit up and a very stinky toot. "Good boy, let's get you cleaned up" Josh made no noise as I laid him down on the changing table. He had fallen back asleep, again, hopefully, he will stay asleep until we get to his appointment.
I quickly changed his nappy and changed him into dark blue baby jeans, and a sweater top, Before grabbing his diaper bag that we always have packed and going downstairs, "Ready to go?" I asked Vance. "Yep, what was with all that screaming earlier? Little man almost gave me a headache" I huffed "You should've been in the same room as him, I swear I'm partly deaf now, let's just say he was not happy to be woken up early, and let his displeasure known, loudly," We grabbed our coats and keys, before heading out to the car, I placed Josh in his car seat, buckled him in and placed a blanket on him. "I think you forgot something" I looked at Vance who gave me Kookie, I placed that next to Josh, who immediately grabbed it and cuddled him close. I fixed the blanket so it was up to his chin, before I gently closed the car door, and hopped into the driver's seat. "Okay we have about a forty-five-minute drive before we arrive at the dentist, hopefully, Josh stays sleeping for at least most of the ride," I whispered before backing out of the driveway and driving off.

~~~~~Time Skip, brought to you by an author who didn't know what else to write.~~~~~

We pulled into the parking lot of the dentist's office, thankfully Josh stayed asleep the whole time. We could have gone to a dentist that is much closer to home (Only a two-minute drive) and let Josh sleep in, but this one is highly recommended for young vampire fledglings and humans who will be turned into vampires.
I turned off the car, and got out, Vance had taken Josh (who was still asleep) out of his car seat and was holding him to his chest. I grabbed the diaper bag, before locking the car. We walked into the dentist's building.
The inside was very kid-friendly, one corner had huge stuffed animals, that children could cuddle and lay on to calm their nerves before their appointments, and another corner was hidden by curtains that were hiding a small changing station for parents with babies/ toddlers. The walls were a mural of a forest with animals, except one wall that was all black, by the looks of all the writing and drawings on it, it was a chalkboard wall. The waiting room also had different types of toys for different age groups. The windows were tinted so you could look out, but someone walking by or trying to look in, wouldn't see anything.
We walked up to the receptionist. "We have an appointment for Josh Black with Doctor Elly. The receptionist typed something on the computer and handed us a tablet. "Fill this out and then I will show you to the room" I quickly filled out what we knew, skipping the parts that we didn't know like when was the last time Josh went to the dentist, we figured it wouldn't have been while he was living with his uncle. I handed the tablet back to the receptionist who plugged it into the computer, "Don't know when he last went to the dentist?" "No" she just smiled "That's okay dearie, I'll just leave a note for the dentist so they know to do a full checkup and maybe a deep cleaning today if it isn't too overwhelming for the little man." With a few more types on the keyboard, she stood up and led us to the room with a black door that had a plaque that said, Minions.
The room had the usual dentist chair that was black and Yellow, and the ceiling had a TV on it, so when the chair was reclined the kids could watch it. The Walls had Minions painted over them, and by the looks of the supplies that we could see, the dentist bibs had bananas on them, and the sunglasses for the kids were in the shape of the minion glasses. " Well I guess you can see why this is called the Minion room, we also have different themed rooms like Finding Nemo, Aliens, Dinosaurs, Princesses, cats, dogs, horses, My Little Pony, Hello Kitty and paw patrol, the children love it and don't seem to be too scared of coming here. The Doctor wanted to make a fun and not-so-scary dentist's office for them" " well it looks like it" She turned around to face us after pulling up Josh's mostly blank file. "The dentist will be in shortly, I will recommend trying to wake your little prince" with that she walked out of the room.
We started to wake Little Man, who was in a much better mood. Vance was just bouncing him in his arms when we heard a knock on the door.

Happy New Year, May 2023 bring you health and happiness and a brighter future.

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