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~Vic's and Vance's Office in media~

Vance's POV- After half an hour of driving, I finally arrived at the office. Pulling into my reserved parking spot, I shut off the car and quietly got out, before quietly getting the stroller out of the boot. I laid the seat back. Opening the back door I unbuckled a sleeping Josh from his car seat before laying him in his stroller.  I pulled out his dummy and a small plain black blanket, and popped the pacifier into his mouth and wrapped the blanket around him. 

I entered the massive building. "Morning Jane" I greeted the building's main receptionist. Jane looked up from her computer. "Good Morning, Mr. Black, Mr. Black is in your office waiting for you and your soon to be son." I gave her a smile and walked towards the elevator. When we got on I looked down at Josh. Josh was still sound asleep curled around the blanket. Vic and I need to take him toy shopping, No little should be without a stuffed animal to cuddle with, especially Josh. I thought as the elevator went to the top floor. "Floor 102, Mr. Victor Black's and Mr. Vance Black's office"

When the elevator opened up I was meet with the dark wood doors that led to Vic's and mine office. I threw opened the doors, startling my handsome husband. "Papa!" well I guess Josh woke up from his little nap. Vic walked over to us and picked Josh up. Josh instantly snuggled into his chest. I wonder if Josh is already in his headspace, if so that was fast, maybe too fast.

Vic's POV- I was in my office doing some paperwork when the doors slams open startling me. Only one person can do that without me killing them, looking up I saw my annoying husband with our perfect baby boy. "Papa!" Josh squealed. "Hi, sweetie." I walked over to them and picked Josh out of his stroller. Josh instantly snuggled into my chest. "Do you think he is in his headspace already?" Vance asked. I leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I'm not sure, but I don't think so, we can ask during the adoption."  I patted Josh's bum and felt his nappy was heavy. "Joshie did you use your nappy?" I didn't need to get a verbal answer when his heart rate speeds up, his face went deep red and he stuffed his face farther into my chest with a whimper, I figured he was embarrassed still for using his nappy. Walking over to a corner of the office that had a baby basset and changing table in one, I kissed Joshie's head, Josh hid his face in his hands. "Okay, sweetie I'm pulling your pants down now" Josh whimpered. I slid his pants down to his ankles and pushed his top to above his belly button.

"Papa nooo" Josh cried out. "Shh baby boy, you are being very good" I cooed as I pulled the tabs of the nappy. "Can you lift your legs, sweet boy?" Josh lifted his legs and I pulled out the used nappy and slid a new one under him. "This will be a bit cold" I grabbed a wipe and wiped his cute little tushie and between his bum cheeks. "you can put your legs down now" Josh placed his legs back down, and I grabbed a new wipe, and I wiped his inner thighs and bits, then I added baby powdered and taped the nappy closed.

After pulling his pants up and pulling his top down. I pulled my baby back into my arms. "Why all the tears baby?" I asked as I wiped his tears away with my thumbs. " 'bressed" "Oh baby boy Daddy and I will never make fun of you for doing what we want you to do." Josh laid his head on my chest.

"Vic it's time to go" I gave Vance a confused look. "To go to the adoption area to officially make Josh a Black" Oh yea how could I forget the most important day with Josh. "Let's go" I walked out the door, towards the elevator, with Josh still snuggling to my chest.

Once we were on the elevator Vance spoke up again. "Josh did something naughty this morning when I went to change him" I felt Josh trying to make himself smaller. "Oh, what did he do?" "Well I was changing him and he had a bit of an attitude, and when I was done changing him he swore at me" "What did you do, you didn't spank him did you" "No, of course I didn't we made an agreement to give him a warning first, I gave him a warning about the attitude and the swearing, and he apologized afterward". I looked down at Josh "Joshie is what Daddy says true" Another thing that Vance and I agreed on is that we will tell each other what naughty thing Josh did and what warnings or punishment we did, and then ask Josh. "Yes, Papa I'm sorry" whispered Josh.

We felt the elevator stopping. "Floor 50, adoption and fostering office" came the robotic voice as the doors opened. We stepped out and opened two heavy steel doors. "Good Morning Misters Blacks, Dr. Carrie is ready for you in room 10," The male secretary told us without looking up from his computer.

We went to the room and saw a tall-thin redhaired female vampire sitting at a desk with paperwork neatly laid out on the desk. "Ha good morning Misters Blacks, I'm Dr. Carrie, human-vampire adoption specialized." she stood and shook our hands, then motions for us to take a seat. "So, I received Dr. Wolf's medical notes, and I can 100% say you two can adopt Josh, without his uncle's permission. Josh, Do you want to be adopted by Misters Blacks. Give up the life you have now, and restart over but with loving and caring fathers, who will protect you with their lives" We all looked at Josh, who nods his head "Yes, Mam" "Excellent, Misters Blacks, are you willing to love and care for Josh, discipline when needed, and protect him with your life." Vance and I said "Yes Mam" together. "Okay, I need you two to sign this and this, and Josh I need you to sign this" Dr. Carrie slid the paper over to us. All 3 of us quickly signed and passed the papers back to her. "Okay, any questions before we continue?" "Yes we were wondering if Josh is in headspace he seems very cuddly" "No, because he was abused and you two saved him, he does have some trust in you, but he is not in headspace yet, and he knows you two will cuddle with him when he needs it, so he wants cuddles to make up for all the time he didn't get it growing up." "H...h...how did you know that?" "Josh, your not my first abused client that was rescued by their new parents. Now to finish this adoption, I need both of you to place your bloody thumbprints on this then add Josh's" Dr. Carrie passed us the tablet like thing. Vance and I bit our thumbs and placed them upon the tablet. Our blood disappeared "Parents' blood and fingerprints added, Parents are Victor/Dominik Black species Vampire and Vance/Luke Black species Vampire, add the child's now" a robotic voice told us. I held on to Josh tighter with my left arm wrapped around his left arm, keeping it down on his lap. Vance grabbed his right hand. "Quick ouchie Joshie." He kissed Josh's fingers before biting his thumb. "Owwie Daddy" Vance pressed Josh's thumb to the tablet, he then licked his thumb to heal it (Vampire salvia can heal wounds that a vampire bite cause) "Child's blood and fingerprints added; Child Joshua Jamerson Black species Human" the robotic voice spoke again.

Dr. Carrie smiled at us, "Congrats on your new son" "Thank you for helping us add our baby boy to our family" "I'm happy to have helped, You two need Josh, just as much as he needs you"

We left the office "Got any plans babe?" "Yes I'm taking Josh toy shopping, for being so good" "Okay, see you after work, love you" I kissed Vance, then I kissed Josh's head. "Papa loves you" Josh and Vance went on one elevator and I went on the other.

A/N: What stuffed toy should Josh have (he will have multiple but this will be his security one)






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