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-Josh's black wolf in media-

Vance's POV- When we left the office, I had a spring to my step. excited that Josh was now Joshua Jamerson Vantor Black, and nobody can take him away from us. Vic and I added the middle name Vantor to symbolize a new start for our baby, and we didn't want to change his name or his middle name, because his biological parents named him. (a/n Vantor is a mix between Victor and Vance)

I gently placed a sleeping Josh in his car seat and strapped him in before pulling his car seat blanket over him. I then jumped in the driver seat and start driving away.

After a ten minute drive , I pulled up to Scotts Supernatural toy store. When I went to pick Josh up he woke up "Daddy?" "Yes, baby?" "Where are we?" he asked snuggling his head in my neck "We are at the toy store, baby" As soon I said that Josh perked up, and started struggling to be put down. "Josh stop, squirming, you little worm." "Daddy, down" "Josh you can't walk, with the wraps on your legs, how about you ride in the shopping cart instead?"

Josh's POV-When Daddy suggested I ride in the shopping cart I started bouncing in excitement. I haven't ridden in a shopping cart since my mummy died. He chuckled and put me in the seat of the buggy, then knelt down to my level. "Joshie, Papa and I want you to have some toys, today we will be buying some stuffies, blocks, puzzles, stuff like that, okay" I shook my head, looking down. My Uncle always said I was too naughty to have toys. so Papa and Daddy shouldn't waste their money on me. "No Daddy, don't waste your money on me, I don't deserve toys"

Vance's POV- "Don't waste your money on me, I don't deserve toys" Josh sadly stated. I silently cursed Josh's Uncle in my head, thinking fast I suddenly said " Well I know Papa secretly wants toys, but he won't admit it, so how about you and me look at toys for him" I smirked when Josh nodded "Okay Daddy, we buy toys for Papa" with that we went into the store, where Josh's jaw dropped.

"THIS PLACE IS HUGE" Josh shouted "Indoor voice Josh" I gently scold. "oops sorry" "Its alright baby boy, I know"

We went over to the puzzle section first and grabbed some toddler-friendly puzzles. "Won't Papa like the jigsaw puzzled better?" I smiled at Josh's question "No Papa doesn't like hard puzzles" "Oh okay"

We then went to the toy car sections were Josh picked out a few cars for "his Papa", then a few toddler building blocks.

We finally went to the stuff animal section where Josh picked out: a black panther, an elephant, a penguin, a polar bear cub, a kitty, a turtle, a llama, a panda bear a monkey and a white owl. "Wow, Papa is going to have lots of stuffies to cuddle with when I'm mad at him" I laughed when Josh nodded his head fast. He then looked at the top shelf and his eyes went huge.

Josh's POV- Wow, Papa is so lucky he is getting so many toys, hmm I wonder if I could find one more stuffie that he would like. I looked around and saw this massive black wolf on the top shelf. "Daddy, can I have that black wolf please?" Daddy reached up and gently grabbed the wolf and handed it to me. "Of course baby boy."

I cuddled the wolf as Daddy made his way to the checkouts. "Did you two find everything you were looking for?" a middle-aged woman asked. I tuned out the conversation and played with my wolf when Daddy reached his hand down and tried to take the wolf. I held onto it tighter. "Joshie give me the wolf, now" Daddy spoke in a stern voice. I handed him the wolf. Oh no I screwed up Daddy will never let me have the wolf back, why did I fight him, why didn't I just hand... my thoughts were interrupted when Daddy handed me back the wolf. I looked up at him in confusion. "I just need to pay for it Baby Boy, I was never taking it away from you" I took wolf from him and gave it a big hug "Thank you Daddy" "Your very welcome baby" he gave me a quick kiss on my head.

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