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~Victor's and Vance's bedroom~

Josh's POV- "Haha you thought that your 'Daddy' and 'Papa' love you, ha, that they were going to protect you, now I am going to kill you" Uncle pulled out a long butcher knife. "Papa-Daddy help me!" I yelled hoping they will come and help me again. Shut up, you little slut. Uncle slapped my face. I started to hit and kicked him. Uncle tied me down then he started cutting me, my legs, stomach, thighs, arms. I screamed out in pain at every cut."

"Joshie, Baby Boy Wake up" a voice cooed I could respond due to the pain. "JOSH, WAKE UP"

I shoot up, so I was sitting, I looked around and saw that I was in my nursery, I relaxed a bit, knowing it was a dream. "Josh" I jumped at the sound of my name, I looked and saw Papa standing there with the look of concern on his face. I don't know why but I started sobbing and made grabby hands to him.

Victor's POV- I jumped out of bed and ran to Josh's room when I heard his whimpers and small cries coming from the monitor. When I entered his nursery I saw him in his crib with tears running down his cute face, he was tossing and turning with whimpers coming from his small mouth. I walked to his crib and lowered the sides. I rubbed his back gently "Joshie, Baby Boy, Wake Up" I cooed. When he started thrashing more I spoke again this time louder "JOSH, WAKE UP" At that Josh shoot straight up and looked around the room. I saw he was starting to relax a bit so I spoke again, softly "Josh". He jumped at the sound of his name. He saw me and started sobbing and making grabby hands for me. I quickly but gently picked him up and held him to my chest. I felt that he was wet, but I didn't want to change him while he was this upset, I needed to calm him down first. I ran my hand over his back and through his hair while cooing and bouncing him. After about 5 minutes he started to calm down. "Did you have a bad dream, baby?" Josh nodded his head. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked knowing the answer. He shook his head. Sighing I laid him down on the changing table, and quickly strip him of his onesie and quickly changed his diaper, I decided to leave the onesie off due to how hot he felt. "Come on Baby, let's go see Daddy." I cooed while picking him up.

Josh's POV- After Papa calmed me down and changed me (Which was very embarrassing, but for some strange reason I have no interest or want to fight them on anything) He lifted me up and carried me to his and Daddy's room. All I can say is if I thought my room was big, their room is huge. Papa walked towards Daddy and kissed his head "Vance, wake up, I have someone for you" Daddy rolled over and opened his eyes "Hi baby what are you doing here with Papa?" "Joshie had a nightmare, so I thought he could sleep with us after I feed him" Daddy nodded and pulled me out of Papa's arms. Papa then walked to a room connected to their room and closed the door.

"What is on your mind Baby Boy?" Daddy asked me while rocking me a bit. "Promise you won't get mad if I ask something silly?" Daddy laughed "No baby boy, Papa and I will never get mad if you ask a question, what is your question?" "Why do I have no desire or wants to fight you and Papa on anything? I mean I just let this happen, shouldn't I be fighting it, especially after I was abused." Daddy just held me tighter and Papa walked back out and sat next to Daddy. "Josh, the reason you have no wants or desire to fight this is a good sign. It means that you were meant to be our baby, and your mind just trusts us to look after you and care for you, and your body is slowly adapting to you being our baby. But you will fight somethings, you are a human teenager after all, but Daddy and I will always love you no matter what, even when we have to punish you"

Daddy then passed me to Papa, who had no top on showing off his huge muscles. "Let's feed you and get you back to sleep" I whimpered "Oh baby, you will sleep with Daddy and me for the rest of the night, now time for you to eat" Papa then placed me in a position, so my head was near his right nipple. "Latch on Baby Boy, just don't use your teeth" I latched onto his nipple and looked up at him, wondering what he wanted me to do. Papa looked at me and laughed. "just suckle on it, like you did when you had your bottle." I started suckle but nothing happened, confused I looked back up at Papa, Papa then started to run his hand on his chest, when he did I started sucking again. This time warm milk came out. How did that happen? When the right was dried Papa switched me to his left nipple and repeated the steps until that was dry too.

Papa then lifted me so my head was over his shoulder, he then rubbed my back, until I let out a burp. He then laid me down under the covers between him and Daddy. I let out a small yawn. "Go to sleep baby Papa and I will chase all the nasty nightmares away." Daddy and Papa then peeked the top of my head, as my eyes flutter shut.

Victor's POV- When I was breastfeeding Josh, I felt the bond between Josh and Domnik slowly starting to form.

When Josh finally fell back asleep, I felt Domnik starting to purr, Vance looked at me "Luke knows Domnik is happy and is starting to bond with Josh" I kissed Vance "Luke will bond soon too, babe, don't worry".

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