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~Living Room in media~

Josh's POV- After my little outburst Daddy changed me and carried me down to the kitchen. He pulled out a bottle from the fridge and placed it in a bottle warmer. "Okay, little man while your bottle is warming, lets get your meds in you." Daddy states. He carried me into the living room, sat down and laid me over his lap. Daddy then swiftly pulled down my pants and nappy. I started panicking, I felt daddy rubbing my lower back "Calm down, Joshie, nothing bad will happen to you" Daddy cooed. Yea nothing bad is going to happen to me. I calmed down and felt Daddy spreading my butt cheeks, and inserting the massive suppository in my butt. I was wrong this is bad. "Daddy take it out, take it out, please." I cried out. Daddy just pulled my nappy and pants back up and pulled me into his chest. "Shh Joshie, I know its uncomfortable, but its to help you, copy my breathing Baby" Daddy calmly stated while rubbing my back. I copied his breathing, soon I was breathing normally. "Better now baby?" I just nodded and snuggled into Daddy's chest. "Just one more medicine Joshie, then you can have your bottle" I groaned. I felt Daddy standing and walking into the kitchen. He sat me down in the highchair. I turned my head so I could see Daddy Pouring some liquid medicine onto a spoon. He then walked towards me with the spoon. "No" I stated, moving my head away. "Josh you have no choice. You have to take this." "No like Daddy" "I know, but this medicine helps keep your pain to a minimal, please be a good boy and take it" Daddy begged. I sighed but opened my mouth, Daddy slipped the spoon in and I swallowed the medicine. I scrunch up my face and stuck my tongue out. "Yuck" can't they make a medicine without the bad aftertaste? "Good job Joshie, do you want your bottle now to get the taste out of your mouth?" I nodded my head fast. Daddy just chuckled and lifted me out of the highchair, he grabbed the bottle, then walked back onto the living room, he sat down on the shorter couch and laid me across so my head was resting in the crock of his arm. He let me settle a bit. Daddy then put the nipple to my lips. I slowly opened and sucked to get the milk out. When the bottle was done Daddy removed it and lifted me up so I was chest to chest with him and my head over his shoulder. he then rubbed and patted my back. I was confused to what he was doing until one hard pat caused me to belch.

Vance's POV- When Josh had his little outburst I was a little taken back but quickly regain myself. Vic and I figured he would have some outbursts due to him being a teen, but after he gets bonded to Domnik and Luke fully (he already started bonding and that is why he trusts us) he will be fully regressed to a mind of a baby, and his body will follow afterwards.

As I was feeding Josh his bottle I felt Luke purr. I looked down with love in my eyes, love for my baby boy. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the bottle getting light. I pulled the nipple out of his mouth and lifted Josh up so his chest was with my chest I gently guided his head over my shoulder. I then rubbed and patted his back for a few minutes until he belched. I grabbed the damp washcloth from the coffee table and wipe his face clean, "Daddy Stop" My baby boy whined. "All Done." I kissed his forehead. He smiled up at me.

I glanced down at my watch and saw it was 1000 "Okay Joshie you have a choice, you can go into your playroom to play, your playpen or you could watch tv while in your swing." Vic and I agreed to give Josh some choices once in a while. in hopes to prevents him from having a tantrum or sneaking out. "Um, can I watch tv please, Daddy" I smiled at him "Of course" Standing up with Josh in my arms I walked to his swing we have in the room and strapped him to it. Picking up the remote I turned on the tv to Rugrats. "I'll be back in a half an hour, baby, behave" I stated. Josh nodded his head.

I walked upstairs to mine and Vic's room. I quickly made the bed. (One of the tasks Vic and I don't let our housekeeper do, along with cleaning up Josh's toys) After the bed was perfectly made I went to the walk-in closet, I picked out black Jeans and light gray long-sleeved top. I changed, then walked to the washroom to clean my teeth and style my hair. When I was done getting ready I went back downstairs, only to see Josh had fallen asleep. chuckling to myself I picked Josh up and carried him out to the car and strapped him to his car seat. Not once did he wake up, I would have gotten worried about the amount he was sleeping, if it wasn't for the fact I know his painkillers make him sleepy, and I have a good guess that Josh didn't get a lot of sleep when he lived with his abusive uncle.

After making sure he was secured in his seat, I made my way to the driver's seat and start the half hour drive to the office, to officially adopt Josh.

Josh's POV- (Before he fell asleep in his swing) After Daddy burped me he grabbed a washcloth from the coffee table, where did that come from, he brought the cloth to my face and started cleaning it. I didn't like it one bit. "Daddy Stop" I whined, after a few seconds he pulled away. "All Done" I felt Daddy kiss my forehead. I've been here less than 24 hours and have been shown more love then I was shown the entire time I was living with my uncle. When he pulled away from the kiss I smiled up at him.

"Okay Joshie you have a choice, you can go into your playroom to play, your playpen or you could watch tv while in your swing." Daddy stated. I get a choice, of good things, the only choice I got at my uncle's was to do as he said or get beat. "Um, can I watch tv please, Daddy," I asked nicely, he smiled at me "Of course" Daddy stood up with me in his arms and carried me to a me size baby swing in the room. He sat me in it and strapped me in. He then turned on the swing and turned the tv on to Rugrats. I love this show. Daddy then left the room. I watch tv until I felt sleepy, the vibrations from the swing lulled me into a peaceful sleep.

A/N-Hello my lovely readers, sorry this chapter took so long to upload but I had some bad mental health days, and I finally got Full-Time at work (after 5 1/2 years) Next chapter will be Josh finally becoming Joshua Jamerson Black.

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