Chapter 5

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Zayn held Niall's hand as they strolled through the local park. It was quiet besides a couple of kids playing on the swings and slide, and other typical park equipment.

"So, how are you Nialler, you haven't been texting me as much." Zayn said, a hint of sadness, or maybe even jealousy in his voice as he squeezed Niall's hand tighter.

"I'm fine Z, I didn't mean to not text you as much. Actually, I feel guilty because I might fancy Liam. Niall thought, but knew better than to actually say that.

It fell quiet between the two, and, speak of the devil, as Niall looked up, he saw the boy he'd feared seeing the most. Liam.

"I-I guess I've been busy with school work, a-and stuff." Niall stuttered as he stared ahead at the hot lad with a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Oh, so-, nothing to do with him then." Zayn said, also noticing Liam.

"Who? Him? No, of course not why would you think that?" Niall asked, as Liam walked towards them. Zayn began to grip Niall's hand even tighter, and Niall felt the circulation come to a stop.

Liam walked passed them, without acknowledging them, however, without Zayn noticing he placed something in Niall's pocket.

Niall felt his face pale as Zayn gripped his hand tighter, feeling it about to drop off.

Niall woke up to the door opening and he jumped.

"Shh, baby, it's just me." Liam said in a hushed tone as he walked over to Niall, catching him off gaurd as he picked him up bridal style from the floor. Niall's hands and legs were still tied and it made Niall feel vulnerable. He let out a soft whimper, resembeling the look of a terrified puppy. Liam felt himself weaken at Niall's frightened look, but shook it away and took him out of the room and up the steps.

It was going up these steps, that Niall realised he'd been hidden in the basement. Stuffed away where no one can find him. But he didn't have time to think much more of it as Liam walked up another flight of stairs a few seconds later. Niall had his eyes shut tighted, and his hand clutching Liam's top for safety, even though it was Liam he was afraid of.

A door creaked open, then creaked closed behind them and Niall felt himself being placed on something soft and squishy. It didn't take Niall long to realise it was a bed. Then he panicked. What was Liam going to do. His heart beat rose as Liam climbed on top of him, straddling his hips before he had time to escape.

Niall was vulnerable. Scared, hands and feet tied, only wearing boxers. Niall watched as Liam pulled off his shirt,

"L-Liam, please, d-don't." Niall whined, hairs on his arms and legs rising and he shivered.

"Shhh, baby." Liam whispered as he leaned down, resting his forehead on Niall's. Liam looked at the boys eyes, but they were shut tight in fear. It made Liam stop for a second. Wonder why he's taking advantage of the boy. He pushed them away again, not wanting to let his walls topple down, "Don't be scared Ni."

Liam leant down and Niall could feel the gap between their lips getting smaller, before Liam was kissing him. Niall tried to move away, but Liam was strong, and his hands and legs wouldn't be adble to help him.

"Still Niall, or it'll be worse." Liam ordered, his voice almost a growl, "I'll hurt you."

Liam kissed Niall again, and Niall had to fight against every bone in his body to not kiss back. He loved Liam's lips on his. But not now. Not like this.

"Niall." Liam repeated, pushing himself harder against Niall, and kissing him more roughly.

Niall gave up on fighting, and kissed back. He didn't want to lead Liam on, but he didn't want Liam to hurt him either. It wouldn't be so bad, if he wasn't trying to fight it. Right?

Liam fought back a smile as Niall kissed back. His Niall. Not Zayn's. Not anyone's, but his.

After a while of snogging, a breathless Liam began to kiss down Niall's neck, moving down to his bare chest.


This went on for a few minutes. It was hard for Niall to actually so much as try to enjoy what Liam was doing with him. It scared him. Terrified him, but Niall felt awful that he still loved the boys touch. As Liam decided enough was enough, he got off of Niall, picked him up and took him back down to the basement, where Niall was once again cold and lonely, as Liam left him without a single word.


hii! Firstly, I'm so sorry, this is way overdue, but I've been so busy over the last few days and everytimeI think of it, I'm busy, but when I have nothing to do I forget.

I'm so rubbish at anything vaguely relating to smut I'm so sorry for that, but I always feel like my mum will find it and read or something. And I'm typing this on my school laptop and they can monitor what you do, and I don't want the school reading this :s. And I hate typing stories on my ipod.

But hope you enjoyed this. It's still short, I'm sooory! :c But how do you think Niall and Liam will act around eachother now?

And Liam, what on earth is wrong with you?!

Anyway, hope you're all okay and happy and getting over this stupid Zayn drama. to be honest, I've almost forgotten about him now, but then there are other moments where I can't stop thinking about it. But niam and larry are so amazing and I can't wait for their new album, although, I'd rather they spent their 2 month break acutally breaking instead of writing an album.

But yeah, hopefully and update at the next weekend. Love you all

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