Chapter 39

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"I swear I'm going to kill him." Liam said, hands gripped to the steering wheel and Niall didn't like the way his knuckles turned white.

"No, Liam it's okay, I'm okay."

"But he hurt you! And he's supposed to love you, but he treated you so badly."

Niall was quiet for a moment and he looked out the car window, "I know." He said eventually, "But I'm free now."

He jumped suddenly as Liam's hand rested over his. The touch was soft and Niall relaxed happily.

When they reached the police station, Liam stopped the car, "I'll head back to your parents house and tell them what's happened, yeah?"

"They won't want to see you but okay. What do I say to them?"

"Give them your name, tell them your boyfriend abused you, that you ran away. It'll be fine I promise."

Niall nodded and got out the car, turning back to Liam one last time, "Thank you, Liam."

Liam smiled and nodded, and Niall closed the door and watched Liam drive away.

Niall paused outside the police station, looked at the building, his heart in his throat. He took a breath and walked in, adjusting his bag strap.

Inside was a beaten up girl on one of the seats. She looked up at Niall as he walked in, looking at him with a scowl as he walked up to the desk where a policeman sat.

"You okay sir?"

Niall felt so small all of a sudden, "My-my boyfriend, I-" He shakes a little, "He hurt me, a lot and I, I'm scared he's going to find me I-"

The policeman looked at him, for some time and Niall only worries more. Of course the police wouldn't help.

"Take a seat son."


Liam didn't go straight to Niall's. He found himself outside of Zayn's house, glaring at it through the car window, before undoing his seatbelt and getting out. Walking up to the front door was a blur and knocking on the door was a frantic echo in his head as his knuckles hammered against the wood.

Zayn opened the door quickly, "Wha- oh get out." He tired to close the door, but Liam rams it back.

"How could you?"

"Get out my house-"

"No, listen, how could you? How could you hurt him?"

"What would you know?" Zayn suddenly stumbled backwards into the wall  before he can finish as Liam pushes him, hand tightly gripping his collar.

"You hurt him! How dare you lay your hands on him like that."

"Look, Payne, I don't know how you could know anything about Niall. He's in our room and you can't see him."

Zayn fell to the floor as Liam punched his jaw.

"Try me, Zayn." He spat down on the raven haired man as he cluched his cheek.

"Get out. I can call the police. You'll be back in prison."

"You think I care?" Liam asked as he kicked Zayn's body, "You hurt Niall, you get what you deserve."

"I don't-" Zayn coughed, looked at the blood on his hand and put it back over his nose, "Don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do." He kicked Zayn's body one last time before taking a couple of breaths, and walking from the house, getting back in his car, heavily breathing.


The beaten up girl glanced at Niall every few seconds, a scowl on her face and Niall shifted in his seat anxiously. Eventually, a rugged looking man came in, yanked his daughter from the chair. She whimpered and jerked out of his grip. The man signed the form the policeman handed him, and dragged the girl out by her shoulder.

"Niall Horan, is that right?"

Niall looked up at the policeman and nods, "Uh, yeah."

"Right, thought so, come this way."

The man led him into a room, where a policewoman sat behind at a table. Niall sat down and watched the policeman leave and shut the door.

"You said your boyfriend hurt you?"

Niall nodded, "He hit me, and," Niall looked down at the marks on his wrist from Zayn's nails, which were almost faded now but there's a red looking bruise there still. "He made me do things. He took my phone and locked me in his room."


Niall didn't call Liam when he finished in the police station, instead he called Greg, and he was shaking as his brother arrived to pick him up.

"Little bro what happened?" Greg didn't expect an answer as he pulled a shaky Niall into his arms.


WOAH AN UPDATE?!!!!!!!!!

So, the rest of this story isn't exactly planned so hopefully it won't turn completely trashy. lol

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please like and comment.

Also I finally have an AO3 account!! It's SophiexHorayne if anyone wants to add me. I've only posted a Joe Sugg x Caspar Lee fanfic though and I'm unlikely to write any niam on it tbh.

Hopefully a new update soon, love you all sosososo much. xxx

Stockholm Syndrome (Niam Horayne AU) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now