Chapter 37

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But the next day Greg and his parents had to go to work, and Niall was left alone in the house. And he knew Zayn would be there and he knew he'd have to go with him. So at Nine O' clock as Niall sat in the kitchen, sipping a mug of tea, the door bell rang. He didn't answer at first, sat frozen in the seat hoping Zayn would just leave. But then he banged on the door, the noise shattering it's way through the whole house.

"Niall!" Zayn's voice rang through the letter box, "Time to go."

Reluctantly, Niall stood up, walking over to the door, abandoning his tea and opening the door.

"Hey baby." Zayn whispers, kissing his lips quickly.

Niall sighed, let Zayn wrap an arm around him and lead him to the car.

The ride home was quiet, and Niall's stomach churned with anxiety. Zayn's hands were gripped so tightly to the steering wheel, his knuckles white, and Niall was almost certain Zayn was going to crush the wheel. Zayn was driving rather fast too, jerking the car at each turn. Even with the speed, the drive feels like forever.

When the car pulled up outside Zayn's house, Niall didn't move.

"Babe come on." Zayn said, unbuckling Niall's seatbelt himself.

Niall didn't move for a moment, but he felt Zayn's eyes piercing through his head so he opened his car door,and got out.

Zayn smiled to himself and made sure Niall was following him as they got to the door. He dragged Niall into the house by his jumper sleeve, and into the living room.

"How was your weekend?" Zayn asked softly. And he was close to Niall and it made the feel claustrophobic. When Niall doesn't reply, Zayn rests his hands on either one of the shorter boy's shoulders, "I asked you a question."

Niall looked up at Zayn then, in his eyes. They weren't a warm brown anymore, but icy like the snow that turns to slush on a pavement. He still says nothing.

Zayn lifts up his arm, swings it round, colliding it harshly across Niall's cheek. There was a resounding slap and Niall's cheek felt suddenly numb and tingling. Tears in his eyes, Niall looks at his boyfriend.


"Answer me, Niall. How was your weekend?" Zayn repeated, fixing his cold eyes onto Niall's eyes, who looked everywhere but Zayn's face.

"It was okay."

Zayn's fingers were suddenly pressing into Niall's chin, as he swivelled the blonde's head around so he was facing Zayn.

"Look at me when you're talking to me."

"Stop it hurts," Niall complained, trying to struggle out of his grip. The grip only tightened. "My weekend was okay." Niall said louder this time.

Zayn let go of Niall's face, noticed the white marks where his fingers had been. "Better." He said, "Was that so hard?"

Niall shook his head, "Sorry." He muttered.

"It's okay. Go upstairs, get changed,mI don't like that jumper on you." Zayn says, nudging Niall out the room and towards the stairs.

Niall walked up slowly, heard Zayn behind him, "Why are you following me?" He asked quietly.

Zayn said nothing, so Niall gave him a side glance and walked into their bedroom. The door slammed shut suddenly and Niall heard a key turn.

"Zayn what the hell? This isn't funny!" Niall banged once on the door.

"Liam locked you in a room and you fell in love with him. So it must work for me too." Zayn replied, and Niall heard him walk away and patter down the stairs.

He bashed the door one last time, then looked around the room. He had to get out. The window on the far side of the house looked down over the garden by the path that led up to the front. Niall walked over to it and looked out. I was a long way down, but there was grass beneath him.

Hoping Zayn wasn't looking out the kitchen window into the garden, Niall pushed open the window then ran over to the wardrobe, grabbing half a dozen shirts and a couple of pairs of trousers and stuffing them desperately into a back pack. Then he quickly scrabbled through a couple of draws, and shoved some socks and underwear into the bag, before squishing it all down at putting his wallet in the side. As he did so his fingers brushed across a piece of paper. He pulled it out, heart thumping, and flattened it out with his fingers.

A phone number.

Liam's phone number.

Niall realised he'd stuffed the jeans he'd worn when Liam had given him the paper had been stuffed in his rucksack and must have gone upside down, tipping out the paper. With a sigh of relief, Niall put the paper back in the bag and zipped it up, pushing down his socks and successfully closing the zip.

Without hesitation, Niall threw the bag out the window, then ran to the bed, tossing off the duvet and lifting up the mattress.

"This isn't going to work."  Niall muttered, discovering the mattress was far bigger than the window. He bent it over slightly, pushing it through the open window with difficulty, leaning all his weight onto it. Suddenly it gave way, leaping out the window ledge, landing with a soft thud down below. Niall steadied himself and froze, making sure Zayn hadn't seen or heard anything.

When it remained silent, Niall tossed out the duvet, letting it land mostly on top of the mattress. Lastly he threw out the pillows, which landed, uselessly, just next to the mattress.

Now it was his turn. He turned and looked back at the room, the bed frame, the raided wardrobe and chest of drawers. He swung his legs over the window ledge and sat on it, looking downwards. It was still a long way down, even with a mattress and duvet to break his fall. Carefully, he let himself drop, keeping hold of the window sill, facing the house wall. He let himself dangle for a moment, closed his eyes and took a breath.

Then let go.

He fell quickly, and landed awkwardly on his bum on the duvet. He groaned slightly, and was almost certain he'd broken all the springs in the mattress, before slowly standing up, gaining some balance and picking up his bag. He glanced over to the kitchen window, happy to see Zayn wasn't in there, and sped away from the house, up the path to the front of the house, and ran.


Hey what's up it's been a while!!!!!

Finally a new chapter, because LIAMS BIRTHDAY (happy birthday my smallest most precious bean) AND NIAM ISNT DEAD ANYMORE AND IM SO HAPPY LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL PICTURE

Finally a new chapter, because LIAMS BIRTHDAY (happy birthday my smallest most precious bean) AND NIAM ISNT DEAD ANYMORE AND IM SO HAPPY LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL PICTURE

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Hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I may also type another one later tonight if you're lucky. Please like and comment.

Love you all so so so much, this story is almost finished now (finally). Xxxx Bye for now.

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