Chapter 35

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"ZAYN STOP!" Niall screamed as he struggled to escape Zayn's arms.

Zayn slammed their front door shut and ripped off the blonde's jacket. "I can't believe this Niall. I can't believe you would cheat on me again."

"I told you I don't love you Zayn, yet you don't believe me!" The blonde responded wincing as Zayn's hand clawed around his upper arm, nails digging into his skin.

"You do love me Niall. But you're ill. You don't know what you feel." The black haired man hissed against Niall's neck, "Now go up to bed. Tomorrow, we're going to get that restraining order signed."

"No! You can't make me sign it." He pushed Zayn off of him and stepped away, his other hand nursing his arm.

"I can, and I will. Now get to bed before I do something I regret."

"A boyfriend wouldn't do this Zayn. The Zayn I know wouldn't do this to anyone." Tears slowly fell from his blue eyes before Niall looked away and walked upstairs.


Niall refused to get up the next morning, pretending he was asleep with Zayn's yells ringing in his ears.

"Niall!" Zayn's voice yelled as Niall felt himself being pulled out of the bed.

"Stop." He helplessly tried to push Zayn on him as he found himself falling to the floor. He landed with a soft bump and sat up, opening his eyes.

"Get dressed, smartly." Zayn spoke before leaving.

Niall stood up and glared at the door after Zayn closed it. He walked over to his wardrobe, and took out his suit. He didn't want to make Zayn any madder, so quickly put it on and then adjusted his tie in the mirror. He sighed, closed his eyes for a moment, and then walked out the room.

"Hey baby." Zayn greeted as he got in the kitchen, "You look hot." He smiled and put a plate of food down in front of him. Niall's eyes widened. On the plate was bacon, two slices, crispy as he liked it, beans, sausages and a fried egg.

"Don't try and flatter me Zayn." He grumbled as he began to eat. He was thankful for it, of course he was, but he knew Zayn was only trying to win him over, so he would sign the paper.

"Not flattering you babe. I know this is going to be a hard die, but one day you'll understand it is the right thing to do." Zayn sat opposite him, similar food on his place as on Niall's. The blonde only rolled his eyes and ate.


"Hey honey." Niall's mother greeted, pulling her son into a tight hug.

"Hi." Niall said softly, and then hugged his father, then brother.

"Spoken to Liam since?" Greg asked, his brother only shaking his head.

"No phone." He glanced at Zayn, who was leaning against the wall, watching.

"I called him earlier." Greg whispered, "He said to sign it Ni. That it's not worth fighting for."

Niall looked up at him, "Really?" Greg simply nodded.


Quickly, Niall wiped the tears from his eyes and walked hurriedly at Zayn's side out of the court.

"Zayn?" He asked softly, "Do you think I could sleep over at my parents' house tonight?"

Zayn sighed and looked at him solemnly, "Fine. I'll pick you up in the morning." He kissed Niall's forehead, "Love you." He said softly before getting into his car, waving and then driving off. Niall smiled.


"Coming home with us?" Greg asked, reaching his brother's side as they stood out in the carpark. Niall nodded.

"Just for tonight."


Omg omg omg I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I haven't got much of an excuse. I had homework, and I haven't been all that happy enough to write lately, but mainly, I've just been completely lazy.

But anyway, here is an update, and I promise the next chapter will be up soon (the next one will be cute and I've had it planned for ages).

If you haven't seen, I posted something on my message board about a new story. It's on my other account lionsrule2  but please read it, it's called Knight In Shining Armour. It's niam but also has merthur in it. Not everyone will know about this ship of course. It's from the TV show Merlin. It's about Prince Arthur and the knights of the round table. Please please give it a read.

Thank you all who have stuck with this story. I love you all, please vote and comment.


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