Chapter 20

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Niall looked up at the building before him, a shudder of nerves washing over him. It looked normal from the outside, whitewashed, police logo on the side wall and the prison name just below it in black, bold letters.
He felt his brother's hand on his shoulder and he jumped slightly, but didn't look away from the daunting building lying in front of them.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Greg asked in a hushed, protective voice as he dropped his hand from his younger brother's shoulder.

Niall nodded in response, and then followed his brother towards the building. The double doors slid open welcomingly, which is ironic, Niall thought, as why should anyone be welcomed to a prison. The reception desk was wide and looked like any normal reception area; worn out chairs lined up against the wall and a couple of bored looking people behind the desk. Niall was exceptionally grateful his brother had offered to come with him. It wasn't so much that Niall was unsocial (though he was to a certain extent) but what does one say? 'Hi, I'm here to see Liam Payne, he kidnapped me, no big deal' or 'oh Hi, I'm Niall Horan, I'd like to see Liam Payne, He's here for abduction. He abducted me.' None of those phrases really fitted, but he was thankful his brother had some idea of what to say. He booked it in the first place.
It was almost impossible to arrange; it's not often the victim wishes to see their offender, therefore, it couldn't possibly be like any normal visit. It only made it more difficult when Niall begged Greg to keep the visit a secret to their parents, and Zayn. Greg reluctantly agreed.
Said older brother made his way to the desk and Niall followed, feeling like a 14 year old instead of a 19 year old.
One of the two males over the counter had noticed them approaching and smiled,
"Hi, um," Greg glanced at Niall and smiled, "This is Niall, Niall Horan, he's here to see Liam Payne."
The man's face lit up, "ah, I've heard you were coming Mr Horan, follow me." He said and emerged from behind the desk, and gestured for them to follow. Niall stared down at the floor slightly embarrassed. He began to think this was a wast of time.
They were led to a room, small with mint green painted walls and the same old run down seats as there were in the reception area.
"Take a seat, I'll go collect Mr Payne. Would you like your brother present?" He asked. Niall wondered how he knew Greg was his brother as he glanced up at him.
"Shall I wait in reception Ni?" Greg asked and Niall hesitantly nodded,
"Yeah please Greggy." Niall answered.
"See you in a bit then." Greg said, patting his brother on the shoulder before the receptionist, who may have also been a policeman, led him out.
Niall watched him leave, and the door closed as he was left alone. He sat down on one of the chairs and bit his lip nervously. His legs bounced up and down in anticipation and anxiousness, and he suddenly felt sick. With a pounding heart he let out an unsteady breath and glanced at the door. What was he going to even say to Liam?
It had been a little over two weeks since Greg had even suggested he visit him, but it had come all too soon. Of course, Niall was desperate to see Liam, but who knows what could happen now? Niall hadn't the faintest idea what to say to the brunette.

Niall heard footsteps echo outside and he sat up straight and stared at the door, waiting for Liam. His Liam. The door slowly swung open and a police woman walked in with the beautiful lad behind her. Over the two weeks or so since the court case, he had lost even more sleep and he looked as though he had aged by a few years. He was thinner too. Niall just wanted to hug him and kiss him, and tell him everything was alright now.
Liam made eye contact with the blonde immediately, his heart accelerating, and yet his whole body calmed.

"You can have no physical contact while you are in here, you must stay seated. I will be outside and there are cameras. Unless you would like me present?" She asked and Niall blushed and slowly shook his head, watching Liam take a seat beside him.
"I think we'll be fine." Niall reassured her, and she simply smiled and left. The door shut tight and everything fell silent. Every movement echoed as Liam turned his chair so he could directly face Niall.

"I gather you wanted to see me." Liam stated. Niall nodded, his voice had caught in his throat.
"I missed you. I wanted to talk to you." Niall answered, "But now I don't know what to say." He let out a flat, forced chuckle and Liam smiled.
"I missed you too." Liam paused and they looked at each other lovingly for a few moments, "You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now."
Niall flushed red and bit his lip once more, and drew his eyes away from Liam's chocolatey brown ones, "We can't Li."
"I know." Liam fell silent for a minute, thinking of how to word his next sentence, "Are you still with Zayn?"
"Liam." Niall whispered warningly.
"C'mon Ni I deserve to know, please?"
The slightly younger of the two sighed and nodded, "Yes, yes I am. But I don't want to be, I just, I can't do it. I don't want to lose him. He's still a friend too."
"So, you don't love him?"
Niall shook his head no, "Not like I love you."
Liam's lips curled into a smile. "Good."
"Anyway, how have you been Liam? Seen your family?" Niall changed the subject onto Liam and sat back in his chair
"I'm okay. It's not great here. Inmates always fight, proper fights, blood and broken bones. Swearing. It's crazy here. My sister, Ruth, she came last week, no one else though." Liam tried to hide his disappointment but Niall caught site of it, "I think they're ashamed of me." His voice went quiet, and Niall probably wouldn't have heard it clearly if it weren't for the echoey room.
The words stunned him to silence. He just wanted to hold Liam close and kiss his forehead, tell him it's okay, but they weren't allowed. "I'm so sorry Liam." Niall said quietly.
"It's not your fault." Liam sat up and gave Niall the best smile he could, "What about your family. Did your mum drive you here?"
"No, my brother." Niall replied, "My parents don't know, and my friends hate me for cheating on Zayn. Zayn doesn't know either."
"Oh." Liam said as they fell into silence again, "It's all my fault Niall, I'm so sorry, love."
"Liam, honestly it's fine, I understand, I really do." Niall just wanted to hug Liam tightly forever, "How much longer are you here?"
"About two years and 50 weeks." Liam bluntly replied.
"Sorry, stupid question." Niall muttered.
"Better than 'how's the weather been.'" Liam replied with a smirk. Niall laughed loudly,
"That's very true." He agreed and smiled down at his lap.
"Well, the weather's been lovely, thanks for asking." Liam sassed, and Niall laughed again.
"I'm glad." Niall answered and they both laughed. The laughter fizzled away and they looked at each other lovingly, small grins on their faces.
"I really want to kiss you Li." Niall said gently.
"Me too. But I can't risk it, beautiful. And you have a boyfriend Mr." Liam replied sternly.
"Like that's ever stopped us before." Niall pointed out, feeling slightly ashamed for a moment.
"True." Liam smiled, "When I get out of here Ni, I swear, I'm gonna be with you. Properly this time."
Niall blushed a little and nodded, "I'd like that."
Too much speech? Idk, anyway, hope you like it as always. AND LOOK AT THE BEAUTY ON THE SIDE MY DADS YES! I waited so long for that photo.
Obviously, I think someone has to be in the room when this kind of thing happens, from what I researched, but idc, I needed them to be alone for it to work, cause they might be planning an escape or something, but the woman outside and the cameras should pick up on what they're saying in this fanfic.
Anyway, the story has 1k votes now!!!! It's crazy, really, I never expected any of my books to get over 100 reads, and they all have way over 1000. It's amazing. I love you all.
Yeah, new chapter soon!!! Love you all

:) :D

Stockholm Syndrome (Niam Horayne AU) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now