Chapter 12

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"I don't know." Niall answered nervously. What would his mum say?

"Please come NiNi, Louis and Harry will be there. You don't have to drink." Zayn begged.

"But, I don't know if my parents will like me going to a pub, Zayn."

"Come on Ni. Liven up a bit. We haven't had any fun for ages."

Niall looked at Zayn, into is eyes. There was something in them that Niall didn't want to disobey. Perhaps it was the dark glints that glittered evilly. But he didn't want to disobey him. Niall sighed,


Niall opened his eyes and sat up in Liam's arms, making the slightly older lad stir. 'Alright'. The word that brought him here. Was that a bad thing or a good thing? Niall didn't know, but he loved being in Liam's arms.

"Nialler, are you okay?" Liam asked groggily, rubbing his eyes. Niall nodded.

They smiled at each other for a few seconds and Liam kissed Niall's head lovingly, "Come on baby." Liam said and stood up, holding out a hand for Niall to take.

"W-where?" Niall asked nervously eying Liam's hand suspiciously.

"You'll see." Liam said, smiling cheerfully, "C'mon." He beckond Niall with his hand.

Niall's heart began to pound and he gingerly stood up, taking the brunette's hand. What if Liam took him to his room again? His heart hammered against his chest anxiously and Liam led him towards the door of the basement.

They walked up a dark, damp flight of wooden steps, before Liam opened another door at the top. It led out into the kitchen. It was surprisingly warm up there, the feeling of central heating and cosy furniture embracing him in a hug. Niall wanted to ask Liam where they were going, but he stayed quiet.

Liam guided him into the lounge, directly next to the kitchen. Niall took in the elegant light dangling from the ceiling and the dainty little beige coloured sofa planted infront of a small little flat screen TV which balanced on top of a short cabinet. Between them was a coffee table. A little way behind the sofa was the flight of stairs heading to the top floor.

Niall was waiting to be led up those stairs, but instead, Liam pulled on his hand and sat him down on the sofa.

"Stay there baby." Liam said gently, a smile on his face. He walked out into the kitchen humming some random song. "Do you want Hot chocolate, tea or coffee Nialler?" Liam asked cheerfully.

Niall sat there for a moment in half shock. He was just sitting freely on the sofa, being offered warm drinks, "Um, Hot chocolate please Liam." Niall answered and gingerly leaned back on the sofa, relaxing in the spongy material. All those days of hard floors of a basement; This was luxury!

A few minutes later, Liam walked in with two steaming cups of hot chocolate. He handed one to Niall, who took it gratefully with slightly shaky hands. Liam then sat beside him, and draped an arm loosely around the blonde's shoulders.

"Do you want to watch a film Ni?" Liam asked and Niall looked up from his hot cup of chocolate and into Liam's eyes.

"I-I guess." Niall answered. What was happening?!

Liam removed his arm from around Liam's shoulders (for the other was holding his tea) and grabbed the remote which was left on the coffee table. He turned the TV on and went on Netflix, choosing the first movie he saw; Toy story.

Placing the remote back on the table, he made himself more comfortable, before replacing his arm back around Niall. Niall leaned into the touch as the film started, strangely enough one of his favourite movies.

By the time the movie had finished, the two mugs, now empty of hot chocolate, were left abandoned on the table, and Niall had snuggled into Liam's chest. Liam now had his back against the arm of the sofa and Niall half laid on his legs.

They were both drifting to sleep, when Liam murmered, "Want to sleep in my bed tonight?"

A smile crept on Niall's face at the thought of a springy mattress and a warm thick duvet overtop him. And most of all, sleepy next to Liam, so long as it was just sleeping.

"As long as you're there too." Niall mumbled, closing his eyes, and breathing in Liam's scent.

Liam smiled and kissed his head, "Of course I will be. Always."


This took too long and I'm sorry but I really hoped you liked this. So Niall isn't in the basement anymore! YAY!

I will update quicker next time, I promise.

Please vote and comment!


Anywayyyyy, hope you liked this,

Love you all


Stockholm Syndrome (Niam Horayne AU) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now