Chapter 15

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When Liam got up from his seat across the bar, Niall couldn't help but want to follow. He wriggled from Zayn's drunken arms and scuttled off in the direction Liam headed. He found himself opening the male toilet doors, his heart thumping a little.

He'd barely taken in his surroundings (a grubby row of sinks and 4 stinky cubicles) before he was shoved against the wall. He knew it was Liam, and his body jolted a little in excitement.

"Fancy seeing you here." Liam whispered, his right hand pressed against the wall above Niall, and his lips so close to Niall's.

Niall smiled and he didn't know why he wasn't fighting it, but he slipped his arms around the brunette's neck, and pressed their foreheads together, "I was just going to say the same." Niall replied, although in reality, Niall was quite scared by Liam being in the same place as him again.

Liam chuckled and leaned in, and their lips touched. Niall moaned at the touch and kissed back. He knew shouldn't be wanting this so much, but watching Liam from across the room was really making him crave the boy's touch. Their lips moved in time, just a warm and perfect as he remembered, and it felt so right. Liam slipped his tongue in Niall's mouth and Niall moaned again as their tongues battled each other.

The door was slung open and banged loudly against the wall. Niall and Liam jumped apart, but Niall's arms were still around Liam's neck, the grip on his brown hair loosening slightly, and their bodies were still pressed together.

Of course Zayn stood there, a fire in his eyes and his lips pursed into a thin line. Niall removed his arms from around Liam's neck hurriedly.

Everyone was silent as Niall watched Zayn nervously, wondering what he would do next.

"I better go..." Liam said pulling away from Niall slowly and walking towards the door.

Zayn moved and stood in the way. "No."

"Zayn." Niall sighed.

Perhaps, Niall thought after, he shouldn't have said that as his boyfriend shoved Liam backwards. Liam recovered quickly, forced Zayn from the door way and walked out. Zayn was right behind him, and Niall ran to catch up to see Zayn push Liam feebly on to the floor.

"Zayn, stop!" Niall cried, and flinched as Liam pushed Zayn off of him and flipped them around. Liam started punching Zayn. "Liam!"

He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Louis and Harry beside him. "Make them stop." He whispered.

Niall's eyes jolted open as the police car came to a stop outside a police station. He blinked a few times and heard Officer Brown open the car door to let Niall out.

"Can't I go home?" Niall asked timidly as he climbed out.

"Soon, we just want to ask you a couple of questions, then we'll take you home." The officer smiled reassuringly.


Another policeman did the questioning. His name was Officer Johnson. The little recording box was set up at the side of the table and Niall was shown to a seat next to it. Officer Johnson sat opposite him. The policeman quickly stated the date for the recording and proceeded in questioning Niall.

"Do you feel as though you were abducted by Liam Payne, Mr Horan."

Niall's heart stopped and even if he wanted to reply his whole body was completely paralyzed.

After a few seconds, the officer spoke again, "I know you went through a pretty rough time Niall, but we want to help. Did he abduct you?"

Niall bit his lip and squeaked out an "I don't know."

Stockholm Syndrome (Niam Horayne AU) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now