Chapter 34

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"What the bloody hell do you mean, restraining order?!" Niall cried, leaping up from the sofa away from Zayn, and sitting in the chair in the corner.

"Niall, honey," His mum chimed in, "I know this is hard, but Liam might take you away again, and we can't risk that."

"He wouldn't need to take me. I'd volunteer to go with him." Niall complained.

"Niall." Zayn growled.

Zayn had told Niall that they were visiting his parents today, and Niall was excited, however, now he wasn't so much.

"Do you agree with all this?" He asked his brother disbelievingly. Greg said nothing.

"Niall this is for your own good. Liam came out of jail the other day, and we can't risk him finding you." Zayn explained, slowly, as if Niall were four,

"Whatever." Niall sighed in agitation, "I'm going to the park."

He stood up and fled out the room, leaving the house, slamming the front door as he did so. Zayn got up and made a move to follow his boyfriend, but Greg stopped him at the door way of the lounge,

"Leave him. He needs time to process this. Trust him to be alone." Greg spoke sternly. Zayn frowned but sat back down on the sofa.

Tears were falling down Niall's face as he reached the park, and he could barely see. What he did know was that it was cold, and felt as though it was about to rain. The wind howled and shook the trees and Niall considered the fact that being outside was a bad idea.

"Are you alright?"

A familiar voice made Niall look up and wipe his tears on his sleeve. Liam stood there, looking down at him, a concerned expression on his face. His eyes widened when he realised it was Niall, and pulled the blonde into his arms. Niall cried quietly.

"What did he do Niall, did he hurt you?" Liam asked, letting the boy pull from his arms, and held him by his waist.

Niall shook his head, "T-they want a r-restraining order, a-against you, s-so we can't see each other." He fell back into Liam's arms and cried again.

Liam tightened his grip around Niall and rocked them side to side. "We'll find a way." Liam whispered into the blonde's hair, "Or we could run away?"

"No." Niall muttered into his lover's chest, "They'll think you've taken me again." Niall pulled out of the hug, "I missed you"

Liam smiled and kissed his nose, "I missed you too. Do you wanna go somewhere?"

Niall nodded and they began to walk, Liam taking Niall's hand in his and intertwining their fingers. It was still windy, and the howling gale cut through their hair ruthlessly.

"You wanna grab something to eat?" Liam asked as they left the park and headed down the road towards the town. The blonde shrugged,

"I guess so."

"Love cheer up. C'mon, as if a restraining order will stop us from seeing each other."

Niall said nothing in reply as they crossed the road towards a petite, cosy looking diner. Spots of rain began to fall onto the pavement.

"Ni. Please don't be sad. Why don't we get out of here, name a place and we'll go." Liam said as they reached the little diner, opening the door for Niall, who blushed and walked in as the small drizzle grew stronger and faster. Liam followed behind him, and shut the door as the clouds burst out into a heavy rain shower. Niall shuddered, causing Liam to frown and take off his jacket, laying it gently over Niall's shoulders.

Stockholm Syndrome (Niam Horayne AU) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now