Chapter 30

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Niall sat in the waiting room, nervous, for some reason. Zayn had made him go, forced him, and Niall tried to forget that it hurt. He tried to forget about the stabbing pain in his arms where Zayn had dug his nails in. It was forgotten. Sort of.

Zayn was sitting beside him, holding his hand and gripping it tightly.

"I feel sick." Niall muttered, his feet bouncing up and down.

"You're bound to babe, but, this will help you." Zayn spoke in a gentle voice, and it felt fake for Niall to hear.

Someone walked out of a room, Niall was unsure what to call it, it wasn't an office as such. It was a sweet looking lady, with long brown hair and a small sweet looking face, and blue eyes. She wore a black and white dress that reached down just above her knees.

"Niall Horan?" She called. Niall's body fell limp and at the same time, went stiff as he froze in his seat. Zayn took his hand from Niall's and patted the blonde's back,

"Go on babe." He encouraged.

Niall sighed, and slowly pushed himself up from the seat. Zayn also arose and pecked his cheek, "I'll be waiting outside yeah?"

Niall nodded and watched him walk away before walking up to the woman.

"Niall?" She asked and the blonde nodded, "I'm Shannon Andrews. You can feel free to call me Shan." She smiled. Niall nodded. "Right, if you come in here with me." She led him into the room in which she had come from and gestured Niall to take a seat on the sofa, while she sat in the chair by the computer.

"So, Mr Horan. I would like to get to know you before we begin anything. So, tell me about your age, family, friends, relationships. Anything you think I should know."

Niall nodded, "Um, I'm 19 years old, um, I have a brother, c-called Greg, he, um, he has a son, m-my Nephew and godson. His name is Theo. I have a mum, and dad, Maura and Bobby. Um, a few friends, well I did, Louis and Harry mainly but, but then Louis left me after, y'know, and Harry did a bit but we're okay now."

Niall fell silent and Shan raised her eyebrows, "Who was that, out there?"

"Oh." Niall looked down at his lap, and smiled, unsure why, he just found the situation amusing, "My boyfriend, Zayn." Niall was grinning, and it was almost a smirk because of the irony. Zayn was the reason he was here. Zayn wanted Niall not to love Liam, and to love him. Zayn wanted his boyfriend to love him. For soem reason the whole idea made Niall want to laugh.

"You love him?" She asked.

Now Niall did laugh, "No." He said. It almost felt mean. Almost.

"But he is your boyfriend." She spoke.

"He, he kind of makes me. I don't know, he thinks I do actually love him and not, y'know, but he's wrong. He realise that when all this is over." Niall explained.

"Who do you love?" She asked.

Niall flushed and it wasn't a joke anymore, "You know who. I bet you have all the files on your computer. Liam Payne. That's who."

Shannon remained quiet for a few moments as she thought of what to say. "How do you know you love Liam and not Zayn?"

Niall scoffed and leaned back on the sofa, crossing his arms. "I don't need to answer to you."

"Okay." Shan answered, "Is there anything else you think I should know?"

"Why should I tell you anything?" Niall asked rudely. He didn't care though. A random stranger, asking all about his personal feelings. It wasn't for him.

"Well, why do you think Louis left you?" She asked.

Niall's body turned cold at the question, "What's that supposed to mean?" He snapped.

"What made Louis not want to be your friend? Sorry, Niall, I didn't mean it to come out harshly or rudely." She spoke.

Niall shook his head, fake af, he thought, "Because I cheated on Zayn." He shrugged as though it didn't matter. But perhaps he felt it did, a little bit. Cheating was cheating.

"Why did you cheat on him?" Shan asked.

"Why all the questions?" Niall asked.

"It helps me, and you, learn of your decisions, and consequences, and how to change and fix them." She said, "Why, how and when did you cheat?"

Niall sighed, "What do you mean how? By kissing Liam obviously. I first saw Liam in a resturant, I was on a date with Zayn, but Liam kept watching me. Then, I kept seeing him, everywhere, and things escalated, and we kissed a few times. Then we were in a bar, me, Zayn, Lou and Haz. And Liam was there and Zayn caught us kissing in the bathroom. There was a fight, between Z and Liam, and then, Liam knocked Zayn out, then me, and, yeah, he took me to his house." Niall breathed and looked up at the brunette.

"So, you would suggest your feelings for Liam developed before being kidnapped?" She asked. Niall nodded,


"Did anything change, when you were kidnapped?"

Niall shook his head, "Not really. I don't think so."

"Okay, I think that'll do for today. It'll help me think of what to do next week." She smiled and stood up.

"Next week?" Niall asked.

"Of course." She smiled,"It was great meeting you."

She led Niall out the room and Niall sped out of the building. The sky was cloudy, and it looked like it was about to rain.

He began to run. He needed to get away from here. But in a moment, hands were on his waist and a body pushed him up against a wall.

"Going somewhere?" Zayn's harsh voice hissed against his skin.


Oops (hi) didn't mean to publish it there (again) but I'll just leave it there. Lol

Pls vote and comment as always :)))) love you alllll xx

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