Chapter 18

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Little bit of a time skip!!!!!!!!!!!


It was judgement day. They were in the court room, 4 weeks since Niall had come home. The courtroom was pretty much full and Niall wanted to curl up and die in all honesty. The 18 year old drew in a shaky breath as he stood at the witness box in the court room, his eyes taking in everyone. The judge, jury, his family, Zayn and Louis and Harry, Liam's family, the lawyers or whoever they are called, but most importantly Liam. He was in the glass box like thing in the middle of the small room. He was still beautiful but Niall could tell he hadn't slept much, or eaten, and he looked anxious and slightly scared.
He had sworn on the bible to tell the truth, like every witness and suspect or whoever had to, and he wasn't going to lie anyway.
"So Mister Horan, would you mind running through what happened the day you were kidnapped." His defendant lawyer person asked. He didn't even know what to call her.
He thought for a minute. His parents didn't know about him and Liam before he was kidnapped, his father didn't even know he'd cheated on Zayn. But he had to say it.
Niall took another breath, which was picked up in the microphone attached to the stand, and echoed around the room. "Liam was sitting the other side of the pub. We'd met before. On a number of occasions. We weren't friends, but a lot more than acquaintances. We had this, thing going on, like an...." Niall paused and looked at his family, looked at Zayn, who he still hadn't had the guts to break down up with. Everytime he tried, Zayn cut him off, or he looked to happy. Niall didn't want to see him mad or broken. "Like and affair, I guess it was that." He
saw Zayn break right there though the brunette had held in his tears, his friends looked angry at him and his brother frowned somewhat, his mother and father looking a little surprised, and disappointed, and Niall dragged his eyes to Liam who looked so awful now, the guilt, Niall could tell, seemed to be eating away at him. "And so, when I saw Liam across the bar, I wanted to go to him. But the worst thing was, I was with my boyfriend and friends. When Liam went to the bathroom I followed and then, " Niall stopped and felt a guilty tear fall from his eye, he wiped it away hurriedly and took in a deep breath, "Then Zayn saw us, kissing, well, we'd stopped kissing, but it was obvious what we were doing." Niall rambled and saw Zayn crying a little. Niall swallowed and blinked away his tears. He had messed up so badly. So badly.
"Zayn was mad, started fighting Liam, I begged them to stop, but they were quite drunk anyway, they didn't listen. Zayn soon passed out, and then Liam punched me in the face, then I woke up in his house." Niall finished and made eye contact with Liam because he daren't look at Zayn or anyone else.
"So you were unconscious when Liam kidnapped you." The same lady asked. Niall nodded in clarification.
"Can you describe to us what it was like at Liam's. Where you were kept."
Niall nodded, "I was in the basement. At first with only my underwear on. I was cold. I had food, it wasn't great but it was food. Liam was often there with me, holding me, cuddling me. I liked that. I got scared when he took me out of the room and to his room. He started kissing me and I couldn't help but-" Niall realised what he was saying before he could stop. Zayn thought nothing happened between them. Niall swallowed and glanced at him. He looked broken, "but I kissed back. He took me to his room twice while I was staying there. Eventually he gave my clothes back, and he let me come up stairs on the last day I was with him. The police came the next day." Niall finished and the defendant nodded at him.

A few other questions were thrown his way and he hated how broken Zayn got, the more he spoke of his and Liam's 'affair'. He was crying as the blonde dawdled back to his seat at the front next to the defendant. Zayn had to speak next, he was a witness apparently.
"So you were Mr Horan's boyfriend?" Niall's defendant questioned and Zayn nodded,
"I still am." He said flatly. Niall sank down in his seat a little.
"Can you tell us what happened the night Mr Horan was kidnapped?"
Zayn nodded, "I knew Liam had a thing for Niall, and I was trying to convince myself Niall didn't return those feelings, but I knew he did. When Liam left and Niall did too, I started worrying. Louis said it was nothing, " he turned to Louis, "Look how that turned out mate." He said and forced a smile. "I went to search for Niall. The toilets seemed logical. And there they were. Arms around each other, hair and clothes messed up. I knew what they were doing." Zayn wiped a tear away, "I was so upset I just, fought him and he fought back, and Niall's yelling sounded so distant, and then, everything went black."

Zayn was asked a fee questions but I zoned out too guilty to listen. I wished the floor would swallow me up. I could feel Liam watching me, like when I first saw him at that restaurant. I wanted to look at him but I couldn't.
Before I knew it, Liam stood at the stand (what are those things called its annoying me) and we instantly made eye contact. He gave a weak smile, and I did my best to return one.
"Mr Payne," my defendant asked, "Do you consider yourself guilty of abducting Niall Horan?"
My heart sopped because I hated that word, abducted, as if Liam wasn't a human and he was some alien trying to take me.
"I do, find myself guilty." He said. I couldn't listen to anything else as tears poured down my cheek. I didn't want him to be guilty, I wanted him to be free, so I could see him, hold him, kiss him whenever. But this was inevitable anyway.

Eventually we all stood for the Judge as he left, then we all filed out. Zayn pushed me against the wall before I even got time to think about avoiding him.
"You had an affair with him?!" He whisper yelled. He was so close and his warm breath hit my face and I winced.

"I'm sorry Zayn, we only kissed, and it was only a few times." I retorted. But it didn't matter how much we did, I still cheated on him; I was still unfaithful, "I really am sorry." I whispered.
He stepped away from me, and I let my body slouch and leave the cold wall a few centimetres behind me as I watched Z walk away with a frustrated sigh. Then Greg came up to me,
"That was brave mate, admitting that in front of all those people, mum, dad, louis, Harry, Zayn!"
I shook my head, "I had too. I feel so awful. I'm a terrible person."
"Niall don't say that." Greg said, and I broke into tears and fell into his arms.

It was surprisingly soon when we were ushered back into the court room, rising for the judge, the taking our seats. Liam was once again, back in the box in the centre, and I knew he was absolutely terrified. I was too.
I heard the judge ask the jury of their verdict."Do you declare Mr Liam James Payne guilty as charged of abducting Mr Niall James Horan?"
We all turned as one of them stood up and looked around the room. He was a slightly bald man in his 50's, kind looking but also serious about what he was about to say. This was it, Liam's future about to be determined, and everyone was waiting for the inevitable;
"Guilty as charged."
My heart plummeted but I knew he would say that, we all did. I turned to Liam, who bowed his head, but nodded. He knew too.

We were sent out again, and I didn't see Zayn this time. A couple of minutes later, we were called back in. It felt like a waste of time as the judge sat down, and we did too.

"Liam Payne, you have been declared guilty of abducting Mr Niall Horan, and, understanding Mr Horan never asked to leave and appeared to have found his stay more pleasant that expected, your sentence is,"
I knew everyone was holding their breath, "3 years in prison."
My head dropped. 3 YEARS?! Not seeing Liam for three years. I wiped away some tears and looked over at Liam who made immediate eye contact with me, but neither of us smiled this time.

O, I have not really much idea what happens in the court room or whatever, but this is close enough I hope. So Liam is sentenced for 3 years 😭😭😭😭😭.
I hope you liked this. Next chapter asap. Last day of school tomorrow, so then I will update A LOT and payno still hasn't posted the selfie 👿
And isn't act my age such a niam song omg 😂😂

Love you all peeps. Byeeeeeeeeeee

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