Episode 16: Birthday

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Alice was laying in the middle of her siblings' bed. "Try not to come back with any surprises."

Vi's cheeks reddened. "I'll have you know, Alice, that it takes time for that to happen!"

Why did Alice like to push people's buttons so much? Was it that fun for her?

"Go on," Sky said. "We can take care of ourselves fine."

Kai shut the door behind them.

The couple held hands as they walked.

"So, why did you want to take an evening walk?" Vi asked.

"You'll see." Kai grinned as he spoke in a sing song tone. "Good things come to those who wait."

Vi shook her head. It was hard to believe that he was the oldest sibling when Kai acted like that.

Kai brought Vi into a nearby restaurant.

Vi raised her eyebrows. What was her husband planning? Not only did they have dinner already, but Jack was kind enough to pay for it, so what did Kai want?

Kai pulled a folded note out of his pocket and handed it to the hostess. "Evening, miss."

The woman unfolded the note before smiling. "Good evening. Please follow me."

Vi was tempted to glare at her husband. Was he flirting with the hostess to get in her good graces?

The hostess led the couple to a private room in the back.

Vi gasped as her body flew back. She dug in her heels, avoiding behind thrown back. A redhead the size of a young teen had his arms around her, his head rubbed against her left arm.


The hostess giggled on her way out. "Let us know if you need anything."

A girl with long braided black hair giggled as she walked closer. "Star, you looked like the pup there."

Star pointed a finger himself and then made the sign for cat.

Vi laughed. "Yeah, Betty, he's a cat, not a dog."

Betty came over to hug her big sister. "I missed you, Vi."

"I'm glad to see you, too," Vi said. "Why are you here, though?"

"Happy birthday to you!" a kid the size of Star sung. He held the left side of a cake, the right side held by a tall guy in red. The young man joined the kid, but it ruined the angelic song with his harsh notes.

"Ugh, Ran. Don't sing, you're tone deaf!" Vi snapped, covering her ears.

Randel narrowed his eyes at his sister. "Don't make me throw this cake at you."

"Just try it!" Vi shouted.

Kai rubbed his head. "Are siblings supposed to argue like this?"

Noah shrugged. "The cats always have."

Kai winced. "I feel bad for you, kid."

Another shrug.

Vi said, "Surprised you came, Randel."

Randel laughed. "Well, Betty wouldn't take no for an answer."

Betty dug her elbow into her boyfriend's side. "Randy."

Del laughed. "Just kidding! I came for the cake!"

Betty dug her elbow in deeper.

"I-I mean, for you!"

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