Episode 6: Companions

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Kai had been pacing around the living room for the last hour or so. He wanted nothing more than to be able to hold his wife and son. He was a grownup, but it was still hard to share them with his in-laws. He was going to enjoy having his wife next to him again.

Vi must have been soaking up as much time with her family as she could. She must have been waiting for Alastair to finish his breakfast. She always seemed to have a soft spot for him in particular.

Kai had one foot in the air when there was a knock at the door. He ran to answer it and threw his arms around his wife.

Sky took his nephew out the baby carrier and cooed. "I missed you, Chi."

The baby smiled and babbled back.

Kai twirled his wife. "I missed you too, honey."

Vi blushed. "Put me down, you oaf!" She stumbled. "Ugh, I feel like I might throw up my waffles."


Alice poked her head into the living room. "So, you're not hungry? Would you like some tea?"

Vi groaned. "I need to stop spinning."

Kai held her and pressed her head against his chest. "There, there. You're not spinning."

"I should spin you to show you how it feels." Vi covered her mouth.

Kai laughed. "I doubt you could lift me."

"Violet, sit." Alice sighed. "I'll get you some ginger ale."

"Thanks," Vi hiccupped, "Alice."

Chi held his arms out to his mom and whined.

Vi took their son back and pulled him into her lap. "Shh... Shh... Mama will be okay."

Alice came back with the ginger ale and their parents.

"Kai, could you give me a hand?" Edgar asked.

Thyst picked up her grandson. "Grandma missed her little Chiko."

"Of course."

The pair lifted Vi onto the couch.

"Would you like a damp washcloth?" Thyst asked.

"The ginger ale is fine for now," Vi said.

Vi took a swig of the ginger ale before laying down.

"How was the holidays?" Edgar asked.

"Hannah really went overboard with the feast. Not to mention, Josie brought over some freshly baked sweets for Noah and the twins."

"Who's Josie?" Lulu asked.

Vi smiled. "She's their aunt."

"So, you stayed with Hannah then?" Alice asked.

Vi shook her head. "Noah and the twins inherited a house."

Alice raised her eyebrows. "Where did you and Chiko sleep?"

"They got a special bed for Chiko. Noah stayed with the twins, so I could sleep in his bed."

Alice kissed her nephew. "Did you watch the clock strike midnight?"

"I did. It was nice." Vi giggled. "I got to watch Star and his nephew snuggle as they slept."

Kai smiled. He knew Vi had been worried about Alastair, so he was glad Vi got to spend time with him.

"Did Star and Chi talk to each other?"

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