Special Episode II

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Art was in his wagon with his wife and daughter. They had been traveling for days now. They were going to visit his mom. It was a treat to do that. It took so much time to travel to her. Not to mention that they could run into trouble if they didn't pack the right supplies.

If only there was a way to make this journey easier. He knew his mom enjoyed him and his family. And Madi never seemed to get tired of playing with her niece.

Kat squeezed his hand. "I'm sure we'll be there soon. I know you miss your mom." She smiled at their daughter. "Are you excited to see Grandma?"

The little girl with golden locks, who had been sitting between them, grinned. "Yeah, Mommy! I'm super excited to see 
Granny! She always makes yummy food, and she has lots of toys to play with!"

Art chuckled. Those things certainly were important to a four-year-old. He furrowed his eyebrows. His mom loved to give all of them presents every time they visited. Would she have any new toys for Lulu to play with?

Art and his wife were probably going to get new clothes or something similar, but he couldn't really complain. Adults weren't supposed to play with toys unless they were doing it with their children. Although that certainly didn't mean that he had to like it.

Kat sighed. "I wish there had been more time to prepare a gift for your mom. It feeels like I didn't do enough after everything she has done for us and given us.

Art chuckled. "I think what you prepared for her will be enough. I think she'll be happier that she's getting to spend time with us."

When they entered the village, two gaurds who were passing by waved at them. "Miss Zena will be over the moon."

They didn't need to say that. Anyone who knew his mom would know that.

Art nudged the horses to go faster. The sooner he got to see his mom the better.

The wagon came to a stop as they approached a small cabin.

A girl with long, dark hair poked her head outside. "Arty! You're home!"

Art chuckled. "You're getting big, Madi."

Madi winked at Kat. "Thanks for taking care of my big brother." She grabbed his hand and pulled him off the wagon. "I'll be taking him back now."

"Of course," Kat replied.

"Come on! Mama is going to be so excited to see you!"

Art let her pull him toward the door. "I really should take care of the horses first, though."

As he said that, two boys approached and unhitched the horses from the wagon.

The taller boy said, "Miss Zena asked us to watch for you, so we'll get that taken care of."

"Thanks then!"

Lulu ran after them. "I wanna play, too!"

Madi chuckled. "Of course, you can, sweetie. Come on."

If there was anyone Madi loved as much as she loved Art, it was probably his daughter.

Madi gave Lulu her free hand. "How would you like it if I made your hair pretty?"

"I wanna look pretty!"

When they entered the living room, Madi sat on her knees, patting the floor in front of her. "Come sit. Your daddy and grandma probably want to talk about boring, grown-up things."

Lulu grinned as she complied.

"How old are you now?"

"I'm four!"

"Already?" Madi gasped, feigning shock. "You're getting to be such a big girl!"

Lulu puffed out. She was so excited to be told that.

"Hey, son!" his mom called. "I'm over here in the kitchen!"

"Play nice," Art said. "I'm gonna go to talk to Mom."

Madi said, "Okay, Arty."

Leaving the two girls to play, Art ventured into the kitchen and found his mother standing front of the stove.

"Hey, Mom! I'm home!"

"And where is my granddaughter?"

"Playing in the living room with Madi. I think she'll enjoy getting to be like a doll."

His mom chuckled. "Little girls do love to play with dolls."

"What you're making smells really good."

"And it will taste even better." His mom stirred the pot. "Is Kat gathering your things from the wagon?"

"Yeah. I should probably go help her with them. Since Madi was so excited to see me, I figured I'd let you know that I arrived safely first."

She smiled. "Go help your wife. Dinner will be waiting."

Art saluted before leaving the room.

When he found Kat, she was carrying a large box to their room. "Allow me, my fair maiden."

Kat giggled. "You goof."

Art set the box down in the corner of the room. "Let me handle the big boxes. You can grab all of our bedtime supplies." 

Kat pecked him on the cheek. "Okay. I can do that."

They then went back to the wagon to get the supplies. It took the couple ten, fifteen minutes or so to unload everything.

When they got to the kitchen, Lulu was sitting at the table with Madi and her grandma. Madi had braided Lulu's hair. It made her look older, despite her small size.

"Come on!" Zena said. "The soup is getting cold."

"We're coming, Mom."

Art took a deep breath as he inhaled the soup. His mom was such a great cook.

As they ate, they discussed their journey and what his mom and sister were up to. By the end of dinner, Lulu had fallen asleep. She wasn't napping every day since she was four, but their journey was long. Art cradled her in his arms as he carried her to bed.

Her face was adorable. He would miss days like this when she got big. He had with Madi.


Happy New Year, minna! I threw this together for Lulu's birthday. Hope you enjoy it. Thoughts? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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