Episode 12: Punishment

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It was cold but Alden refused to allow his body to shiver. That would just satisfy the townsfolk and those who were punishing them.

He might be tied to a stake, but he refused to yield. That would mean his life was over. Alden couldn't have that.

That was when Mr. Jack approached.

"Alden, I trust you will behave yourself? Violet wishes to speak with you."

Alden cringed. "Yes, sir. I fully intend to behave myself."

"Good. We will save our discussion for after you speak with Violet."

"Yes, sir."

Violet had changed into a purple dress with a white apron and a pink overcoat. "Jack told you that I wished to speak with you, right?"

"Yes, Violet the Valiant. If I may, I would like to ask you a question."

"If you are going to insist on addressing me formally, please use Mrs. Violet. I've married since the war ended." She gazed into Alden's eyes. "I will happily answer your questions if you answer my two questions."

"Of course, Mrs. Violet. What are they? I will do my best to answer you."

"Tell me how old you are and your name. That is all."

His jaw dropped. "You don't want anything else?"

"I am curious about your family, but I understand that can be an unpleasant topic. I just want answer to the two questions I asked you."

"My name is Alden, and I'm sixteen years old. I've been without parents for several years now."

"I assume that's because of the war?"

Mrs. Violet lived through the war, too. Could she really afford to be so lenient?

Mrs. Violet put her hands on his face. "You couldn't have been older than eight. It might have been eight years ago, but I still remember your face."

How could that be possible? She must have traveled across the world. She must have seen the faces of countless orphans.

She turned to look at another boy. "What about you?"

"I'm Benny and I'm seventeen. I milked cows as a boy."

"If I might ask, what happened to them?"

Benny gritted his teeth. "They were taken for so-called 'taxes'. My parents were too poor to replace them."

"That is never fun." She looked at the other boys. "Are you all orphans?"

They nodded.

"I should get back before I worry my family," Mrs. Violet said. "I hope you're able to make use of the opportunity I've given you." She turned to Jsck. "You're free to cut them down now."

That was when Mrs. Violet took her leave.

Mr. Jack came in with cups of tea. "I'll give you a few minutes to collect yourself."

"Thank you, sir."

Alden took a sip of his tea before turning his attention back to his boss. "I'm ready to hear what you have to say."

"Are you sure?"

Alden nodded.

"Violet asked me to be lenient with you after she was done, and I will. Still, I have to punish you."

"I understand, sir. What I did to her family wasn't right. If I had done that to anyone else, I would have been punished far more severely." Alden's gaze drifted toward his lap. "I don't understand why she chose to show me kindness like she did."

Jack folded his arms. "You still have a lot of growing do. It might be a while before you understand her reasons. I would focus on taking advantage of the opportunity she gave you."

"Do you know if she has any children? She's at that age, right?"

"She is in her twenties." Jack cracked a smile. "If she has a child, she either didn't bring it with her or she isn't showing yet."

If she was a mother, could that be why she was so willing to be lenient? Because that was what she would want for her own child?"

"What is my punishment going to be?" the boy asked.

"Violet and her family arrived here by wagon earlier today. They have two horses that are staying in Mrs. Edna's stable while her family is in town. You will be caring for their horses while they are here."

"Yes, sir. I will get started on that right away."

Jack smiled. "Thank you for not whining like a child. After Violet leaves, we will pretend this never happened."

"Yes, sir." Alden bowed. "May I take my leave?"

"You may be dismissed."

Alden shut the door as he left the room.

There was no point in whining like a child. All that would do was extend his punishment. If he had to serve horses for a few days, then so be it. It would be better than listening to his coworkers complain.

Alden ruffled his hair. He should have asked if he would be receiving a pay cut. Although was there a way he could do that without angering his boss further?

When he got to Mrs. Edna's stable the taller of the stable boys handed him a pair of blue overalls and black boots. "I realize you're doing this as a punishment, but we genuinely appreciate the extra pair of hands."

Alden slipped into a nearby room to change his clothes.

"Where are Mrs. Violet's horses?"

"In the last stall. We've fed them already. Get them water before you clean their stall."

"Understood," Alden said.

Alden picked up two nearby buckets before he headed to the well. After what just happened, he would rather avoid the pond for a while if at all possible.

He waited for the women to fill their buckets before he approached the well. He wasn't interested in engaging with their gossip when he had a job to do.

Once he filled the two buckets, Alden returned to the stable and poured the water into a trough for the horses.

The stable boy picked up the remaining bucket of water. "Thank you."

"I take it I'm going to have clean up a pile of manure?"

"Unfortunately. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll finish."

"Indeed." Alden picked up a shovel before he went into the stall.


Thoughts? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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