Special Episode III

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"Okay, girls. Operation Plan Papa's Party is ready to commence! Any suggestions?" Kai said from the other side of a wooden box.

Allie scoffed. "Who died and made you boss, Kai?"

Kai puffed his chest. "I am the oldest! So it's natural, I would be the leader!"

Allie groaned. "Big head. Anyway, you forget that Lulu can't talk!"

Lulu scribbled on a piece of paper and raised it at them.

Allie gasped.

Kai grinned. "Great idea, Lulu! Let's go get our pencils and paints!"

They exited the tool shed and went back inside the house and up the stairs to Kai's room. The girls sat on the cushions he kept in there while he rummaged through his dresser for a box of arts and crafts stuff that their parents had gotten him from who knew where.

Kai set out a bunch of brushes and paints. "I'll be right back. I need to get a bucket."

While he did that, Lulu went into her room to get out her crate of pictures.

Before she could get back to his room, Kai grabbed the crate. "Allow me."

How was he able to carry those both?

When they came back into the room, Allie was looking around for something.

"Did you need something?" Kai asked.

"A reference," Allie replied.

"So you're going to draw a sketch?"

"That's what makes the best pictures." She frowned. "But I need to pick what."

Lulu grabbed one of her used papers and flipped it over before scribbling, "Flower?"

Kai picked up the vase that was sitting on his windowsill. "I have these!"

"Didn't Dad give you those?"

"Yeah! They're De's favorite!"

Lulu began to rummage around in her crate. What would be the best pictures to use? It would be hard to move the pictures after she glued them down.

She picked up a picture of Sky. He was lying on a blanket, wearing nothing but a diaper. It was from before he learned how to crawl or roll over. His eyes were closed, so he must have been sleeping.

The next picture was on Kai. His hair was all wet, and he was holding a trout. One hand was by its head and the other by its tail. He was smiling.

How many pictures of Allie did she have?

It was hard to get good ones. Allie didn't like to look at the camera.

Lulu had to rummage around before she found one. Allie was sitting on the tire swing Dad had made for them. She was smiling here, so Lulu would use it.

Kai stared at his picture. It was of him and their dad fishing together. He furrowed his brows.

Lulu poked him and wrote, 'You okay?'

"You think this is good enough? Maybe we should do something additional."

Allie looked up from her drawing. "Like what?

'Food?' Lucy wrote.

"That's a great idea!"

Allie raised an eyebrow. "Lulu and I can't cook yet, can you?"

"Hmm, not in the kitchen. But I do make a mean smoked fish. Although, last time I did, Mom said, "Didn't I tell you not to play with fire?"."

Allie snorted while Lulu giggled.

"Hmm? What are you kids talking about?"

Kai jumped. "Mama!"

"Colors! Goo!" Sky said, pointing his hands at the supplies.

"Want to join us?" Kai asked, smiling.


Ame smiled at her baby. "Maybe later, Sky. I was going to leave you with them, but I'm starting to think that might be a bad idea."

"By?" he the toddler said, tilting his head.

"They're troublemakers! Well, at least your big bro is."

Allie giggled. "Yeah, he is."

Kai blushed. "I'm not that much of a troublemaker..."

"Uh, you drenched the house so you could make a giant aquarium once," Allie said, narrowing her eyes at him.

He laughed. "T-that was once!"

"Well, let's get going, Sky! We need to go get some meat for your Daddy's feast tonight."

"Dada!" Sky exclaimed.

"Please keep your big brother out of trouble while we're away," Ame said as she turned around.

"We will," Allie said.

"No snacks until dinner, either! Don't want you to spoil your pallets or get full."

"Roger that! Mamager!"

Mom then left.


Lulu smiled as she finished her collage. She wasn't sure if it would be good or not.

"Do you think dinner is ready yet?" Allie asked. She had made several versions of her sketch, each with different lighting. She'd barely picked out which one was going to give their dad.

Kai scooped Sky up. Their mom had left him with them after she had returned with the ingredients, so long as they promised not to let the baby put paint or crayons into his mouth.

"Smells like it. Let's get the presents ready for Dad. He should be home from the temple soon."

"Okay!" Allie said, grabbing Lulu's collage.

Mom had dinner on the table when they got downstairs.

"Is Dad here yet?" Allie asked.

Kai tiptoed and glanced outside the window. "I see him! Everyone, hide!"

Ame giggled as Allie blew out the candles of the living room and hid behind the sofa. Kai meanwhile stood beside the door. Hopefully, their dad didn't open the door wide, or else he would get hurt.

Lulu looked around and hid under the living room table.

Dad opened the door. "It's so dark in here. Except for over by the kitchen. Wonder where the kids could be."

Kai jumped out from behind the door. "Surprise!"

Lulu jumped out and waved her arms.

Allie jumped after them. "Surprise!"

Sky babbled a bit before saying, "Dada."

Dad pulled them into a hug that Mom joined. "De gave me the best kids in the world."


Happy Father's Day, Minna!

~Shino out!

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