Chapter 4

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"It was better for them, Atlas."

"You don't get to call me that, Rose. It would be Mr. Storm for you." I rake a hand through my hair. "God, she named our child after you!"

"You can't tell her I'm still alive." Panic rises inside of her, being awfully obvious on the outside as well.

I scoff. "I can't? How so?"

"It will only cause problems, and unnecessary anger."

"Both of which is your fault. She admired you, you know that? Sierra visits your 'grave' daily. She talks to you. Or the ghost of you or whatever. The point is, she deserves to know." My hand lies on the door handle, about to open the door to get back to my wife and daughter when Rose Sokolov, apparently, tugs onto my shirt.

"You didn't even try to hear me out." Unbelievable.

I nod, pressing my lips together into a thin line. "If there's someone who should hear you out, don't you think it would be the children you left nineteen years ago?" I let out a short breath, something like a scoff but anger-filled. "All I am is Cody's best friend and Sierra's husband. I'm nothing to you. Never was. The few times I've met you when I was fourteen, I barely even remember interacting with you. So don't you dare acting like I've been some sort of adopted son." Like Cody has been to my mother.

I'm not sure if the water in her eyes is from actual pain, or because I've just insulted her. Or maybe both? Either way, I don't care.

She takes a step towards me but comes to an abrupt halt when my eyes narrow at her. I know how to scare people away, no matter their age, and finally it makes itself useful. "I still can't believe she'd ever go for someone like you. I followed up on everything that's public about you. You're not the guy you were when Cody and you first became friends. You're rude, unapproachable. What did you offer Cody in exchange for Sierra?" Can I punch her?

"If I had known you were still alive, I would've offered him your head in exchange. Too bad it was only a love-filled life I promised no one but her."

She rolls her eyes. "She's too well behaved to actually go for someone like you. Must be the money you're making."

The money she's too afraid to touch because she feels bad if she does. Right. "I'd thank you for raising her, but you didn't. We both know she became her own parent at the age of nine."

Ignoring the gasp that comes out of her mouth, I turn around, open the door and walk inside—and close the door right in Rose's face.

Sierra looks up at me through her lashes. Her nose is red, as so are her eyes. Both puffy too. She's been crying. Correction, she is crying.

"Sierra, we're not going to believe whatever this woman just told us about Allie." Her eyebrows draw together. "I don't care if we'll have to fly out to god knows where, but we'll find another doctor for her."

"What's wrong with Dr. Sokolov?" She sniffles, dragging the back of her hand along her nose while still holding Allie in her arms.

This isn't the right time to tell her...not at fucking all. But I'm not going to keep information from her any longer. Last time I did this...Sierra almost didn't make it out alive. I'm not risking anything like that to happen again.

I sigh, taking her face into my hands to make sure she is looking at me as I speak. "I know this is going to sound crazy, okay? And I will tell you everything that just happened out here, but now it not the time." I pause for a second to take a deep breath. "This woman is your mother. The one you thought died nineteen years ago."

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