Alison Storm

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Yes, yes, there is more.

I know, annoying 🙄✋🏻 but I just couldn't let them go yettttt.

Anywayyyyyy, ARE YOU READY TO MEET ALLIE? Like meet-meet her? Get into her head and find out if Sir Atlas Storm himself will hold her up to the "no boyfriend before the age of 30" rule????

Here's the description of her book for anyone interested!

In a world where the first-born daughter of the most powerful man in the States tries to stay as far away from trouble as possible, she somehow always ends up being the centre of the drama. Every. Single. Time. With paparazzi following her every step, people at her University hating her for her advantages in life, and a father that seems to be just that tiny bit protective of his precious children, Alison Storm does not have it easy.

But she wouldn't be Atlas Storm's daughter if she didn't have some fire burning inside of her. Or better yet, when she wasn't exactly like him. Grumpy, unfriendly to people, lacks of smiles and laughter. At least when she's in public, that is. Because deep within Alison Storm, there lies all the love in the world but the only people seeing it is her family.

That is until Rhys St. James tags along.
Rhys, the very guy that is supposed to look out for her, keep her away from the paparazzi and protect her from people that try to harm her. The bodyguard she has no idea of being her bodyguard and not just her friend.

At least until he no longer wants to be her bodyguard and she no longer wants him as just her friend.

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