Chapter 23

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I imagined this being easier. I mean, I'm already married, what's Sierra supposed to say? No? If she does say no, I might as well just laugh cause...well, she's already bound to me. Legally.

"Daddy?" Vienna whispers over, tugging on my sleeve. I didn't even notice she got up from her seat to walk over to me.

I lean down, enough to hear her quiet voice a little better. It's not that I have hearing problems or anything, just saying. But try listen to a toddler whisper. Sometimes they're impossible to understand while speaking normally, whispering won't make it easier.

"What's up, cupcake?"

Vienna giggles. I'm not sure why, but I learned to not question it anymore. "When we go home?"

"Just a few more minutes, okay?"

She shakes her head and draws her eyebrows together in a frown. "Chweesbawl say we watch Barbie at home. I wanta watch Barbie."

Can't believe I have to negotiate with my two-year-old. "I'll let you watch as many Barbie movies as you want, if we can stay a little while longer." Not that she has any other choice. But, you know, giving your child the illusion of having something to say keeps them surprisingly pleased.

"Five minutes." She looks at me in a way she's never had before. Vienna is the quiet one. She's shy and holds back. But her expression is everything but.

She looks at me as though she is warning me. It's like if I go past five minutes, she'll pull me out of here herself.

Perhaps she's starting to...I don't know, loosen up? Get more comfortable?

Is that even possible? All she's known her whole life are Sierra and me. Well, and Allie, obviously. And perhaps the handful of people that stop by our house occasionally like my mother, siblings or Cody and Athena.

But there's still a difference. She has always acted less scared with Sierra and me. Though still shy. Imagine how shy she is around strangers.

Back to my question; is it possible for her to get more comfortable with her own parents when we're all she's known? And I can guarantee, she's living a great life. She's got everything she needs. Material-wise and love-wise. She's not lacking of anything, never has. And also, I happen to think Sierra and I are winging the parenting stuff.

Anyway, it's good she's only two. Toddler's sense of time is almost to none existing, which makes this so much easier to lie to her. Even if an hour is passed, she's still believe a simple "It hasn't been five minutes yet." Not that it'll be needed as an hour from now, Vienna will most likely have forgotten she even wanted to leave.

Guess it's only fortunate that I was about to get my shit together anyway.

Why the hell am I so nervous?

As soon as we finish eating, I help Sierra get up. Since she's already six months pregnant, sitting down and getting back up are becoming her personal enemies.

Not that she minds it, because she knows I'll help her in every way possible. And if I have to pick her up and sit her down myself.

Holding her hand in mine, I interlock our fingers and nod for Allie and Vienna to go outside like we've practiced.

Yes. I have spent a whole week here at the restaurant, practicing with my daughters every single step so everything would go smoothly. Their mother doesn't need to know they haven't gone to daycare.

I mean, they were today, but only because I eventually had to show up at my office. Sign some papers and stuff.

I chose this restaurant because I knew it has an outside area. One we successfully turned into less eating outside and more romantic-garden atmosphere.

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