Chapter 26

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Atlas looks up, instantly wrapping his arms around me.

He doesn't say anything. He just keeps quiet and hugs me. A hug I truly need after re-reading this.

I'm still not quite sure what to think. I want to hate her so badly. I want to ignore her words and not believe a single thing. I want to believe she's lying, that she is cruel and wanted me to suffer just for the fun of it.

I want to believe that she hates Cody and me. That she loathes us even. That she didn't have a reason to protect us from Sokolov in her own fucked up ways.

Because she is right.

I would put my children's safety before mine any time. Even if that would get me killed. Even if that meant selling myself to a dangerous man. But not at the same costs she took.

And she's also right about something else.

I will never have to go that far. I am lucky to have Atlas. I am lucky to not have to worry about money. I know my children are safe here. I know they're living a good life, and I will never have to go to the lengths she's had to.

Though, "had to" is wrong. She had other options. Which is also why I want to hate her so badly.

Rose, apparently no longer Bloom, had other choices. She could've chosen to do the right thing and report that man. So then we would've had money problems. Hell, Cody and I might have been put up for adoption.

But that would've still been better than whatever the hell ended up happening.

"I know this is a stupid question, but, sweetheart, are you alright?" Atlas asks, his voice so quiet, I'd think I imagined him talk if I didn't feel his breath on me.

I am alright. Yes, knowing the whole truth is...anything but what I expected. I want to think my mother is cruel. I do think she is. She had her reasons, yes, but they're not good enough of reasons to change my mind about her.

I won't forgive her. I can't. And I certainly don't owe it to her.

Rose Bloom has died. And maybe that's toxic of me to do, but I'll hold onto the mother I remember. The true her, I have nothing to do with this woman. Rose Sokolov...she's nobody to me. She's not my mother. She's not the grandmother of my children. She is nobody. Nobody to me. Nobody to my children.

We are not related. Not in any goddamn way there is.

And if Cody decides to forgive her, that's his choice.

"I am okay," I say and smile at my husband. "It's just...the shock, I guess. I'm a bit overwhelmed."

He nods.

That's one thing I love most about Atlas. He listens. Atlas never tries to tell me how I should feel about something. And if we do ever disagree on something, he doesn't talk my opinion badly. He simply accepts it and we move forward.

And in times like these—not that we ever had to deal with a not-so-dead-after-all mother before—Atlas would never try to force anything out of me. He'd wait, most likely even years if he had to, until I open up all by myself.

"Mr. and Mrs. Storm," one of Atlas's (hopefully soon) business partners greets us. Even though I don't feel like being anywhere in public spaces today, I am doing this for my husband. I've known of this dinner for weeks, and I had agreed on going as well. It would be rude if I backed out now.

Though, Atlas would understand.

And still, he's doing so much for me all the time. One dinner with a few potential partners and their wives won't hurt. Besides, it might be a great distraction from my mot—Rose's letter.

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