Chapter 10

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The water is a bit too cold for my liking. Way too cold, actually.

What the hell is wrong with Atlas? Who takes a shower in public pool water temperature?

If your skin isn't on fire from the heat, are you even showering?

So I do what I can do best; annoy Atlas.

I—slightly—increase the water temperature. I swear, it's not too bad. Only warm enough for Atlas to gasp and jump aside.

"Are you trying to kill us?" he asks, looking me up and down as I let out a satisfied hum.

The heat of the water wraps around my body so smoothly, I could fall asleep in here. It's the right temperature, Atlas is just a bit dramatic sometimes.

"Come back here." I pull onto his arm, forcing Atlas to stand underneath the water stream. He sucks in a sharp breath, scrunching up his face in pain. It makes me laugh harder than it should. "Such a baby."

In what seems to be a second, Atlas lifts me off the floor, pressing my back into the tile wall. I yelp as the cold hits me, but I don't have much time to complain about it.

The next thing I know, I'm lowered onto his dick at the same time as Atlas pushes his cock deep inside of me. I gasp, my arms instantly wrapping tighter around his neck.

"Say that again," he dares me. I would, just for the sake of it. But his lips press to mine faster than my brain can process words. But even if that wasn't a major factor, Atlas slams into me with rough thrusts, I'm pretty sure my brain lost the ability to form words.

His hands squeeze my ass, I'm sure if his grip gets any firmer, I'll be having his hands imprinted on my skin for the next couple of weeks.

"Atlas!" I no longer think the hot shower was a good idea. I'm on fire. Literally. Inside and out. My breasts bouncing to the rhythm of his thrusts.

My mouth opens, whimpery moans escape me before I'd have a chance to tone them down, not that I would've done it. Being far away from home means; I get to be as loud as I want without having to worry about my children possibly hearing all this.

Atlas sets me down, turning me around. My palms flat to the tile as he plunges back inside of me from behind. A hand of his reaches up, squeezing my boobs while the other finds my clit.

"Look at you taking my cock so perfectly." He nibs on my shoulder, then kisses up my neck. "You feel so fucking perfect, Sierra."

That's it, I'm gone.

I clench around his cock, my pussy pulsating as Atlas rides through yet another orgasm of mine.

I'm officially taking it back. I'm no longer going to die of orgasm deprivation, but because he's giving me too many, too powerful ones.

It only takes a couple more strokes before Atlas comes inside of me, again.

Once we're both a tiny bit calmed down, Atlas pulls out of me and turns me to face him, his hands cupping my face. "You good there, sweetheart?"

I nod, though I'm almost sure my eyes are about to fall shut.

Lucky for me, I don't have to do any of the hair-washing or body washing because I have a husband that happens to do anything for me, especially when I'm seconds from tipping over dead. Okay, perhaps not dead, but passed out nonetheless.

After the shower, Atlas carries me over to the bedroom. He throws the cover over the both of us after snuggling up to me, his hand lying on my stomach like it used to when I was pregnant with either child.

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