Chapter 34

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Atlas rushes us into our bedroom, clearly not being satisfied with staying in his office. I'm not going to lie, I prefer the bedroom to his office anyway. Especially while being pregnant.

Except for his office at work maybe, but that's still different when I'm pregnant. This baby being visibly inside of me makes it all a little more complicated.

My husband is smart enough to lock the door with staff in the house, though neither of them would dare to enter our bedroom. Atlas made sure before they started working here, that if they're seen inside of this room or even just trying to enter it, they'll no longer have a job.

Same goes for the kid's room.

Atlas and I both make sure the two rooms, including the bathroom that's connected to our bedroom get cleaned.

The only granted approach to both doors would be knocking in case of an emergency or when Mitch comes to tell us any food is ready.

As Atlas turns to look at me, a shiver runs down my spine thanks to the intensity of his stare. He doesn't even attempt to take a step towards me, he just stands there, looking at me.

"Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?" he asks, his eyes reflecting nothing but a mixture sincerity and love. Maybe a bit of lust too.

"My husband tends to tell me daily." I take a step back, almost falling right onto the bed as my legs hit the bed. "He wouldn't let me think anything else."

He smirks, finally taking a step closer. And another one. With every step he takes, the air in this room seems to be getting hotter, burning in my lungs whenever inhale.

His fingers brush my arms softly, allowing goosebumps to appear. "Good. Cause you're the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on."

One second, he looks at me with all the love in his eyes, laying down the world in front of my feet, the next he turns me around so my back is facing him. He pulls down the zipper of my dress, a finger of his gently tracing down the skin of my back the second it's exposed to him.

I'm not sure what takes him so long, but I suppose he's just admiring the view. Not that there is anything to see except for skin.

A finger hooks into the elastic of my bra, pulling on it, then letting it snap right back into place. "Why are you wearing that thing?" Before I get to respond, Atlas unclasps the bra and let's it loose on my body before he turns me back around.

Facing me, he lift my face to his, pressing his lips to mine in a far sweeter kiss than I thought he'd give me, considering we're moments away from having sex.

"Answer my question, sweetheart." He pushes the arms of my dress off my shoulders, letting it fall down to my ankles.

"It was more comfortable with the dress," I say. I know, I know, most women out there are happy to take off their bra by the end of the day. Now, I happen to think they're comfortable. If it weren't for Atlas, I'd probably still sleep in them too.

Still, because I used to.

A beat passes before Atlas pushes the straps of my bra down over my shoulders and lets it fall to the floor. His eyes instantly latch on my breasts. He licks his lips while staring, taking in every inch he gets to see like he hasn't seen me naked a million times before.

I snap my finger, pointing my index finger at my faces. "My eyes are up here, Storm."

He shakes his head. "I don't care."

I chuckle. Of course he wouldn't. "So my boobs are better than my eyes now?"

And so suddenly, Atlas's eyes meet mine again, only to travel back down to my breasts, up to my eyes and back down. Eventually, he settles on a shrug. "I mean—"

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