Chapter 37

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I know he was joking. I'm well aware that Atlas was just trying to play along and get my blood boiling. Not in anger, but in frustration because I barely manage to throw him off too much.

But here we are.

Three girls and one Atlas Storm sitting on the couch in the living room, wearing fruity face masks. I even managed to make him wear a rope, to get the spa-feeling.

Truthfully, I've never been to a spa, so I have absolutely no idea what that feeling feels like, but this is all I could think of.

And the girls seem to like it very much.

What they love even more, however, are the cucumbers that I told them to lay on their eyes. They never got that far. Once the cucumber was in their possession, they've eaten them.

Allie's excuse for eating her slices was "That's food. Daddy said food doesn't belong on the face." So gone into her stomach the cucumber was. Vienna followed suit, of course. Always gotta do what her older sister does.

Oh, did I mention that we're watching a movie? Atlas's "favourite" movie?

No? Well I am mentioning it now.

We're watching Falling Inn Love. Yes, yes, he sure does love it. I mean, there is a thin line between hate and love after all, right? So every gag and scrunched up faces, frown and huffs, they sure mean he loves the movie. Otherwise I'd tell him he doesn't love me cause that's what I got for the first couple of months of us living together.

Maybe I didn't get the gags, but let's just say they're here to...make his hatred seem realistic.

Yes, that's what we're going to say.

As soon as I let Atlas know it's time to take off the masks, he's the first to grab Allie to rush them both to the next best bathroom.

I chuckle to myself as I hold my hand out for Vienna to follow my husband into the bathroom. When we enter, he's already finished washing off Allie's face and half-way done his.

How long did we take to walk over here?

I know I'm not the fastest when it comes to walking while being pregnant, but what the hell?

Once Atlas finished his face, he picks up Vienna and seats her down on the counter to wash her face. Unfortunately for me, that means I have to do all the work by myself as my husband prefers to wash our daughter's faces instead of mine.

Like, honestly, how dare he? They can wait another minute or two.

"We do this again, right, mommy?" Allie asks, just casually jumping off the goddamn counter. I almost have a heart attack thanks to her.

"Definitely, cheeseball."

"Like tomorrow, right?"

Atlas shakes his head at me, his eyes screaming no.

"Yeah, sure," I say, grinning. My husband's eyes narrow, killing me with just his stare. Unfortunately for him, I'm immune by now.

Marrying Atlas Storm meant adjusting. A hell lot of that.

Adjusting to his weird, far too healthy foods that I still do not even touch. Adjusting to his moods, his grumpiness. Adjusting to the way he speaks to his employees in comparison to his family. Adjusting to his looks and figuring out which one means what even though they're almost identical at all times.

There are differences. Like, the looks he gives matter how mad he is, he never leaves out the spark in his eyes that says how much he loves me. And that little spark, it suddenly makes him looks less scary.

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