Chapter 9

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"How true to the actual night do you want this one to be?" he asks, his hands stilling on my body.

"As true as it gets."

Suddenly he opens one of the drawers right beside my legs, taking out a box of condoms. "We'll need those in good an hour."

"An hour?!" I blurt out, eyes widening. "How long did we have sex for?"

He chuckles, pressing his lips to mine instead of answering my question. At least at first. "I pretty much just went down on your for an hour straight."

I gulp. "How many orgasms did that draw out of me?"

He smirks and presses his lips to mine. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I don't grant you any more spoilers than you've already gotten."

I groan. This doesn't sound good for me at all. That sounds like a hell lot of teasing. "I don't want the condoms."

He shrugs. "We should really use them. Imagine you get pregnant tonight of all days. Allie will hate us if she has to share her birthday with yet another person."

Yeah, he might be right...she barely tolerates me having the same birthday as her. "You choose another day." Had she said on her third birthday.

And yet, I don't really care much. She'll learn to live with it. "I don't care, Atlas. We said we'll be trying. If it happens, it happens."

"Okay." His voice is so quiet, I swear if someone was walking past our room, I wouldn't have heard him.

Atlas kisses up my neck, finding his way to my lips. His hands sliding up my thighs, underneath my dress, over to my ass, squeezing firmly. I let out a soft moan, but it gets captured by Atlas's mouth.

"I can't put on the video, don't know what it's called." Like I give a shit.

He shoves my panties aside, fingers sliding from my opening up to my clit, making me squirm. "You're so wet for me, sweetheart." His voice is raspy, low. I swear, I could come just listening to Atlas talk.

The tip of one finger pushes inside of me, withdrawing a moment later. He strokes up again, spreading my wetness around.

He nibbles on my earlobe, then kisses the skin right behind it. "Anyone ever tell you how hot you are, making all these noises?" His voice is so low, so quiet, it draws another moan out of me.

Two fingers push inside of me, temporarily taking my breath away. They pull out and push back inside, twisting, massaging my g-spot. All the while his thumb finds my clit, tapping on it teasingly, rubbing, drawing small circles.

His mouth captures one of my nipples, licking over the bud before he sucks on it. I lean back against the wall, my head facing the ceiling, mouth standing wide open. "Atlas..."

He moves over to my other boob, circling my nipple with his tongue before sucking on it while pinching the other between his fingers. I groan out in pleasure, closing my eyes.

"So—" he kisses between my breasts, moving further down. "fucking—" another kiss, right over my ribcage. "Hot." His lips reconnect with mine.

My breathing is shallow, quick. I might as well not breathe at all, that's how much air gets into my lungs.

My legs shake, his name rolling over my lips as he pushes a third finger inside of me. He must feel my walls clench before my body goes limp, breathing heavier than before.

Atlas doesn't give me a moment to rest. He pulls his finger out of me, picks me up and carries me into the bedroom.

"What did I call you?" I find myself asking, remembering that I had absolutely no idea what his name was. Please don't tell me I called out 'Mr. Storm'.

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