Chapter 5

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     Winter: Pick up your phone!

I chuckle as I read her message. Winter loathes being on phone calls, yet suddenly she needs me to pick up. It's a miracle, truly. She usually does nothing but groan when I call her instead of shoot her a message.

Apparently my habit to call people rather than text them makes me old. I mean, I can't deny that 32 is older than her, but it's not that old, it?

     Winter: Your sister is a pain in my ass because of you. So you better handle her, otherwise I will have to throw Summer out of my bedroom window.

     Winter: Where are you anyway? I called Sierra, she said she had no idea where you went.

That's because my wife was asleep when I left. Vienna wanted chocolate milk, and for whatever reasons we ran out of milk, ergo, I had to run to the next best grocery store and buy some.

"Daddy, new Barbie?" I'm not quite sure where Vienna got that pink package from as we're somewhere far away from the rows of aisles with toys.

Next to Vienna, Allie stands with her hands held behind her back, grinning at me. She's still a little sick, but with some medicine she's doing all alright.

Her blood work hasn't come back yet, neither has Sierra's. Though to be fair, it's been a day only. I guess they need a little longer than twenty-four hours for this kind of stuff. Again, I have no idea what I'm talking about...I'm still just a CEO.

I reach my hand out for Vienna's new Barbie, because I can't so no. If Sierra was here, she would've said something along the lines like "Cupcake, you have so many at home already, they'll feel left out if you keep getting new ones." And just like magic, Vienna would actually agree. I, however, don't have the heart to tell my two not-always-angels no.

Vienna hands me the pink box and I throw it into the grocery cart. Turning my attention to Allie, I ask her what she got. Giggling, Allie holds out...nothing. That's a new one.

Me: I'm buying Milk.

I guess, eventually I do have to answer Winter. Though, maybe I shouldn't have.

Winter: NO!!


What the hell is she talking about?

Me: Sierra is my wife, not yours.

Just making sure she knows that. A second later, my phone rings, again. I guess Winter really does want to talk to me. So I pick up, not even getting a chance to say hello before she throws words at my head.

"Atlas, I swear, if you're leaving Sierra and the girls, I will—"

"What the fu—fudge are you talking about?" Allie stands in front of the variety of milk brands, jumping up and down in excitement. Not sure why milk excites her, but I mean, sure, why not?

"Buying milk, Atlas."

Did I miss something? "Yeah. I'm at the grocery store, buying milk. And a Barbie, apparently. Why's that so unbelievable?"

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