Chapter 19

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"Mr. Storm?" The guy I'm having a meeting with says, waving a hand in front of my face. "Are you listening?"

I am in fact not listening.

This has never happened to me before. I'm usually really strict at work. I am attentive towards possible partners, especially in meetings.

But today feels off.

Ever since I left the house earlier, I have this something bad is about to happen. I had the same one before I entered the building four years ago when Sierra got shot.

"I have to make a phone call. If you're still interested, make another appointment with my secretary. I will not return today." That said, I get up from my seat and walk out of the door, making my way back into my office.

Just as I enter the room, my phone starts to ring. I check the caller-ID only to see it's another FaceTime call from Sierra. She knows I should be in a meeting right now, I've told her last night. Which can only mean...

I pick up. Though it's not Sierra on the phone, it's Allie. Again.

"Daddy?" She sounds scared. Why the hell does my daughter sound scared?

"Allie, what happened?"

She shakes her head, tears running down her face. "Mommy is screaming."

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Why is mommy screaming?" And then I hear it, in the background. It's quiet, though not quiet enough for the phone not to pick it up. Sierra is screaming. But it's not a's a scream for help. "Alison, what is mommy doing right now?"

Allie shrugs. "She opened the door and then a man came and now mommy is screaming."

My heart sinks. Right down into the goddamn floor. As fast as I was inside of my office...I'm even faster out of the whole damn building, sprinting towards my car to get the hell home. It'll take me a good amount of time, and it might very well be far too late by the time I get home, but I'm just going to pray for a miracle.

I watch as Allie looks over her shoulder, probably towards the entrance of the house. "The man rip mommy's clothes."

How fucking sick are some people? There are children at home. Literally being able to watch this man do...I don't even want to think about it.

I'm guessing Mitch left to go grocery shopping, otherwise he would be the first to get that man off my wife.

"Okay, cheeseball. Is Taco with you?" She nods. "You have to listen to me, okay?" Another nod. I take a deep breath, trying to sort my thoughts but that's not fucking working.

"Do you know how to turn the camera?" Allie does so without confirming. She holds it towards the stairwell, allowing me to see exactly what is going on.

My breathing stops, I even think my whole world stops spinning. And not the good kind of it.

I don't even want to think about what I am seeing, because what I do see is turning my stomach around like I've been on a rollercoaster for far too long after just recently eating.

He fucking tied her to the railing. Sierra is still kicking him, trying to get him to stay away, but that fucker isn't moving.

"Allie, keep holding the phone up, okay?" She hums a yes. I turn on screen recording, not because I want to be reminded of this, but because whatever the hell is happening there, it's a way of getting proof.

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