Chapter 8

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"Oh, my God," I say under my breath, looking around the huge ballroom that I remembered as being smaller. It's far bigger now that I'm not drunk and it's not filled with hundreds of my co-workers.

In fact, it's empty. Empty-empty. Not a single soul in sight. Except for Atlas.

We just went off a FaceTime call with Winter, saying good night to our daughters. I have to be honest, saying goodbye to them has been so much harder than I have expected.

I figured it wouldn't be easy saying goodbye for a day or two, but hell, I cried. Atlas's mother said it would get easier, especially because I will learn to love getting away from my children for a day. I doubt it.

"Aren't you losing money if the five-star hotel you own doesn't have some...I don't know, event going on here on a Friday night?"

Atlas shakes his head. "I paid for the room. Using my own, private money. Not company money."

Of course he did. Only Atlas would do something as stupid as this. If he wanted to take me out for dinner, I would have been happy with a visit to an actual good restaurant. Like McDonalds.

Yes, I miss McDonalds, so sue me. This guy doesn't take me there. Let alone drive in its direction because I could easily persuade him to eating there.

"You paid for a ballroom...for a dinner for two?"

"I did." He shrugs unapologetically and pulls back a chair for me.

"You're something else, Mr. Storm." I chuckle sweetly, taking a seat. Atlas walks around the table, taking a seat across from me.

The second we're seated, a waiter fills up our glasses with what must be wine. I'm not sure, though. The only alcoholic substance I know of being this deep of a red shade is red wine, so I'll go with it.

Taking a sip from my drink, I can confirm; it's red wine. Really, really expensive tasting red wine. I don't think it should surprise me anymore. I mean, I've been living the fancy rich life for three and a half years now...I should be used to it.

I'm not. Coming from a family that barely had enough food left for me...all this still seems too surreal for me. It's not that Drew didn't have the money for me, he just refused to treat me well. All I ever got were necessities.

I'm honestly surprised he was charitable enough to give me money for tampons. Though, let's be honest, I bet that was Cody's doing. Or Drew simply not wanting to pay more money on clothes and bedding. Well, it doesn't matter. I'm doing better now, even if that's not my doing.

"Atlas, you didn't have to do all this, you know," I speak, feeling tears building up. Not sad ones, I'm just overwhelmed with everything. The quiet, even though there is classical music playing in the background. The whole fucking ballroom just for Atlas and me.

And maybe a whole lot of the realisation that Atlas did this for me. Because he loves me, wants to spend time with me. That we finally get an evening to ourselves that doesn't end up with us lying in bed and falling asleep a second later thanks to exhaustion.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to." His hand reaches over the table, taking mine in his. His thumb strokes over my knuckles as he smiles at me. I can't help but reciprocate that smile.

Another waiter stops at our table, setting down two plates filled with food. I don't remember ordering, which means Atlas must have chosen something way ahead of time.

I'm not mad about it. If he were anyone but my husband, I might be. But Atlas knows what I like, he knows I'm not into his strictly vegetable diet, and he isn't trying to force it on me either.

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